Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is extremely typical in most people as the idea of speaking in front of a large audience terrifies us. In fact, some experts estimate that as many as 3 out of 4 people have some level of anxiety regarding public speaking. Of course, numerous individuals have the ability to deal with and manage the fear if they only learned how to do so. If your fear is considerable and sufficient to trigger troubles in work, school or social settings, then it is possible that you suffer from a full-blown phobia.

Glossophobia is a type of social phobia associated with those who have a fear of social situations which is why so many people have become introverts. Most people with glossophobia don't show signs of other kinds of social phobia, like fear of meeting new individuals or fear of performing tasks in front of other people. In fact, a lot of people with issues are able to dance or sing on stage, provided they don't have to talk. Nonetheless, stage fright is really a fairly common experience in those with this fear.

Complications of Glossophobia

The vast majority of professions include some amount of public speaking, from participating in meetings to giving presentations to clients. If your phobia is severe, you may possibly find yourself unable to perform these required tasks. This can lead to consequences up to and such as losing your job.

Folks who suffer from social phobias also have a larger than the regular risk of developing conditions including depression or other anxiety disorders. This is most likely as a result of the feelings of isolation that will develop over time. Yet another feasible reason is that some people appear to be hardwired for anxiety, which can show itself in a wide range of methods.

Symptoms of Social Phobia

Every person's symptoms are a little bit various. The exact symptoms that you experience depend on several factors, including how severe your social phobia is. Typical symptoms of social phobia consist of, but aren't limited to:

A. Terror: You may feel a sense of dread or doom beginning within the days leading up to a scheduled social event. Throughout the event, your dread might turn into overwhelming.

B. Self-Judgment: Several people with social phobia feel that they're being intensely scrutinized by those around them. You could become hyperaware of the way you walk, talk, chew and perform other everyday actions. Becoming extremely critical of yourself is also typical.

C. Physical Symptoms: You might have a physical reaction similar to a panic attack. Intense blushing, shaking, pounding heart, and upset stomach is especially prevalent.

Overcoming Fear Of Public Speaking

According to this keynote speaker, "When it comes to overcoming your fear of public speaking, there are are only two ways to best deal with them quickly. One is by diving in and doing it repeatedly so that it is no longer a big deal and the other is by working on your self-confidence so that you no longer fear what other people think of you".

Most who struggle with this problem do so because they fear ridicule and judgment if they make a mistake. Therefore if you want to transform this anxiety, you must be willing to face your fear head-on and practice over and over again so that it is no longer a fear that controls you.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.