Refresh your mind by chattering like a baby!
Constantly bombarded with new and often indigestible information, our brain can easily get into ‘overwork’ mode and we can even regularly notice that we’ve forgotten what we’d just thought important a few minutes before.
So, we need to pause, ... Views: 1367
It’s great for your mind as well as your body
One always hears this advice, “Get some exercise into your day!”, from friends, television programs, magazines, the doctor – for example, to walk for 40 minutes every day – but really, why should we exercise, especially if we consider we don’t ... Views: 1383
Easy is Right!
I am a baby boomer and although I have practised some form of exercise most of my life, I still feel, for example, that training to run faster or for longer periods is not really what my body needs now.
I have heard the same from other over 55’s.
At this time of life, ... Views: 1466
Reduce Falls by Becoming Balanced
Keeping one’s balance is what keeps us sure of taking steps without having to look at the ground to check if our feet are going to make it!
Have you noticed? People who are unsure of their balance (their connection to the earth, the ground) always seem to ... Views: 1377