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Freedom, real freedom, does exist. But it is not a condition or an event, nor is it found within another person's approval of us. Nor is real freedom ever a mere effect of circumstances, otherwise it is not freedom but merely a temporary pleasure we have mistaken for being the same as being ... Views: 209
Freedom, real freedom, does exist. But it is not a condition or an event, nor is it found within another person's approval of us. Nor is real freedom ever a mere effect of circumstances, otherwise it is not freedom but merely a temporary pleasure we have mistaken for being the same as being ... Views: 208
Long before it’s possible for us to be spiritually reborn, we must first awaken to ourselves.
Awakening is the sudden realization that somehow or other what I took to be the only world isn’t the only world..
But in a true awakening, I recognize that there’s a world beneath me. And the ... Views: 416
The universe is a work being continually perfected; though unseen, it is justice, compassion in action. Those who resist and resent what comes their way—who fight with its unending waves that rock their contrived sense of reality—are actually the ones who live without real choice.
They must ... Views: 443
There is an unseen source of daily suffering that is the constant companion of humanity. It is in one respect one of the great driving forces behind the darkness that encompasses this planet – the unremitting wars, the violence, the greed, the fear, the desperation – all the things we see in the ... Views: 416
Here is a list of three false beliefs that betray our hearts and poison our relationships. The more aware we can become of these long-conditioned false beliefs and how they compromise our ability to have fulfilling relationships, the more freedom we will win from them:
False belief # 1: Our ... Views: 433
Over the many years now of living on a small mountaintop in southern Oregon, I have learned many invaluable spiritual lessons by observing the wildlife that shares the forest in which my small house sits sequestered. In truth, nature and her creatures are always exhibiting some of the most ... Views: 494
We value negative states because of the strong sense of self we get from them. This may be very difficult for us to see, but a strong light will show us the freeing facts. No one wants to believe that he or she values things like self-pity, anger, and depression. We would insist we don't, and as ... Views: 632
No one really wants to talk about it, but the truth is, there is a kind of “evil spell” hanging over each of us and our world as well. In fact, part of this global spell is our denial of its existence. It is called suffering. Everyone does it—and, like hypnotized captives, everyone believes that ... Views: 543
It’s safe to say that most us wrestle with some kind of frustration on a daily basis. This kind of dissatisfaction can be with ourselves, over what we can or can’t get done—or with others, who may deny us our wish or otherwise disappoint our expectations. Accordingly, we can feel as though we ... Views: 514
Victory over our own lower nature is now or never. We can't end conflict later. We can't stop being sad, cruel, angry, scared, or anxious later. Thinking, or hoping, that any destination we have in mind is going to be superior to where we're presently standing is exactly why we're still standing ... Views: 646
True spiritual “power” isn’t the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems.
Rather, it is a radical new and higher form of self-understanding, one that illuminates and transcends our unconscious need to have any painful problems at all. Which would ... Views: 781
The greatest, most abundant resource on planet Earth is also its least understood and utilized. Its unlimited supply is found virtually everywhere, anytime, and under all circumstances, even though few recognize its real value. What is this most precious collective resource? It is our ... Views: 719
There is always a moment before a problem starts with another human being where we realize that what we want is not going to happen. Ordinarily we'll say the other person is about to "ruin my day." But there is, for those of us who want to understand, not only a way for our day not to be ruined, ... Views: 637
Around the world today, millions if not billions of individuals are being consumed by negativity. The world and our relationship to the cosmos always run through cycles of increased or decreased activity. Right now we are in a cycle of increased activity where many people are stirred up. In such ... Views: 814
As events occur, we always assume that we know what they mean for us, and we immediately fall into what feels like the appropriate emotional reaction. That reaction further influences the way we view the following events, and in this way our initial response is “confirmed.” We rarely question ... Views: 699
The journey to the divinity within has its dangers. About this we are clear: the inner path is lined with many trials and pitfalls. But there is nothing to be feared in this realization. In truth, these encounters are actually stages of initiation; they are necessary points along the upper path ... Views: 959
We are all familiar with the general laws govern our physical well-being; eat healthy foods, exercise both mind and body, and avoid toxic people and places whenever possible. Adhere to these simple laws, and be relatively free from suffering; break them, and you place yourself under another set ... Views: 838
Find Your Fearless Inner Guide
The journey to the divinity within has its dangers. About this we are clear: the inner path is lined with many trials and pitfalls. But there is nothing to be feared in this realization. In truth, these encounters are actually stages of initiation; they are ... Views: 775
When expectations get dashed, we don't see new possibilities unfolding; all we see is the way things should have gone. We don't see what is with all of its positive possibilities; instead we see only the negative . . . what is not. We feel powerless because we've become the captive of a mind ... Views: 868
Love often appears at our door as a beggar in disguise. There are countless ancient myths that tell how the gods would show up at the door of someone’s home, appearing to be in dire straits. On the surface of things, they seem to be seeking food and shelter; but, in truth, they’ve come to ask if ... Views: 924
If we want to help our partner change, we must change. There is no other way. And more: unless we’re exceptionally blessed, it’s unlikely our partner has the same wish that we do: to keep growing and exploring a love that, at the start, was filled with surprising changes, but that has lost some ... Views: 808
There is one essential ingredient missing in most of our relationships -- one that is definitely required if we wish to continue in our own development and help others to do the same. What is this powerful catalyst that only we can provide for each other? Room in which to grow.
We can help ... Views: 973
It was a little before 7 AM on Saturday morning when Alex sat down in his living room with his first cup of coffee. He was up a little bit earlier than usual because a strange noise had awakened him from his sleep. So, when he looked out of his bedroom, he wasn't too surprised to discover the ... Views: 768
Regardless of our certainty as to whether we or our partner starts or rekindles a quarrel, the real cause of the continuing conflict between us lies elsewhere. Which is why, as strange as the following insight may seem at first, the importance of working to see the truth of it simply can’t be ... Views: 1002
When you want to enjoy the sunshine directly, you must go outdoors. You understand you have to take yourself physically to a place where the warming rays of the sun can fall upon you without interference. Likewise, when you want to know the powers that circulate through a quiet mind, you must ... Views: 1060
A middle-aged man had recently moved into a new city and, soon after, decided that he wanted to explore his immediate area, maybe meet some of his neighbors, as well as visit some of the interesting shops that lined the streets all around his apartment.
Less than half-an-hour later, not ... Views: 982
Often when someone feels wronged by their partner they demand “payment” for the pain they feel unjustly inflicted upon them. History proves they will argue until this well-established pattern completes itself, one way or another. At some point, unable to resolve who’s to blame for the pain, one ... Views: 858
When a person wants to reach the next level in their life, when they want to understand the truths -- the principles that actually produce in them a new kind of freedom -- they have to know where to look for it.
From micro to macro, you can discover that the whole universe is based on cycles ... Views: 992
Have you ever been so upset, so disturbed by someone, that if you didn’t lash out at them, you were sure the whole world would come crashing down on you? When you and I get upset with someone, our attention is instantly glued onto the source of our irritation. All we do is think about the ... Views: 1203
Our relationships with one another are often a source of distress. In general, the principal form of conflict we experience with others has to do with some form of consideration that we feel they are not giving to us. We often suffer from thoughts like these: "She is not being respectful ... Views: 1001
By Guy Finley
It is impossible to change the relationship we have with the world around us without changing the relationship we have within ourselves. This is the secret teaching of the ages.
Our task, if we want to be free human beings -- if we want a life in which we no longer carry ... Views: 1422
Over the many years now of living on a small mountaintop in southern Oregon, I have learned many invaluable spiritual lessons by observing the wildlife that shares the forest in which my small house sits sequestered. In truth, nature and her creatures are always exhibiting some of the most ... Views: 1347
Six Ways to Know a False Inner Guide From the True One
From The Secret of Your Immortal Self By Guy Finley
The journey to the divinity within has its dangers. About this we are clear: the inner path is lined with many trials and pitfalls. But there is nothing to be feared in this ... Views: 1223
Have you ever noticed how the more negative you get, the more difficult everything about your life becomes, including being able to do the simplest things? It’s like suddenly sinking into dark molasses, where not only can’t you move, but everything you don’t want seems stuck to you!
To the ... Views: 1117
There is no moment in which everything around us isn't beginning. In fact, if the various cosmos – from the greatest to the least – had a slogan it would be this: “In with the new, out with the old.”
This celestial principle of regeneration is not only ceaseless in the world around us; it is ... Views: 1154
Somewhere in a remote region of the Southwestern United States, a park ranger was seated in his high tower. It overlooked the deep canyons and ravines that ran through the national park where he'd worked for the past twenty years. Looking out over the terrain through his binoculars, he could see ... Views: 1506
By the fact that everything about her existence is perfectly ordered, Mother Nature is “choice-less.” What does being “without choice” mean in this context? All creatures – from the smallest to the largest – from gnat, to gorilla, all the way to the humpback whale, must serve nature as she ... Views: 1293
Near the end of a busy afternoon, a senior caddie at an exclusive golf club is making his appointed rounds—double-checking that everything is in its proper place—when he wanders into the clubhouse locker room.
Much to his shock he sees an obviously completely exhausted man spread-eagle on ... Views: 1132
True spiritual “power” isn’t the ability to imagine and implement an endless series of new solutions to old problems.
Rather, it is a radical new and higher form of self-understanding, one that illuminates and transcends our unconscious need to have any painful problems at all. Which would ... Views: 1173
So many people today are bitter, broken-hearted, or just plain angry because of what happened to them while growing up.
The reasons for their resentment or regret are as countless as are the unconscionable people responsible for the pain they unknowingly created in the lives of those they ... Views: 1202
If there could be only one idea—a lamp whose light could show the aspirant of real life the way out of the prison of dark thoughts and punishing feelings—it would surely be this: Your true Self doesn’t win in life by overpowering problems, but by revealing they never really existed as you once ... Views: 1185
Have you ever noticed that whenever a secret is circulating among your close friends you will do almost anything to learn its undisclosed nature? Or, if you think someone knows something that you don’t, you won’t rest until you too are "in the know"? All of this is to say we seem to love ... Views: 1181
We tell ourselves that we want a new life; in our minds we see ourselves reclaiming our right to live without limitations. We see ourselves walking away from destructive relationships and letting go of negative thoughts and feelings. And this is the very problem. We talk to ourselves about a ... Views: 1220
It's a familiar analogy, but quite accurate, to talk about our relationship with the sacred in the same way we describe a beautiful gemstone. There are many facets to a gem, and depending upon the angle from which we view it, we see light reflected and refracted differently. Several people ... Views: 1282
There is nothing wrong with being a successful human being. In fact, the purpose of your life is to win. But what if, in your quest for this victory, you were accidentally drawn into a compelling game in which, unknown to you, it was impossible to win no matter how well you performed or ... Views: 1265
Question: Why do I continue to get angry, and why do I always feel so justified in my anger even though it always makes me feel terrible at a later time?
Answer: To be angry is to suffer. It doesn't help anyone to get angry. Anger hurts whoever is angry. It burns. Anger ruins relationships, ... Views: 1743
A family went to its favorite park for a Saturday picnic lunch. While the three boys, William, Paul, and Michael, played together, running up and down the green rolling hills as fast as they could, Dad put the finishing touches on the meal while Mom put out the paper plates on a checkered picnic ... Views: 1349
Truthful principles can only act as agents of change for us when we choose to enact them. Their capacity to restore self-command, grant us a mind at peace, or deliver us from fearful dark states is only as great as our willingness to call upon their powers. That’s why we must do the personal ... Views: 1304
If one day you bang your elbow and seven years later the same spot still aches, and now radiating pains are appearing in your fingers and shoulder, you would start to suspect that something in your body's system was amiss! You would conclude, virtually beyond any doubt, that your original injury ... Views: 1363