When we don't understand what happened in the conflict, we always look for WHAT or WHO caused the conflict. While trying to figure things out, it's helpful that we trace and discuss things over. However, if people are quick to put a blame on people frantically, this is a problem.
Blaming is ... Views: 1611
Couples came together for they found themselves attracted to each other. Different studies show us on how we select our partners. We have a picture of what kind of partners we MUST and WANT to have. We select based upon traits, similarities, complementarity, what our probable losses and ... Views: 1074
Are your company training programs running as costs or investments?
There are companies which perceive that training is a waste of money, time and effort. I understand that view. At a first glance, training could be a cost because, the company expends on man hours, materials, and processes ... Views: 1133