The holidays are reminders that we want closeness yet unconsciously set up emotional walls of distance. This may sound strange and paradoxical as the holidays are supposed to represent remembrance and thoughtfulness, love and care. They also bring up all the early needs that went unmet ... Views: 890
Caring is a special art. If not innate, it can be learned and is an essential relationship ingredient. Some of the ways we care and are cared for are what we explore here.
Most often we have expectations for how it should go. It means our relationship. The problem is not that we have ... Views: 864
There is a common cartoon, with many variations, showing a woman making a pie. The man is commenting that she made the pie for years thinking all the time that he liked this kind of pie. And now, after 30 years he was hardly going to tell her the truth which was no, he did not like the pie. ... Views: 1070
Sometimes we might look at a couple and wonder how they found each other. No matter how they outwardly seem, act, appear, we see that they can express love, care and affection. How do they do this? What keeps their glue going? How can we find a similar feeling with our partner?
We think we ... Views: 1238
Disappointments are part of life. They make us grow and pay attention to what we want, what we have, what we need and what we do not want, need or have.
They cause sadness and loss. They bring us into conscious awareness of our life and or relationships, what is lacking and what is ... Views: 1223
Surprisingly communication is not words alone. It is comprised of a confluence of ways of being oneself and of being together, physically and emotionally. It speaks volumes the way we approach our partner, the air we exude and whether we say anything or not, the totality of the atmosphere we ... Views: 1345
We all need intimacy. We all have different ways we receive and give intimate messages. It should be easy, as intimacy is natural and we are born needing to be intimate and close. What is challenging is that we might know what we want, but not how to get it. We may know how to give, but not to ... Views: 1377
Joy, according to the dictionary, means a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. It seems like such a good thing and something we would want to foster.
Yet, have you ever wondered why people, even yourself perhaps, refer to the beginning of their relationship as fun, joyful, exciting and so ... Views: 852
In the midst of an argument with your partner there is no time to step back and ponder why this is happening, or to evaluate what about this disagreement is upsetting you so much.
You can rely on the fact that when any of us are reactive in a variety of ways it shows we have some old issues, ... Views: 2050
We more commonly know Eros, which is a name for the figure of love, as Cupid. This figure appears around Valentine’s Day looking like a cherub, a boy, a young one. However, Eros is actually a very powerful aspect of our personality and hits us as adults in many surprising and penetrating ways. ... Views: 1244