The Enneagram is made up of nine points on a circle, each represented by a number from one to nine. The numbers are used to keep things neutral, and a larger digit doesn't mean a more superior personality type.
The nine points represent the nine basic personality types of course, and each ... Views: 1072
The Enneagram is one of the many personality profiling systems in the world today. However, its origins remain relatively unclear. There are groups of people who believe that the Enneagram first originated in the 10th or 11th century among the Sufi, which is a mystical sect of Islam. There are ... Views: 1371
The term Paradigm Shift was first introduced by Thomas Kuhn in his book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Today, the word paradigm is commonly used to represent a thought pattern or perception, which in turn affects our attitudes and behaviours. Paradigm Shift in this sense means to ... Views: 3009
Our communication with others usually starts with our thoughts, resulting in words, tonality and body language. There are many ways to define "thoughts", and one of them is how we use our senses internally.
We use our senses outwardly to perceive the world, and inwardly to represent ... Views: 2663
Body language is a reflection of a person’s non-verbal communication. It includes movements or expressions that are so subtle the person may not even be aware of it themselves. Albert Mehrabian conducted a research in 1971 and concluded that there are three elements in any face to face ... Views: 2997