LinkedIn has positioned itself as a compelling force to be reckoned with in the social business domain. As the #1 social network for business, a great LinkedIn profile should be a part of every business owner’s marketing arsenal. With many companies no longer accepting resumes, a sure sign of ... Views: 1310
Are you looking for ways to grow your chiropractic practice? Do you want to learn how other chiropractors are using social media marketing to effectively grow their business? Maybe you have a personal Facebook account and have already started trying to promote your practice using social ... Views: 1799
Going forward as of 2012, all corporations need to have a social media presence but it is also very important that key executives and sales people also maintain a professional presence. To do this, you need to have discussions with your team and address the fact that people like to deal with ... Views: 1693
Social media training for sales is a must for any online business. The last few years have shown that providing more value, connecting and building relationships without PITCHING sales have helped sales people become more successful online than ever before.
Are you ready to learn some social ... Views: 1371
Are you doing the best you can to get the most out of your Facebook marketing efforts? With more than half of Facebook’s 800+ million users logging on every day, it should be easy to get a slice of the pie, right? Many say it could be easier…
There are several steps you should be taking to ... Views: 1392
We all saw it coming and the time has arrived for the changes to Facebook pages. The official “crossover” date is set for March 30, 2012 but those prone to early adoption may do so right away.
Allow me to indulge and emphasize the obvious: these are massive changes to Facebook Pages. There’s ... Views: 1260
Do you want to make a profit from your social media marketing? If you want to get the most out of this new technology, you need to create a social media strategy that works for you and your business. Abandon all you thought you knew about social media and let me show you the 5 fundamental ways ... Views: 1368
Are you tired of wasting time and energy trying to build your downline with stale, ineffective tools? Trying to recruit quality people for your downline without using social media is like trying to dig a ditch with a toothpick. You can’t skimp when it comes to creating an effective social media ... Views: 1607
You now have the ultimate tool to leverage those long-forgotten social connections via old jobs, multiple career changes, or decades-old friendships to fuel a new marketing channel within your company. LinkedIn marketing is one of the most effective ways to use social media marketing. LinkedIn ... Views: 1393
LinkedIn has been steadily rising to the top of the social media totem pole since it’s debut, especially within regards to professional connections. With LinkedIn recently outpacing growth over Facebook in Indonesia and it’s recent acquisition of Rapportive, a tool that lets you see social data ... Views: 1252
Think back to how you met your best friend in elementary school. Maybe she pulled a chair up next to you while you were finger painting or maybe she gave you her chocolate milk in the lunchroom. That relationship started out by you being nurtured with small acts of kindness and this is the same ... Views: 914
A great blogging strategy is the cornerstone for any social administration. If you’re not blogging and you don’t understand the power of blogging then you’re missing the boat.
These are some wise words from my friend Nate Kievman, Executive Editor of LinkedIn & Business Magazine. It’s ... Views: 977
Finding the right metrics for determining ROI of social media is different depending on what type of business your run and what your goals are. In my recent interview with Nate Kievman, he shared his perspective on how the ROI of social media should be calculated for different organizations and ... Views: 747
If you really want a great social media strategy then you need to stop writing boring content. The following seven steps will have your readers hooked and coming back for more:
This may sound elementary, my dear Watson, but you always need to watch your grammar and spelling. Speak kindly ... Views: 908
Are you using LinkedIn to grow your business? Or have you been thinking of using it but haven’t got around to it yet?
Currently 97% of the people using LinkedIn are using it wrong…the other 3% are getting amazing results and are increasing their visibility, credibility and growing their ... Views: 883
The next time you go to a seminar or a live event, don’t waste the amazing opportunities that present themselves to build new relationships that can develop into leads or strategic partnerships. The best social media strategy connects to the offline world somehow and live events are an ... Views: 833
Valentine's day is so filled with pseudo-romantic fluff that its true meaning easily gets lost: Gratitude and appreciation for that special someone in your life.
There's nothing wrong with flowers and pink hearts; of course, as long as you also take some time to reflect on all the things ... Views: 5060
Valentine's Day is coming around again, and there's no escaping it. Everywhere you look, there are hearts, roses, and candy wrapped in pink. With everyone's thoughts on love and whether or not you have a Valentine of the traditional kind, here is one Valentine you should have: YOU.
Yes, ... Views: 1457
These are great questions, and ones that seem to get lost when you're in a rush to lose 10-20 pounds real fast before the wedding in three weeks or the high school reunion or some other big personal or professional event you have coming up.
Most people want to lose weight fast, so they look ... Views: 997
Why do so many people find true abundance elusive? Most of them are missing the key ingredient: complete and utter confidence in themselves, which is inseparable from complete confidence in their physical self: their body.
Of course, getting that total body confidence can be a tall order, ... Views: 1140
5 Steps to Building a 6+ Figure Income Health, Fitness and Wellness Business
Do you want to take your health and fitness business to the next level? Then you need to learn how to market your business effectively.
In fact, marketing is the lifeblood of any business. You need to get in ... Views: 3060
How Personal Trainers and Coaches Can Help Clients Lose Weight for Good -- Guaranteed!
Guarantee weight loss results? I bet you think I'm out of my mind! I'm serious though. You as a personal trainer or a coach can and should guarantee results.
Now, I know what you are thinking…
“But, ... Views: 1845
Why Most Health and Fitness Professionals Do Not Retain Clients (And What They Can Do About It)
Are you suffering from "disappearing clients" syndrome?
Chances are that you're frustrated because your clients seem to lack commitment, and you constantly have to replace clients. Your clients ... Views: 1551
Achieving your desired weight involves adopting new habits that will help you meet your goal. We often do things repeatedly, trying our best to create a new habit, only to see our efforts fall by the wayside. That’s because picking up a new habit takes more than mere repetition.
You must ... Views: 1202
Sometimes you just have to get real with yourself and take a closer look at why you do the things you do…like overeating or eating when you’re emotional. What’s that all about? Let’s take a close look at overeating and emotional eating, focusing on what you can do to recognize these negative ... Views: 2945
It’s one thing when you’re in the comfort of your own kitchen to decide what to eat, but quite another out there in the world of temptation! Yikes…but if you look you’ll find healthy options at restaurants, fast food places and coffee shops.You just have to know what to look for.
The ... Views: 1277
Fad diets and temporary eating plans have no place in our daily guidelines for losing weight. We recommend you make lifestyle changes…integrating healthy eating habits into your life, and sticking with them forever. Your focus should be balance, nutritious eating, changing old habits and ... Views: 1517
With summer now here you may be thinking that it’s too late to get ready for bikini season so why bother trying. Did you set a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight and not follow through? If so you may be wondering how to get your body ready for bikini season, and it’s not too late!
The good ... Views: 3802
How quickly you can resolve a resistant issue depends on the issue, how deeply held the belief is, and how determined you are to bring about change in that area of your life. The latter is perhaps the most important of all. The more determined and prepared you are, the quicker those changes will ... Views: 1959