MoStory Posted by Dr. MO Each of us faces problems, challenges and difficulties in in our lives. In today’s post I am sharing story that is an allegory or fable, a story that provides insights into how to deal with an important part of life.
A young woman went to her mother and told her ... Views: 2133
MoHow Posted By Joel Simms Over the years I have been asked many times by many people how I remain calm and patient in situations where others become agitated, frightened, frustrated and angry. My answer has been, “I have learned to be patient by learning a range of skills that anyone can ... Views: 2648
MoHow Posted By Joel Simms It’s amazing how some simple, easy, positive actions can improve life. Saying "Thank You" and being grateful are two examples that have enormous power. In fact, they have the power to change your life in the most profound way.
My wife taught me to be grateful ... Views: 4200
MoHow Posted By Dr. MO In my opinion life is much better for each one of us when we are able to identify negative thinking habits and replace them with positive ones. Negative thinking is much too prevalent in our communications and our thinking and most people are actually unaware of ... Views: 2120
MoStory Posted bt Dr. MO One day all the employees of a large company reached their head office and when they walked through the front entrance they saw a big notice board on which was written: “Yesterday the one person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We ... Views: 1843
Posted in: MoHow by Dr. Mo
At the beginning of every year, I write down what I want to be remembered for… what I want people to think about me…what I want to achieve in my life. This writing is my long-term vision.
Along with this, I write my goals for the year. These goals are the ... Views: 2145
MoHow Posted by Dr. MO Even as a child, James was described by teachers and his parents as a happy optimist. As the story goes, one day his parents decided to play a joke on him and test his attitude by requiring him to spend an afternoon cleaning deserted stables at what had been a local ... Views: 1825
Stress is a killer and can easily build up when we don’t address address it routinely. Here are some ways for you you install “pressure relief valves” in your life:
1. Learn how to better manage your time. do your work during the workday. Make this feasible by taking on fewer tasks and ... Views: 2065
We often regard thinking as the act of “pondering’ something. In this article I look at another kind of thinking that happens all day long, is very important, and that many of us are unaware of, it’s called “SELF-TALK”. It is the thinking we do as we describe our perceptions and feelings in our ... Views: 1507
How To Feel Better Instantly
January 11, 2013 Posted in: MoHow Posted by: Dr. Mo
Today’s Momentum Strategy Tip (MOST)
Are there times when you feel crumby and stuck in a negative feeling rut? If you want to quickly and powerfully turn your situation around here are three ... Views: 2996
Creativity: Is the action of combining previously uncombined elements, of inventing. Creativity involves the conversion of our ideas and thoughts into an external reality that is new and useful. The more we define our creativity by focusing on values, meanings and constructive goals, the greater ... Views: 1327
Sometimes you feel down…that’s normal. It comes with the territory called “being alive”.
Life is like a wave; and just like the wave, it has both troughs and crests. There has never been, and there will never be a wave that does not have a top and bottom, an up and a down.
Sometimes, you may ... Views: 6679
Do you have those days where you feel frustrated and stuck? Are there times when you doubt yourself and are impatient about your progress in your initiatives and toward your goals? At times like this you can take a huge step toward regaining your momentum by slowing down and breathing. That’s ... Views: 1571
Preparation: Knowing where you can go starts with knowing where you are and where you’ve been. Success requires practice, study and strategy. Master each detail and consider the possibilities and probabilities.
Have you ever had the experience of being able to do something well and that ... Views: 1595
Lighten Your Load And Boost Your Momentum December 18, 2012 Posted In: Momentum By: Dr. Mo We think thoughts all day long and sometimes these thoughts cause us great dismay and worry. When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed and nervous it’s important to practice the skill of listening ... Views: 3360
10 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Regain Momentum when You Are Feeling Down
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 Posted in: MoHow By: Dr. Mo
Sometimes you feel down…that’s normal. It comes with the territory called “being alive”.
Life is like a wave; and just like the wave, it has ... Views: 5139
January 4, 2013 Posted in: MoHow By: Dr. Mo
Life serves up all kinds of situations that most people call problems. For most people these problems are sources of upset, dismay, and they are often dealt with in unhealthy and destructive ways. In this post I will describe three momentum mind ... Views: 3193