Producing your first info-product may be easy for you if you like to write, are disciplined with your time, and have some technology skills. However, most of us aren’t expert at everything! We just don’t have the time, energy, and knowledge to be skilled at all that’s necessary to produce and ... Views: 1155
If you’re just getting started in Internet marketing, you’re probably familiar with the term “info-products” or information products. Info-products include any tangible or intangible form in which you deliver information. That means info-products could be books, e-books, reports, manuals, ... Views: 1547
In recent past articles, I wrote about "Why Should I Write a Book or Ebook," "What Should I Write About," "Who Is My Ideal Reader?," and "The Cure for a Common Case of Writer's Block." Next in this sequence, I wanted to offer some straight tips about how to write that book or ebook. Or basically ... Views: 1464
Have you ever come down with a case of writer's block? When you're fresh out of words! Your mind's a blank and so is the page. You can't come up with another thing you can say. Small business owners who have to write articles, blog posts, ezines, website content, ebooks, and other info-products ... Views: 1001
Social networking is a relatively new trend that has grown to exponential heights in the past years. Billions of members have joined Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, and other similar sites to reconnect with old friends and find new ones. The popularity of these sites is so outstanding that ... Views: 975
Social networking can be very beneficial to your business. However, like with any project, it can also be a waste of time if you don't put the proper care and attention into it. Surprisingly, it takes less effort than one might imagine. Here are some simple tools to use when surfing the social ... Views: 1007
For those new to the Internet, the popularity of blogs has increased in the last decade. Almost every topic can be found in a blog. With this new rise to fame, blogs are being used as a tool to improve business by flagging search engines and driving traffic to your website.
What is a blog, ... Views: 1092
Aside from the normal blog posts, you may not know what is best to put on your blog. You already know that blogs are a great way to gather your very own captive audience of readers and hopefully potential customers. Here are some types of content that are perfect for your blog:-Advertise your ... Views: 978
The main idea behind writing articles is to get them read and direct traffic back to your website. You want as many targeted people to read your work and link back to your website where they will purchase your products and services. While you could print out thousands of copies of your articles ... Views: 1033
Do you believe that everything there is to say has already been written about in a book or e-book? Well that’s just not true! You are unique and you have something to say in your unique way. Now is the perfect time to write a book or e-book since they are quick to write (when you have a system) ... Views: 1025
Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can.
That is the only SECRET.
~ Matthew Arnold, English Poet
If you’ve seen the movie, “The Secret,” as have millions around the globe, you are more than likely thrilled that the “Secret” is out. As a practitioner in the self-growth ... Views: 1265
After figuring out why they should write a book or e-book, it seems this is one of the most common questions people ask me. They may have a topic in mind but don’t think they know enough or don’t consider themselves “expert” enough to write a book. I once read that if you know more about a ... Views: 1258