Start slowly and develop the business one step at a time rather than borrowing money to start a home business. If possible, market your business from what you earn from it. Sell 100 units of your product and then buy 200 more. Sell the 200 and buy 400. Go slowly.
Begin small. Keep your “day ... Views: 1047
I do not believe money changes you, however, it certainly changes the people around you. Use purchase orders and contractor agreement contracts from the start of your business.
Purchase orders can be created out of any accounting software program such as QuickBooksâ or Peachtree. A purchase ... Views: 1011
Think about the times you have said something like, “Why hasn’t someone invented a product that would do ______?”
That question can be the beginning of a unique product. You have probably had those thoughts and let them go without capturing them.
Write down your ideas for products the next ... Views: 1290
Many people have many great ideas. They just don’t act on them. You can do it differently. This booklet is based on the author's first-hand, been-there-done-that experiences.
Gary Bronga worked in the aerospace industry at Cape Canaveral Florida for 21 years.
Wearing ... Views: 1941