It’s never too late to transition into another career. People of all different ages and with all different skillsets and professional histories change careers all of the time. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fresh out of college and unhappy with your career path after just a couple of years or ... Views: 1923
If there is one surefire thing that can stop a business dead in its tracks, it would be problems with cash-flow. If your cash reserves run dry, you’ll be left scrambling to find a way to pay your employees, keep current with vendors, and stay out of default on larger debts and loan.
The worst ... Views: 1450
Not all entrepreneurs come prepared with a formal business education. In fact, many of the most successful small business owners are simply the ones who are truly passionate and knowledge about their industry. But despite the fact that you don’t necessarily need an MBA to be successful in ... Views: 1445
Forecasting sales, especially for a small business without a lengthy track record, can be a complicated and frequently frustrating process. But even still, forecasting is one of the most important weapons in any business’ arsenal. Without proper forecasts, making the right decisions for your ... Views: 1113
Every January, millions of Americans take part in one of the most popular holiday traditions – setting New Year’s resolutions. From becoming financially responsible to eliminating bad habits, New Year’s resolutions are great ways to set goals that better ourselves and our health – but they ... Views: 1428
Giving, receiving, and socializing. To me that describes the holiday season; but interestingly, it also describes networking. For me, the holiday time is a time to slow down, reconnect, and add a bit of jingle to my mingling skills!
Last week, we had our Christmas party. It was a fun ... Views: 1245
Have you ever received a memo and felt the sender really wasn't thinking about what you needed to know or hear? Maybe you have attended corporate presentations that have simply left you cold?
Communication is something we do reflexively -- like breathing. We talk to our spouses, kids and ... Views: 1662
At the core of every successful company is a high-effective team. As a business leader, one of your main responsibilities is working with your employees and getting them motivated and able to accomplish the goals that you’ve set out for them. This isn’t a process that’s set in stone, and as such ... Views: 1549
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Empower Your Team to Succeed - by Tracey Fieber of Tracey Fieber Business Solutions. Business Expert, Coach, and Mentor
Empower Your Team to Succeed
Running a successful small business is never a one-man job. Getting it off the ground and continuously elevated up to new heights requires a collection of skilled professionals following an accurately designed strategic plan. But even the most thought-out plan ... Views: 1457
They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with – make those five people incredible.
Leaders who cultivate potential leaders multiply their own success and effectiveness. Having strong leaders around you will help you carry other loads and grow the business. ... Views: 2171
The dictionary defines "critical" as "characterized by careful analysis." It also points out that the word critical "implies an attempt at objective judging so as to determine both merits and faults."
Not getting that promotion at work because someone else seems a lot smarter than you? Find ... Views: 1617
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6 Steps to a Hypnotic Mindset - by Tracey Fieber of Tracey Fieber Business Solutions. Business Expert, Coach, and Mentor
Imagine if you could press a button and activate your HIDDEN GENIUS. That’s all you had to do. Press a single button and your true inner Einstein would be ACTIVATED.
Hypnosis is gaining popularity throughout both the psychological and business worlds as a method of overcoming mental ... Views: 1819
Every single day, entrepreneurs are forced to make countless choices, each of which can have a major impact on the success of their companies. The business leaders which generate the most success are the ones that have the tools they need in order to make the right decisions. Most frequently, ... Views: 1388
One miscalculation that many business owners make involves the ease with which they will attract customers. This is called "field of dreams marketing".
The mindset is that developing strong marketing tactics to bring in new clients is the best path to growth and expansion. By growing ... Views: 1664
Whether your goal is to accumulate assets to generate future cash flow or support your current cash needs, developing a cash flow strategy should be an important consideration when creating your wealth plan.
Cash is the life-blood of any business. A business can show profitability, but ... Views: 2064
You can be super talented at what you do, but STILL not make money and this is the most frustrating problem of all. If you have a problem with debt, it's important not to panic but don't ignore it either - it wont go away.
Sometimes taking on debt is unavoidable in order to keep your business ... Views: 1860
Thank you, today, for the opportunity to share my thoughts on the importance of business training, workshops, hiring and handling business more conveniently which are critical aspects of growing any business.
This I would like to shed light on the importance of Business ... Views: 1653
When it comes to ensuring your company’s future success, customers are key. Without them, you don’t have a business – at least not for very long.
The biggest problem facing many start-ups is that they simply don’t know what they customers want. They may have their own ideas of what they ... Views: 1387
If you step back and take a close look at how your company operates – whether over the long-term or on a day-by-day basis – you’ll find countless unique processes that the sum of which adds up to your fully-functioning business. The list could include your process for training employees, methods ... Views: 1476
Strategic planning is a process not an event. A key element in the process is the engagement of all levels of staff throughout the organization. Staff engagement generates additional input and helps build their commitment to the end plan. It is essential to involve employees in the planning of ... Views: 1532
Your business may be doing great right now. As the economy rebounds, more and more small businesses are finding that revenue is picking up again after years of sub-standard sales. Over the past few years, our economy has had some challenges, but the recovery seen today poses questions for many ... Views: 1195
It’s hard to accomplish anything without a plan. Whether you’re coaching a football team, cooking Thanksgiving dinner, or running a small business, you need a strategic plan.
Developing a strategic plan might seem like an overwhelming process, but if you break it down, it’s easy to tackle. ... Views: 1384
So you send emails. You have a newsletter you send out every week, or maybe, you email customers to let them know their purchase in en route and that’s it. If this is all you are doing, if that is your business’s entire email strategy, you may be missing an important component to your marketing ... Views: 984
Today, most companies are focusing the majority of their marketing efforts online. While the internet has created a plethora of new marketing channels, it’s not the only way to drive traffic to your website and grow your sales. Despite what many online marketing gurus will say, offline marketing ... Views: 1884
A lot of small business people that I speak with are very curious about online marketing, but don’t understand how it can directly increase their business. Many of them are seeing less return from their advertisements in traditional media like The Yellow Pages, newspapers and direct mailing ... Views: 1773
As an entrepreneur and small-business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities. You’re ultimately in charge of all aspects of your company, and trying to keep up with everything can be highly time-consuming.
Many business leaders are finding that employee empowerment can help ease some of ... Views: 1591
For many people in business, especially small business owners, the sales process appears to be one of the most difficult skills to master. It can easy seem overwhelming, and sometimes downright intimidating, but in all actuality sales, is a basic concept. You’re helping connect people and ... Views: 1443
Building a Trusted Relationship with Buyers
For pretty much any company or salesperson, regardless of business size or industry, having trusted relationships with your buyers is one of the best ways to generate success. Buyers benefit from your expertise and valuable products and services, ... Views: 2110
If you’re like a lot of business owners out there, you may have struggled with making sales at some point. Here are four fundamental tips to get more conversions on your sales calls.
Know which questions to ask: Some people have an image of a salesperson as someone who will go to any ... Views: 1411
It’s no secret that making sales is a process—and that each step counts in locking in a conversion. When it comes to online marketing especially, the sales process becomes paramount to your success. It’s not only about being persuasive; it’s about ensuring your customers are nurtured past the ... Views: 1840
How to Be an Effective Supervisor
There are always ways to improve your ability to supervise. It doesn't matter if you're new to managing, or have been guiding others for years. Being an effective supervisor is about finding new and better ways to help your subordinates reach their ... Views: 6167
Skills for Mentoring
Business leaders use a variety of different approaches to increase results within their organizations. When it comes to developing human capital and improving the overall productivity of their employees, many managers and executives are turning to mentoring. ... Views: 1689
As company leader and the manager of your staff, keeping watch over their performance is a primary focus. You don’t need to micromanage every aspect of your operation, but having regular reviews of employee productivity is important to reaching your business goals. Sometimes, you’ll find team ... Views: 1832
Developing and expanding your professional abilities is one of the most proven ways to increase performance. Whether you’re looking to understand a new business concept you’re interested in, or you’re trying to balance your home and work lives more effectively, professional development is the ... Views: 1698
Without a doubt, one of the most powerful ways for someone in a position of authority to become a true leader is through the trust of their team. Obtaining the trust of your employees can mean the difference between a smooth flow of work, and having people doubt your capabilities and intentions. ... Views: 1755
Creating Your Zen: Learning How To Be A Relaxed Entrepreneur
Being a small business owner should be an exciting and enthralling responsibility. Frequently though, it is a major source of stress instead. Because of this, many entrepreneurs quickly become burnt out on business ownership – a ... Views: 1718
Too often, especially for entrepreneurs, our lives become complicated and exhausting. There never seems to be enough time in the day for all of the responsibilities on our plates, much less extra for the activities which may improve us or our businesses. We get so caught up in the day-to-day ... Views: 1519
Understanding Your Cash Flow Statement
For many business owners, interpreting their company’s cash flow statement is a confusing process. What the majority of these entrepreneurs don’t realize is that it does not have to be. What exactly is your cash flow statement and how does it differ ... Views: 1445
Your business may be doing great right now. As the economy rebounds, more and more small businesses are finding that revenue is picking up again after years of sub-standard sales. Over the past few years, our economy has had some challenges, but the recovery seen today poses questions for many ... Views: 1462
Having a business plan is an important part of starting a new company that you cannot afford to skip. Regretfully though, simply having an established plan is not enough to guarantee success. Here are seven different areas that your business plan may be lacking in, and why those mistakes could ... Views: 1498
For many new entrepreneurs, coming up with a good business idea is the easy part. From there, technical paperwork and implementing strategies may turn out to be the most difficult aspects of starting a new company. By understanding the importance of a good business plan and the steps you need to ... Views: 1209
The key to establishing a successful business is knowing your new company inside and out. This means planning ahead for any potential outcomes, whether good or bad. Knowing who your customers are, what they want from your company and how this want fits into your overall corporate plan can allow ... Views: 1370
If your company has problems motiving its employees to reach financial or managerial goals, perhaps you need to take another look at just how you’re compensating your team. For companies who pay flat hourly wages or salaries, is there an incentive in place that makes your employees want to go ... Views: 1377
As a manager, making sure that your team is operating at their maximum productivity level is one of your most important tasks. In theory this sounds great, but in the real world it is not always the easiest feat to accomplish. Increasing productivity can have a profound effect on your company’s ... Views: 1531
Grading your teams’ performance is one of the most powerful ways to improve the strength of your company’s human capital, although it is often viewed negatively by both employees and managers alike. Many people have made arguments against grading on performance, but in most cases, their ... Views: 1680
For small-business owners, hiring the right person can be stressful and time-consuming, particularly if you wait until you really, really need another team member’s help to maintain and grow your productivity. But finding the right person makes a world of difference to the long-term health of ... Views: 1493
Every company has one; a “Negative Nelly” on some level who continually brings the team down. Negative personalities seem to be popular as portrayed in Hollywood movies like “Office Space” and television shows like “Ugly Betty”. Yet, this negative attitude can be destructive to the productivity ... Views: 1414
Teams that hope to work well together need cohesiveness; often referred to as the foundation for team collaboration and good decision making. However, team cohesiveness can be difficult to achieve, specifically when there are multiple strong personalities and talents. Entrepreneurs who take the ... Views: 1884
There’s a common misconception in much contemporary business thinking that “producing results” is necessarily synonymous with “maximizing profits.” But values-based leaders understand that these terms are not interchangeable—and that the latter can, in the long term, actually hurt the former.
... Views: 1466
Your business started out well enough, but after a few months, you may begin to wonder if you will ever get ahead. After all, it’s expected that after a certain period of time you should start gaining recognition and higher earnings, right? Hard working and dedicated people deserve the ... Views: 1337