Let’s face it, for most of us a dogfight is a very scary thing, especially when one of the dogs in the fight is our own. So what do you do? Here are some tips on how to break up a dogfight.
First, remember that in a dogfight, the dogs believe they are fighting for their lives. They are ... Views: 2766
If you have ever owned or been around an aggressive or dominant dog, then you know the importance of getting control of him or her. Good obedience training will help keep the dog, other dogs and people safer. You need to understand something about aggressive dogs: Most dog aggression (unless ... Views: 3005
Your fear can hinder you, or it can help you!
One of the greatest fears among people is public speaking. Some people are natural on a stage, relaxed, in control, comfortable. But countless others are terrified at the thought of even standing in front of a crowd, much less talking to an ... Views: 2526
In March of 2003 I had Lasik corrective eye surgery. After wearing glasses and contacts for so long, it was great to no longer have the need for those things. Although I still wear glasses sometimes, because my sight has regressed over the last 5-6 years, I can still see much better than I could ... Views: 2081
Passion drives us! It is what makes us get up in the morning, ready to conquer another day. Passion is that desire that pushes us to go beyond what anyone else thinks is possible. It is an unquenchable thirst to do what we love. Passion could be described as “doing what you love and loving what ... Views: 2873
No public speaker should ever forget this important fact!
“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” You have most likely heard that quote before, and it is true. If you are a speaker who wants to be a dynamic and exceptional communicator, then you need to start ... Views: 2958
I am sure the nurses at Muskogee Regional Medical Center must have thought I was a “first-time father”, an inexperienced rookie dad, because I stood outside the hospital nursery, peering through the window at my newly born baby girl (Haylee) for more than an hour. In fact, one nurse came out to ... Views: 2014
Let’s face it—sometimes life is tough. There are days when things don’t work out like we hope. There are times when it seems like everything is crashing in on us. Our struggles seem to have no end.
Now this statement may shock you, so take a deep breath…prepare yourself. Ready? Here it ... Views: 1992
If you want to be an exceptional speaker, and ignite your audience, you must learn the fine art of storytelling.
Have you ever wished you could captivate an audience? Ever felt the desire to grip a crowd in such a way that you could move them to action? Nothing grabs our attention, holds ... Views: 2930
One of the most thrilling, challenging (and for many people) frightening opportunities is that of public speaking. Whether your job requires it, or you find yourself in a position where you have to give a public presentation, you may be overcome with nerves at the thought of standing in front of ... Views: 3209
Last week while in North Carolina for someone's surgery, I was standing alone on a sidewalk getting ready to cross the street. A man walked up to me and began talking, "Hey what you doing?" I said, "Nothing. What are you doing?" He responded, "Oh, just standing here talking to you." I ... Views: 1195
Training yourself to be self-disciplined is possible, but it will take a little willpower!
Whether you're an athlete, a concert pianist, a business person, or a professional dog trainer, if you are going to be great at what you do, and live the life you've always wanted to live, you must become ... Views: 1131
One of the most thrilling, challenging (and for many people) frightening opportunities is that of public speaking. Whether your job requires it, or you find yourself in a position where you have to give a public presentation, you may be overcome with nerves at the thought of standing in front of ... Views: 1060