What' Alive in You?
Let me start off with a short analogy about what an umpire does in baseball. He’s the guy that has to call a ball or a strike on the batter, who will possibly hit the ball.
Now the umpire makes a decision based on where the pitcher throws the ball and then calls them as ... Views: 2129
Quote: Albert Schweitzer (1875 - 1965)
"The role of the physician is to amuse the patient long enough until nature does the healing"
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Click on these words ---> "Thought ... Views: 1542
Emotional/Spiritual and Mental Blockage
And It's Metaphysical Explanation
In my years of studying illnesses and a passion to discover what are the possible causes of illnesses, I discovered a common theme, why some heal others do not.
I myself have healed many pesky hurts that were ... Views: 1666
What does this mean anyways?
Being completely authentic, being you, not holding back, speaking truthfully. I warn you, the truth hurts, sometimes. It is one of the greatest healing tools around.
Emotional Courage is going towards your dream, with confidence, energy, love and enthusiasm, ... Views: 1900