Today I realized how important it is to wake up and start the day in a good mood. Yesterday evening I received an intuitive message to wake up later then I normally would wake up. I normally wake up about 4am. I work a lot on the internet and yesterday I had done quite a lot of tasks that needed to be done. So today I woke up feeling quite relaxed and without needing to feel that I had lots of things to achieve today.

I went downstairs to wash my face and brush my teeth. I came back upstairs and entered back into bed, but this time I covered my upper body with a shawl and closed my eyes to meditate. Normally I repeat some sacred words that I have been repeating for sometime now, but today, something in me said that it was not needed. So I trusted that inner voice.

This time the meditation practice was totally different. I welcomed the opportunity to be in a space of allowing what was present to be experienced, and to inwardly dance with the delight of the quite that was in the bedroom and start of the this morning. I woke up at 4.42am, but without an alarm clock shaking me out of bed. So at 5am it was all still peaceful in our home and the world outside.

I did not set myself a set time to sit. It was an non-directed meditation. I did invite Angel Michael to be present with me and I did ask to be connected with my spiritual guides. I was using the sacred words that I have been repeating for a very long time as a way to connect with God. In some ways I had created distance between myself and Jesus. I said that I had to reach him and that he was far away from me, but today, I experienced Him being with me. There is no gap between myself and Him. Today I opened up to a possibility, not really knowing where it would lead and without any expectations. It was truly beautiful to be in touch with Love, that is who Jesus is for me, the purest expression of love itself.

Instead of going to my laptop and working away on connecting with the many people that I connect on the internet, I chose to go for a walk. So at 5.45am I went outside to breath fresh air and to touch the world around me.

Myself and my wife live by a river on a farm. As I stood by the river bank, I marveled by the stillness and the quite, which at the same time was alive with creativity and infinite potential. I laughed aloud as I saw how we human beings have been provided by God. How God created this planet for us and if we could live with each other in intelligent manner, we would be all living in the garden of Eden. Nature is simple and yet it provides us all that we need. God is so good to us.

I stared at the river and there are no words to express the feelings that arose in me in response to the impressions that I was seeing, smelling, hearing and touching. I know that God speaks through nature. God speaks through the Angels. When God is acknowledged as being alive in me, He then becomes alive in the world around me.

I walked for sometime, just happy and full of joy and real sense of gratefulness for the abundance that was all around me. I am very happy to be alive. I now know that this is how I would like to start the day. To commune with God, to commune with the Angels, to commune with Nature, to be connected to the Truth within me, and to begin the day in a good mood. This is what my Heart informs would be good for me.

Author's Bio: 

For the last 15 years I have been study ing dif fer ent heal ing modal i ties and learn ing how to assist peo ple in per sonal self devel­op ment. Since the age 19 I have been deeply inter ested in spir i tual prac­tices. I really enjoy teach ing Reiki and shar ing with peo ple Reiki heal ing through Reiki treat­ments in Oxford and long dis tance. It is the one sys­tem that I keep return ing to again and again. Because of its sim plic ity and tremen dous depth and also because Reiki works! It is won der ful to see peo ple take respon si bil ity for their emo tional and psy cho log i cal well-being. Reiki assists peo ple in liv ing more ful fill ing and richer lives. Reiki has trans formed my life and if you are ready it can do the same for you. When I got attuned to Reiki a whole new world became avail able to me and my psy chic abil i ties grew through being attuned to Reiki. I teach Reiki level 1, 2 & 3 in Oxford and Lon don and spe cial ize in pro vid ing long dis tance Reiki attunements.
Long Distance Reiki Attunements