What does communication have to do with productivity and results? Everything, because results depend on our ability to clearly send and receive ideas, information and action.
The key? Listening.
The fastest way to get to the bottom of a work challenge or to dramatically move a project along ... Views: 735
Can you hear the buzz? Feel it? See it? Smell it? I know we in the Northern Hemisphere are 25 days into the new season but there's something about colored eggs of pale yellow, blue, and pink... And bees landing on tulips, that spark a renewed sense of get-up-and-go.
It's a chance to shake out ... Views: 844
He had taken both technical and people skills training over the years that covered emotional intelligence, Stephen Covey's 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People(R),' and Keirsey Personality Temperaments, to name a few. Yet Kenn Mackenzie, director of a high tech company in Silicon Valley, ... Views: 1038
You're dashing out the door, your kid's lunch box in one hand, laptop case in the other with a coffee mug balancing on top. You make it to your son's school three minutes before class and breathe a sigh of relief… You just might make it to work on time. As you pull out of the school parking lot, ... Views: 1126
"Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do." -- Rumi
Do you get excited when you get up to go to work everyday? Does your work fulfill you? When your work gives you energy and satisfies you, you have the opportunity to fill joy on an ongoing basis.
"I love my work," says Tommy, a hair ... Views: 1122
In school, did you wait until the night before final exams to study? Did you put off a 15-page paper until 4 hours before the due date? Do you still need that extra jolt of “get it done now or else” to get started on your projects? If the answer is yes, you may have fallen into one ... Views: 1207
Is your schedule jam-packed? Is your day overloaded with meetings, managing your business, planning for the future and day-to-day work? Do you get to the end of the day and wonder what you really accomplished? Is your work day overflowing into your home life?
Do you wish you could get a handle ... Views: 899
What things in your life do you want to accomplish but you just don’t will yourself to do? Get a new job? Lose weight? Apply for that promotion? Do you turn to immediate, pleasurable activities but end up putting off what you really want? Does answering email, surfing the net or putting another ... Views: 1559
Do you read your e-mail before doing your priority projects? Do you allow people to burst into your office to talk to you? Do you try desperately to get things done but experience constant interruptions?
Removing any of these top 7 time wasters can clear your schedule so you can get to work and ... Views: 1123
Put your rain boots on. Get ready to slush through the paper piles in your office. It's time to create a paper free path from the door to your desk. Follow these 5 ways to file away and put paper in its place!
1. Have an inbox.
Your inbox is the box, container, basket, manila envelope or file ... Views: 874
What do you want your year to be like? Do you want it to include more of some things? More happiness, fitness, fun... Do you want it to include less of some things? Less sitting at your desk, working too late, debt...
Pause for a moment to tap into the magic of what this year could be for you. ... Views: 783
Do you feel increased pressure at work? Does your time spin out of control? Does your work lead to stress and overwhelm? Use these 9 simple steps to reduce daily stress at work so you can enjoy the balance of life you were meant to live.
1. Set priorities.
What are your top 3 ... Views: 726
Do you bail out of projects right before the finish line? Do you side-step promotions and opportunities? Do you put little effort toward your goals? If you do any of these things, you might be afraid of the idea of success.
But isn’t success a good thing? You may say, “Yes, of course.” But when ... Views: 818
Do you have boxes jam-packed with stuff in your office? Is it hard to tell what you need to keep and what you need to pitch? Answer these 7 questions to help you know what needs to go.
1. Do I use it?
Go ahead. Peek inside of one of your storage boxes. What’s inside? Do you use any of ... Views: 989
Happy people don’t just wait for chance—they focus on and generate happiness. They know what makes them happy and engage in activities that put them in “the zone.” They also give generously of themselves.
Use these 4 techniques to experience more happiness in your life.
1. Set out to be ... Views: 893
Is your schedule jam-packed? Is your day overloaded with meetings, managing your business, planning for the future and day-to-day work? Do you get to the end of the day and wonder what you really accomplished? Is your work day overflowing into your home life?
Do you wish you could get a ... Views: 711
TOP 10 Things You Can Do in 15 Minutes
By Sue Brenner, PCC, PMP
Never get around to straightening up your office? Never seem to have enough time for simple things such as preparing a meal or taking a break? To maximize your time, learn what you can do in small increments. What can you do ... Views: 9098