We usually associate creativity with the arts, with painting, sculpture, drama and literature but creativity is one of the most important forces in business. As Harvey Firestone said: "Capital isn't so important in business. Experience isn't so important. You can get both these ... Views: 2267
The IQ myth
The glory days of IQ testing began during World War I, when two million American men were sorted out through the first mass paper-and-pencil form of the IQ test, newly developed by Lewis Terman, a psychologist at Stanford.
The triumph of IQ testing led to what Dr. Howard ... Views: 3277
Why do Black Americans Fail in School?
Black Americans are not the only ones that fail in school. Hispanics fail too. In fact, worldwide, children from poor families generally fail in school.
Do American Blacks fail because they are less intelligent than other groups? Many psychologists with a ... Views: 5105
How to Cure Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is vital for our wellbeing. A lack of sleep can cause mental problems which in turn lead to physical problems and even, in the case of laboratory animals, death.
Chronic sleep deprivation has severe adverse effects on the brain and cognitive functions. ... Views: 1539
How To Study And Improve Learning
The cognitive techniques described below provide a study plan based on evidence, not myth. Follow this plan and you will improve your study skills, increase your memory and perform better in school and university.
1. Study In Multiple Locations. The brain ... Views: 2576
Why do Asians Excel in School?
Asians are extraordinarily successful in school. They are successful in America and in Australia, both immigrant nations, and in their home countries.
While writing this I came across an article by Nicholas Kristof, a columnist in the New York Times. Kristof ... Views: 5414
The Subconscious Mind
Emotional intelligence is located in the seat of our emotions, the subconscious or unconscious mind. From a psychological point of view it is best called the unconscious.
It is our unconscious that governs our lives. The unconscious is the primitive mind that ... Views: 2016
Project Blue Brain
IBM Project Blue Brain is a supercomputer designed to emulate the mammalian brain. It is the size of four refrigerators. Blue Brain can handle over 20 trillion operations a second.
Does Blue Brain sound impressive? It is. By the end of 2007 Blue Brain had simulated one ... Views: 3268
The Learning Styles Myth
Subliminal learning is only one popular aid to learning that is a waste of time and money because it does not work. Unfortunately education and learning are beset with fads, many based on inadequate research. These educational fads pop up like mushrooms after rain; ... Views: 2310
Your Brain is Plastic
Neuroplasticity is the hot new topic in neuroscience. Many recent studies using the new MRI scanners have shown that the human brain is plastic, that it reacts to new stimuli by building new neural pathways. A good way to think of plasticity is to consider modeling clay. ... Views: 1333
Brainwaves are a measure of the electrical activity of our brains. Thinking occurs when the cells in our brains exchange electrical and chemical signals. Brainwave activity indicates what is going on in the brain. The following table shows the common frequencies that we ... Views: 4908
The IQ Myth
The following item is taken from an IQ test.
Two of the following numbers add up to 17:
6 – 13 – 2 – 12 – 7 – 14
True False
Nobody is born with the knowledge to answer this item. We cannot answer this item without first learning numbers and simple arithmetic. ... Views: 3658
IQ Can Be Improved Significantly – Gosh We Knew That In 1980
The Guardian (UK) reports the findings of a study carried out by Sue Ramsden of University College London of teenage IQ. The study was supervised by Prof Cathy Price. The Guardian reports rather breathlessly that “individual IQ ... Views: 2551