I was minding my own business recently when someone close to me called me stupid. I’d lapsed into ignorance, slipped up, made a mistake, forgotten something important – because I’d been distracted by something more interesting. I’d chosen wonder over logic.
I haven’t had much experience with ... Views: 3182
My husband notices trains, shoes, and bakeries. A friend of mine notices sound patterns and graphic design. I notice light and color, emotions, and the shapes of people’s nostril holes.
We can’t notice everything. We don’t have the time or the attention span. So we sort – based on our ... Views: 4249
When folks around you make waves with their alien communication styles, fervent demands, or weird displays of power, you need healthy boundary skills that pop to the surface like a life preserver. Your imagination can roar to the rescue and save the day.
To keep a grip on the real you when ... Views: 1801