While I know this is somewhat painful, I invite you anyway to take a few moments to look at the world and the unhappiness and misery that overwhelm it, that overwhelm us all.
What do you know notice? Where do all this unhappiness and misery come from? Do you know the number one cause?
Many ... Views: 2380
Imagine for a moment that you're sick and you go see a doctor to explain what you are suffering from.
After having listened to you carefully, the doctor says, “All right. I have interpreted your symptoms. Do you know what we are going to do? I will prescribe medication to your neighbor!”
– ... Views: 1456
If you’re like me, then you most probably find that practicing unconditional acceptance is often much easier said than done.
Even if we know very well that our resistance to reality only adds to our unhappiness and misery and that no difficulty or problem is ever solved by fighting "what is," ... Views: 1828
Do you believe that you must absolutely have recourse to anger when it comes to stand up for yourself or for what you believe is right?
In other words, do you believe that self-affirmation is inseparable from anger?
What if I told you that not only is it possible for you to stand up for ... Views: 1498
If anxiety and anger can easily lead us to procrastinate, the same thing can also be said about guilt—an unenjoyable emotion that shares many features with anxiety. Let’s explore together how guilt can lead us to put off till tomorrow what we would better do today.
First and foremost, the ... Views: 1518
The most powerful argument to challenge the irrational thought that causes our anger is to observe the following critical facts about human beings:
- They behave according to the emotions they feel;
- Their emotions are caused by the presence in their minds of specific thoughts, ideas, and ... Views: 1489
Among the emotions that can lead us to procrastinate, you will most probably be surprised to see me include hostility or anger. There are basically two reasons why I do this.
First, anger often accompanies anxiety which, as we have already seen it, is one of the main causes of ... Views: 3013
Let's talk a little bit again about that so-called need to be loved and approved of by others which can, as we now know, not only cause us to feel important doses of anxiety, but also lead us to procrastinate.
As a matter of fact, our debilitating fear of being disapproved of by some ... Views: 2149
We already know that anxiety can lead us to put off till tomorrow things that we would most probably be better to accomplish without delay. We have seen as well that our anxiety-creating belief in some potential danger or inconvenience is responsible for our procrastination.
Among the dangers ... Views: 1474
Let’s talk about anxiety—an unenjoyable emotion that is inevitably in close connection with our self-defeating tendency to procrastinate.
It is clear that anxiety, particularly when we feel it at high levels of intensity, can hinder or block our action.
We can define anxiety as an ... Views: 1994
To discover the prime cause of our emotions, all we have to do is acknowledge that when different people before a single event—for example, a movie—do not feel the same emotions, it is inevitably because they do not interpret the movie in the same way or, in other words, they do not think about ... Views: 1415
Let's explore now the second reason why the prime cause of our emotions cannot be found in the events of our lives.
Once an event has occurred, you will most probably admit that it never disappears. For example, if Mary loses her job, although it will be possible for her to find another one ... Views: 1382
So where do our emotions come from—particularly the ones that make us act or, on the contrary, lead us to put off till tomorrow what we'd better do today?
Let's start by first considering the following question series: What makes us angry? What makes us anxious? What makes us calm, serene, ... Views: 1421
First and foremost, procrastination is all about emotions. In fact, it is because we feel this or that emotion that not only do we put off till tomorrow what we can do today, but also that we can no longer decide ourselves.
Similarly, it is because this or that emotion disappears and is ... Views: 1341
We can pay ourselves large doses of anxiety if we expect to suffer a failure-especially if we believe that this failure will transform ourselves into a miserable person only worthy of both the scorn and derision of others, not to forget our own contempt.
While we can always learn to muck ... Views: 3973
The title above is a paraphrase of the Terry Cole-Whittaker best-selling book about how most of us have a strong tendency to believe that we are not valuable as human beings when others reject us.
However, let us remember that when we experience the rejection and the contempt of others, it is ... Views: 5002
If we can make ourselves anxious about the rejection and the absence of love of various people, we can also do it about another so-called danger: That of losing our value and our dignity, to miserably find ourselves at the level of idiots, fools, imbeciles, stupids and twits, and to act in ways ... Views: 1584
Now that you've read my previous article titled, "Is the Affection You Receive Worth the Price You Pay for It?," and done your math, let's explore together the time when the misguided idea of the dire need to be loved, approved, and accepted becomes the most dangerous for us.
Let's begin with ... Views: 2111
In my previous article titled, "Happiness - Needs That Make You Feel Anxious Now Defined," we have come to the conclusion that our needs-which are all relative-divide themselves into two categories: replaceable needs and irreplaceable needs.
With this thesis in mind, we then asked ourselves ... Views: 3315
In my previous article titled, "Happiness - Love and Affection: Replaceable or Irreplaceable Need?," we have seen that we do not have the irreplaceable need for the uninterrupted, permanent, and exclusive love, approval, and acceptance of anyone-and not even some degree of these elements-to live ... Views: 2534
In my previous article titled, "Happiness - Anxiety and Your Dire Need to Be Loved, Approved, and Accepted," we came to the conclusion that in order for us to spare ourselves from feeling oppressive doses of anxiety, we would better understand the various meanings of the word "need" and draw ... Views: 1484
It is possible for us to feel anxious before two sets of items that we identify as dangerous or inconvenient: Physical dangers and non physical dangers. Let’s explore these two sets of items a little bit further.
- Physical dangers: Those dangers or inconveniences that threaten our physical ... Views: 2313
Of all the unenjoyable emotions that darken our lives, anxiety is certainly the most widespread... and perhaps even the most painful.
Like all human emotions, anxiety can manifest itself at various degrees of intensity. The English language has attributed numerous names to these different ... Views: 1656
Another source of difficulty lies in the way we often go about changing our thoughts and ideas.
Indeed, many of us try to accomplish this with mere sporadic and scattered efforts. What really happens here is that even if we repeat to ourselves a few times a day new healthy thoughts and ideas, ... Views: 1644
Building a business of fulfillment, purpose, honor, and integrity, as well as financial abundance, health, and spiritual well-being has always been a top priority for me.
And to help me stay inspired and keep a steadfast focus on my goal of being a conscious entrepreneur running a conscious ... Views: 2042
When it comes to changing our unhealthy thoughts and ideas, there are several factors that—most often than not—stand in our way. And the first one is undoubtly the tenacity of the habits we have acquired in our youth.
For example, we all know how difficult it is to learn to speak a new ... Views: 1606
In the first part of this article, we have seen that not only many of our thoughts are from our own making, but that we have also learned a panoply of them through the contact of our parents and/or immediate environment. Let's continue our exploration of the origin of our thoughts and ... Views: 1649
Where do our thoughts come from—particularly the ones that poison our minds and can sometimes cause us so much trouble?
First and foremost, we make them. It seems that we are born without any preconceived idea in mind. We are supplied with five senses with which we perceive the outside world ... Views: 1789
The Power was released on August 17, 2010. Not only have I jumped on the first occasion to grab my very own copy of the book, but it really didn't take long before I finished reading it -- less than 3 workdays! Needless to say I was very excited about Rhonda Byrne's major new book being released ... Views: 4143
Your happiness and emotional wellness mainly depend on the fact that you know, understand, and accept the true cause of your emotions -- whether positive or negative, good or bad.
As a matter of fact, I insist heavily on this point because it is the cornerstone of the entire system by which ... Views: 4686
When it comes to happiness, it is clear that no one wants to control their emotions in such a way that it would make them all disappear-including the good or positive emotions. After all, what fun would there be to live a life without joy, without enthusiasm?
The good news is this control can ... Views: 1806
When it comes to happiness, not only can you really change yourself, but you can also considerably improve the quality of your life!
You can deeply, intensively, and "elegantly" change your disturbances and your disturbability. You can substantially raise your level of happiness-absolutely no ... Views: 2301