So there you are, faced with a weight you are either not sure about, got squashed by before, never tried or were told by your Great Aunt Maud that you would never amount to much therefore you probably wont get it. Or everyone is watching you which means if you don’t get it you will look like a ... Views: 1206
Beliefs are constructs of our internal world and how we view them. They are based on what we have experienced and what we perceive to be true.
We all behave as if our beliefs were true and that is what gives us direction. If you 100% believe that you will create a successful business or ... Views: 1267
Emma James, NLP Trainer and NLP Sport Trainer discusses our perception of reality and memories and if any of our memories and reality is in fact real.
So, what is out reality? What in fact are our memories?
Our reality is completely based on our experience, our events through our life, the ... Views: 2521
The Diet Industry. This is a multi million pound industry
How much money do you think you have spent on diets, pills, specific diet meals and courses? Hundreds, maybe thousands?
Have any of them worked for you long term?
The diet industry has made fortunes out of turning the very simple ... Views: 1981
Body image isn’t just the domain of those who want to be seen as perfection.
We all crave the feeling that we are the person who everyone is staring at as you enter the room, the one who stands out the most in a crowd – don’t we?
Well, no. There are so many people for whom their body image is ... Views: 1427
After quite a wait, the book is finally released. Rebel Diet, the anti diet industry guide to freedom from diet hell with the practical guide to weight, life and the relationship between our mental state and the effect on dieting and metabolism is on the shelves in the UK.
Rebel Diet , the new ... Views: 1651
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The Wall - by Emma James MABNLP, MATLTA, MAHYP, Dip FTST, IIHTT
Recently I had a client who had been a runner - a 400m runner.
He decided to do marathons??????
The training changed, his mindset changed and he aparted really well
to the different type of training and the endurance level he was
having to switch to.
The distances increases gradually and he ... Views: 1152
South Africa, fighting for a gold Medal in powerlifting and about to lift a rather large amount of weight. When I pulled that bar I miraculously blew 3 discs in back which was in fact the beginning of a complete revelation.
Coming form a competitive background and having had a wise old Yoda ... Views: 1315
Ok, an athlete is caught using illegal performance enhancing drugs and is banned for 2 years. His governing body has an official ruling that athletes who are found to have a positive drugs results from testing can return to athletics in 2 years and will not be permitted to qualify for or compete ... Views: 1543
Sorry, it’s got to be misinformed psychobabble formulated by people who have never competed or understood the complexities behind this.
The "experts" believe that this Muscle Dysmorphic disorder is where people believe they are too small which leads them to constantly over train and injure ... Views: 2257