Oh yes, the speaker proposal.... You ask yourself, "Where do I start?", "How do I create a proposal that will get noticed out of hundreds of proposals?" Lost in confusion and frustration, you toss together a simple, plain ol' proposal in hopes it will catch the eye of the hiring party. No, no, ... Views: 9346
So, what gets me in the door? Awww the question everyone wants to know! So many ask this question and although there is not one perfect answer but a combination I am going to cover only one I feel is at the top of the list…building relationships.
A speaker once asked me, “How do I get my foot ... Views: 1224
Hurry. Hurry. Hurry, that’s the norm for most media professionals and meeting planners. Most are in a hurry, busy and need an expert quickly and one they can find and hire without any hesitation. So, it’s your job to make them feel confident in hiring you as the expert, it’s your job to showcase ... Views: 1122
We all want the perfect, amazing and profitable website right? Sure we do. The reason being of course, is because we want to increase our clients, relationships and income.
A speakers website has to speak to their audience and it must have all the necessary elements to make it successful and ... Views: 1456
1. Find your niche and audience…once you do dig deeper and really narrow in on a very specific group of people, a group that you are meant to serve, one that desperately needs your solution to their very specific problem. Find the problem. Offer the solution.
2. Create a brand for your ... Views: 1160
Some will say Generalist because they “think” they can reach a wider audience hence producing a full schedule and higher income…I disagree. We all have heard the saying you can’t please everyone and such is the case even when you’re a speaker. You have a very unique gift and a solid knowledge ... Views: 1224
1. Don't Be Demanding - Remember planners are only going to book speakers who they like, this is pretty basic but true, if you're too demanding and they don't like you or they don't feel there's a connection they won't hire you. So don't be so demanding that you've talked yourself right out of a ... Views: 1247
A handful of tips to help position yourself within the speaking arena and get those speaking engagements!
Find your Niche One of the biggest mistakes a speaker can make is having a "general" topic. You want to narrow your expert niche as much as possible. Research the industry so you know ... Views: 2325
You've decided to become a speaker, you have the knowledge, the talent and the desire to share with the world! You have spent hours putting together the perfect presentation and the money to create a speaker kit along with an online presence . . . now what? Where will I find the opportunities ... Views: 1245
1. Be Nice - I know it sounds pretty elementary but if you think about this for a minute it will make sense. How many people do you run across in a day that are crabby and in a sour mood? You don't want to interact with them nor be around them and certainly you don't want to do business with ... Views: 1227
In this article I share seven of the most common mistakes that beginning speakers make when just starting their speaking business and how you can avoid them. This article is NOT about presentation skills or speech tips or even about conquering your fear of speaking but for those who are brand ... Views: 1575
Advertising in the media can be a high-end expense, especially if you are still in the growth phase of your business. Radio and TV spots, magazine ads, commercial marketing can all be quite costly. The question becomes how to increase your exposure and demand for a fraction of the typical cost. ... Views: 1023
1. Be Nice - I know it sounds pretty elementary but if you think about this for a minute it will make sense. How many people do you run across in a day that are crabby and in a sour mood? You don’t want to interact with them nor be around them and certainly you don’t want to do business with ... Views: 917
1. Don’t Be Demanding - Remember planners are only going to book speakers who they like, this is pretty basic but true, if you’re too demanding and they don’t like you or they don’t feel there’s a connection they won’t hire you. So don’t be so demanding that you’ve talked yourself right out of a ... Views: 884
What is one thing that upsets speakers the most? One would be not finding enough pay based speaking engagements. The frustration builds, you become discouraged and it gets to the point where you want to give up and go back to your old full time job. This can be quite frustrating and I totally ... Views: 960
Many will say yes - I have a strong platform. I have my website, I have my marketing materials, I have presented at a few events, even some freebies - does this mean you have a strong platform? No it does not, what it means is you have a low visibility platform and what you want to achieve is a ... Views: 1049
A handful of tips to help position yourself within the speaking arena and get those speaking engagements!
Find your Niche
One of the biggest mistakes a speaker can make is having a “general” topic. You want to narrow your expert niche as much as possible. Research the industry so ... Views: 874
Becoming a professional full time speaker isn’t easy…everyone knows that, it takes a lot of dedication, determination and most important you have to have the passion, if the passion isn’t there then my suggestion would be, don’t even attempt it! I could spend days teaching you how to package ... Views: 1224
Becoming a professional full time speaker isn’t easy…everyone knows that, it takes a lot of dedication, determination and most important you have to have the passion, if the passion isn’t there then my suggestion would be, don’t even attempt it! I could spend days teaching you how to package ... Views: 1064