The main theme for April is POWER.
This month you will get to look at all things related to power. All of your old patterns, belief systems, reactions, experiences, trust or mistrust, resistance, desire, access; all of it is up for observation, recapitulation, clearing, re-defining, ... Views: 1151
Do you know that you can easily get all the benefits of meditating without meditating?
So what kind of benefits am I talking about?
*Increased mental abilities, learning abilities and concentration…
*Greater creativity, Ah-ha! experiences and intuitive powers…
*Release of emotional ... Views: 1359
This month requires a certain circulation of energy so that things don’t get stuck. There could be a tendency for you to become mired in the quicksand of the instinctive center, afraid to move forward, sideways or backwards. You could be like a deer in headlights, frozen in fear and not knowing ... Views: 2778
The January 2012 forecast can not only empower you with wisdom, it can help you relieve stress and feel more balanced this month and in the rest of 2012.
Get ready for 2012. We’re entering a year of unprecedented opportunities for conscious evolution and transformation. But we need to choose ... Views: 1020