Doesn’t a plateau just sound like it should be a nice, quiet, soothing place to be?
It sounds peaceful almost- plateau. And yet, it’s exactly where that little voice in your head starts yammering on about how, “I knew this couldn’t continue, things were just going too well”, or “I’ll never ... Views: 630
Hey, can I help you with that?
No thanks, I got it.
How many times do I say this? All the time.
Now, even if you're not a football fan- stay with me here for a bit...
Someone throws a ball (or hands it off) and someone catches a ball. That's basically how the entire game of football is ... Views: 715
For the first 40 years of my life, despite being a pilot, I was a driver not a flyer. And then 7 or 8 years ago I made a small change that brought an unexpectedly big result.
After years of dieting and working out like crazy and obsessing around food I lost two dress sizes when I wasn't even ... Views: 939
We’ve all been there, standing in front of a mirror or in a store dressing room or in front of our closet, wondering how come the weight just won’t go away. Well buckle up folks, because what I’m about to say is gonna turn everything you’ve ever thought about weight loss upside down!
Myth #1: ... Views: 779
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a rant when you suddenly realize that you aren't just upset this one time, you're upset because this keeps happening and you keep letting it happen?
Well, recently I found myself yelling at my internet provider's homepage. Clicking on another ... Views: 619
The big O- obstacles or opportunities........
Oh, I'm sorry did you think I was talking about something else? No, not today- maybe next year.
Today, I want to ask you to ponder for a moment how you usually see life and how that impacts your experience of every day ecstacy..
So, the ... Views: 698