I suffered from social anxiety disorder for many years. And as I got older it got worse. Of course, the fact that I created a life perfect to serve my dysfunction probably didn’t help. I had a job and I didn’t have to leave my house most days and when I did it was very low stress. I didn’t have to encounter other people. I didn’t have to make phone calls or deal with the outside world at all. I had what I thought was my perfect life. Soon my soul started to speak to me. It was time for my awakening. I was brought back over and over again to the law of attraction until I actually got the message to use the processes I was learning to create my own reality. These are not just neat little games to play with clients they are life changing techniques and when you apply them you too can begin to create your life the way you want it to be, easy and effortlessly (sometimes at least).
As soon as I made the conscious connection that this fear that I had made bigger than life, was actually stealing all of my power, I was able to start looking at it for what it was. I had actually created a life to serve this belief, but as soon as I realized that I was giving away all of my power to this fear and the people I had come to depend on to communicate with the outside world for me, it started to change. I started to imagine what it would be like to actually have a life, to be able to talk to people, to go to the store without breaking out in a sweat. I started asking myself “What was I so afraid of?” Who really cares what other people think? I started connecting with that energy that some call God and asking for answers, asking for inspiration and as I asked my answers came in the form of more information. I was lead to one thing after another and I started deliberately directing my focus and my feelings and my life actually started to change. I got my best results from coaching and using guided meditations. These tools helped me to see that my fear was not real but I was living off an old program.
Today my life is entirely different from finances to location to activities to happiness level. I am alive again and aware that I am creating my reality. This is possible for all of us. We can start to make changes in our reality on a step by step basis. Slow and easy and before you know it you are truly becoming a different person. A person like those you’ve envied for years because they seemed so comfortable being in the spotlight.
As you begin to shift your thought you begin to notice different experiences showing up and as they do you get to practice new deliberate ways of handling things. It’s so empowering to make a simple phone call to order a pizza and realizing, “Hey that didn’t hurt at all.”
If you would like help making these shifts for yourself, please contact me for more information at lexie@outrageousattraction.com or go to my website at http:outrageousattraction.com.

Author's Bio: 

Lexie Moon is a Certified Law of Attraction/Spiritual Life coach. A graduate of Quantum Success Coaching Academy. Lexie is an expert writer for Ezinearticles.com and SelfGrowth.com and host of her own radio show “Outrageous Attraction” on blogtalk radio.

Lexie empowers you to go from where you are to where you want to be by using the Laws of the Universe. She has spent years studying the Laws of the Universe and how they play a part of our lives.

Lexie does private one on one sessions as well as live group coaching. Lexie offers powerful sessions to pinpoint your desires and take strategic steps and action right on the calls that will catapult your vibration towards the things you desire. Identify limiting beliefs that may have you stuck. Lexie will take you by the hand and help you identify how to get from where you are to where you want to be in any area of your life. This is Law of Attraction in Action at it’s best.
Contact me if you are ready to deliberately create your life as you want it to be. See my website at http://outrageousattraction.com for more info or send me an email at lexie@outrageousattraction.com