When it comes to generating and selling an info-product, there are a few types of methods to choose from. It's either you are creative or innovative Creative means, you observe the market and uncover a valuable info-product. Innovation is taking an current product and improving on it (cell phones with new features come to mind). I’ll cover innovation in more detail later.

Finding the right approach may determine the success of your product launch. Even if you think you can’t write or don’t like to write, creating an information product is about making available your subject matter expertise. The subject could be anything from Nutrition, Pet Care, Cooking, Gardening to Financial Investing, it’s your call. There are people who are willing to pay for your subject matter expertise. The bottom line is your information product needs to be zero in on a subject where you know more then the average person. A popular example I recently heard of, was plans to build a chicken coop. I wouldn’t have thought it would be a big money maker, but it was.

Basically, using your brain to think of how your info-product can solve the existing problem of what the market is having. Let us say, you realize that people have a problem with writing articles and then you come with something like a rewriter software.

Or let's say, if you know that many people are trying to organize their joint venture's details, you can produce a joint venture profile software. In effect, you'll be the first individual to sell in the market. Make sense?

The info-products you create will be yours. There are many different ways by which you will profit from your info-product. You may form to Joint Venture (JV) with another on line marketer. In a Joint Venture you would use their database of customers and you and your JV Parnter would share in the profits. Another approach is to have others sell your product for you, as in an affiliate program. In this case you will need to license other people to sell your product, but you will not be giving the license away, you will be selling a non-exclusive license to several people (maybe 100). [The license can sell for as much as $300 to $3000|Depending on the product you may be able to sell each license for between $300 and $3,000.

Of course, once you’ve created one online product, you will want to create more products that should increase your potential profit. I use the term potential because the devil is in the details and in this case the details make all the difference in making money or performing a social experiment.

You need to create a product that people want, do your research. Selling something people want is a snap versus having to do demand creation, which is difficult. Your product needs to be presented in a professional way If it looks like a high school homework assignment it won’t sell. I suggest you get a real logo and if needed get a professional to assist with a powerful, unique 1st image. While I’m thinking of professional help, there are legel issue to address. You must trademark your product. You will want to run a trademark check on the title of your information product. You might find this site helpful http://www.uspto.gov.

Next the quality of your product must be beyond reproach. If your quality is inferior then your product will be tagged a “scam”. By producing a high quality product, the potential to make more money increases substantially. I read recently that the average online products sell for approximately $20 or less. Accordingly to build a long term info product business you need repeat customers. The structure of your online product can assist with repeat business that structure supports upgrades and updates to keep your customers coming back, [as long as your product is high quality.

However if you want to minimize your risk of failure and earn cash faster, I would choose to be an innovator. Study the existing products available to fill the demand of a market. Observe how good the sales volume is. Then, I would be an innovator to offer superior solution or tap on the existing opportunity.

Let me explain If you happen to observe that there are a lot of sales letter generator software right now in the market, that's because there are several innovative marketers. PayDotCom, a relatively new company, is one more example of an innovator market that gives the same service as Clickbank.com

PayDotCom was launched successfully following the creative company called Clickbank.com. Clickbank.com was the first website that provides credit card processing services with a built-in affiliate tracking program for online marketers to use. Currently, there are new innovative marketers that have produced an affiliate tracking tool that can be incorporated with other credit card processors like Paypal.com, 2checkout, authorize.net, etc.

Innovative marketing isn’t limited to imitating what is successful and trying to be superior, bigger or less expensive. That's a very narrow observation on how to be profitable and it will normally fail. Just by adding these added ingredients in it, you'll modify the whole profit model:

1. Finding an angle which means positioning yourself uniquely from those who made it first. Take for instance, Clickbank.com is a success. However other affiliate tracking tools that did not have a built-in credit card processor were very successful too, by tying up with third party credit card companies. PayDotCom is also another good example of this for they solve the core problem.

2. By enhancing the original idea you can make an info-product that can be introduced to the existing successful market. Let's take Clickbank.com as an example for discussion purpose. Examples include: Software to manage your Clickbank.com affiliates; Software to extract your Clickbank sales report into a Microsoft Excel file; Software to create Clickbank.com search engine tool that is integrated with Clickbank ID; Instructional videos on how to put-up Clickbank.com account; and so much more.

See what's happening on the internet. Make a decision if you want to become a creative or innovative marketer. Then, TAKE ACTION!

Author's Bio: 

Joe S., is the owner of the profit pulling site online business coaching

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selling info-products