Want to command greater respect at work? Crystal communication transforms business success! To get your point across, recognize that powerful language articulated in a strong, clear voice is crucial to being heard.
Men and women approach the business game differently. Not surprising news. What ... Views: 1642
As the old saying goes, if I had a nickel for every time...
Countless business owners tell me that the #1 reason they are not using email marketing consistently to stay connected with clients and prospects is because they are afraid of bothering them. I get it. After all, every single one of us ... Views: 1583
I just opted out of yet another newsletter that I never opted into in the first place. Does that ever happen to you? Frankly, I'm almost ready to stop handing out my business cards to people. I'm betting that I am not alone.
Get Permission
For the newbie e-salesperson, let me help you get a ... Views: 1267
As the use of social media networking tools continues to grow in popularity, understanding the netiquette do's and don'ts of online communication is critical to your success. A blended word for “network etiquette”, Wikipedia defines netiquette as “a set of social conventions that facilitate ... Views: 1670
The explosion of social media into mainstream consciousness has seemingly come from nowhere. Though it may be new to you, the social media groundswell has been building for some time, and it’s fair to say that the buzz right now is deafening.
While there is a growing familiarity with tools ... Views: 1709
Authentic or Professional?
I’ve been pondering this question a good bit in the last few weeks. It’s on my mind because I am refocusing my business and working to align what I LOVE with what I DO. Frankly, I think this is a good exercise for anyone who recognizes that they ... Views: 1432
Chris Brogan is President of New Marketing Labs. I love following his blog posts. On Monday, his post talked about how each of us is the president of our own career. I couldn’t agree more. It’s an excellent piece. You really should read it!
I have believed for some time now that we ... Views: 1455
Holding on to your valued workers doesn’t end with a competitive paycheck. It requires an environment of great management, open communication, empowerment, and recognition.
While the U.S. economy may be growing at a rate of 3-4% each year, employers are seeing a corresponding decrease in ... Views: 1439
Harvard Business Review reported in November 2004 that annual spending on executive coaching in the United States was estimated at $1 billion. Since that time, the business of coaching has steadily gained in popularity and with any field that grows rapidly there are questions.
Some of the more ... Views: 1681
Some would say that we are in a "down economy" and while that may certainly be true for some industries, I believe the real truth is that it is NOT the economy. It’s our attitude!
A couple of years ago, I wrote an article called “We Are What We Think About”. I believed it ... Views: 1433
Most people would probably agree that building and effectively utilizing a strong professional network to create success is simply not an option. Yet when it comes right down to it, many people avoid networking like the plague.
Women, in particular, shy away from the networking process for a ... Views: 1094
In a world so full of “me first” attitudes, it is no wonder we see so much turmoil and dysfunction in the world around us. The financial fiasco being played out on the national stage is evidence that something is seriously wrong. Day after day, words of disaster come at us from all ... Views: 1059
You've been there. At a networking function someone asks you what your company does, and you freeze like a deer in the headlights. You haven't thought it through so what might roll off your tongue is a lengthy speech that says absolutely nothing. Worse yet, you might default to spitting out a ... Views: 1452
If you think of the proposal writing process as intimidating, daunting and time consuming, I want you to know that you are not alone. Daunting though it might be, you’ve got to learn to do it well, because writing proposals for almost every profession a key to securing business.
There are lots ... Views: 1165
Isn’t it amazing how masterful we can become at denial, procrastination, and avoidance, constantly making excuses for why we aren’t accomplishing the goals WE SAY WE WANT! A lot of energy gets wasted in this department. Usually there is far more talking and not enough doing. Far from ... Views: 1349
Building a retention culture starts with an understanding that great, high performing people are the foundation that leads to sustainable success. Great people need great leaders to guide them, thus the goal of every company should be to ensure that leadership is not only top notch, but ... Views: 1065
Most people would agree that building and effectively utilizing a strong professional network to create success is simply not an option. Yet when it comes right down to it, many people avoid networking like the plague.
Women, in particular, shy away from the networking process for a variety of ... Views: 1105
A new business owner confessed to me once that her company was growing so fast, she felt she just had to get a body in the door. After living through the pain of a very disastrous hire – the kind that almost destroyed her business – she has a brand new perspective on the situation.
Most people ... Views: 1085
Want to command greater respect at work? Crystal communication transforms business success! To get your point across, recognize that powerful language articulated in a strong, clear voice is crucial to being heard.
Men and women approach the business game differently. Not surprising news. What ... Views: 1292
Our beliefs frame our thoughts and our thoughts create our reality…do you know what you’re thinking?
Personal and professional development is a passion, as well as my business, and I often hear people lamenting about this or that problem, expressing a desire to see change in some aspect of ... Views: 2461