That’s always been an interesting question, especially since the one asking is portrayed as an evil, mean quuen (Snow White’s step mother.) It represents ego and our obsession with how we look and the superficiality that comes from wanting to be pleasing to others’ eyes.
But what if this was ... Views: 2415
It was 9 am and I had two hours to organize the house and run to the store to get some snacks to serve a couple of friends who were coming over, all while trying to keep my two kids entertained and out of my way.
I stopped for a moment thinking which part of the house to do first. I chose to ... Views: 2063
It feels like it has been a long summer. To add to it, it’s been rather hot the last couple of weeks. Since my kids are still on summer break, I was left to find some entertainment that would be fun for the girls and me and would still give us relief from the heat. So, we went boogying down to ... Views: 1022
How many people do you know, including yourself, who have been waiting for the world to take notice of their gifts and contributions? Waiting for others to see your value and worth, as if that will at last validate who you are?
I too have fallen victim of such trap.
I remember some time ... Views: 3230
You’ve been putting in hours and resources into this project. The day finally comes when you are going to present it. And now it’s finally over.
What do you do after? Do you celebrate? Do you go take a bath? Do you meditate and thank your spiritual team for being there for you? Do you beat ... Views: 1103
“So how are things going?” My dad asked. Oh, that familiar question that makes my stomach go into knots and makes me want to run for the hills!
“Good”, I said, trying to hide any emotions that may make him think otherwise.
“How long will you keep this business going?” I knew he would ... Views: 1404
A year ago this December, my then almost 14-year-old daughter boarded a plane and moved 12,000 miles away. As we said our good-byes at the airport, a feeling of excitement for this new adventure coupled with a deep void in my heart set the tone for what was to come in the New Year.
With her ... Views: 1066
I’ve been contemplating much lately about what it means to be a heart-centered leader. The term “heart-centered” in the spiritual community has become somewhat of a cliché as it is now being used ever so frequently in mainstream business and life. Yet, we do not see much evidence that leaders ... Views: 1100
I usually don’t read up on celebrity stories, but after seeing the President and First Lady Michelle Obama’s most tweeted picture in the history of Twitter on Yahoo Shine for the 100th time this week, I decided it was time to learn the story behind it. This picture was taken by Scout Tufankjian ... Views: 1107