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Treatment for depression and associated disorders is prescribed for over fifteen percent of the world's population. All people at sometime in their life will suffer from the symptoms of what is depression. It can be brought on by any negative event and can last for a day or two, or last a life ... Views: 731
Depression is an illness of the mind. It is where neurotransmitters in the brain are not balanced out. There is no way to overcome this illness without treatment and it can be serious and in some cases harmful. Some of the symptoms of depression include: Feeling sad and upset a lot of the time, ... Views: 864
Low level depression, while usually not disabling, can still make it difficult to function effectively in family and professional life. It also can drain the life out of activities that normally are a major source of enjoyment for you. Even though you may want to get back to your normal self as ... Views: 1864
Many people who suffer from depression wonder, "Why am I depressed?" and "What is wrong with me?" With the increase of psychotropic drugs, many people wonder if their problem is biologically based or whether it is the result of the events of their lives. Even when asking professionals about the ... Views: 1211
Depression in men is often different than depression in women because men react to their own depression differently. Men typically do not respond well to feeling out of control of their own emotions. This causes them to become aggressive or easily agitated. They may go into a rage with little or ... Views: 1011
According to the National Institutes of Health, 1.5 million people aged above fifty years old and depression is interlinked immensely. If this condition goes untreated, it often results in suicide. The problem with most people who are in contact with these elders is that they tend to overlook ... Views: 973
Depression isn't something one should play with. As soon as it is diagnosed action should be taken to see to the disorder before things start to get out of hand. Depression can start mildly, or it can start a little heavier and just get worse. If your depression has started mildly, that is a ... Views: 752
We all feel sad from time to time, especially when confronting a loss or stressful event in life, but for someone with depression, life can be overwhelming and feel completely hopeless in any situation. If you or someone you know is experiencing an ongoing battle with depression, don't give up ... Views: 696
Depression hurts, more and more people struggle with depression. Some cases are more severe than others. First it's important to find out what kind of depression you're suffering from. Psychotic depression, Major Depression, Melancholic depression, Atypical depression, or Postpartum depression. ... Views: 769
Depression is a terrible thing. It robs you of your life by turning your mind into a literal torture chamber while your body may be perfectly fine. Some people, in trying to deal with this terrible illness, turn to drugs. But the drugs have terrible side effects which in some way are worse than ... Views: 1019
Depression treatment is very important for a depressed person. Depression unnoticed can lead to various health hazards. Depression is not a disease but a mental disorder. It has a tendency to alter the mental behavior of the person affected by it. Though there are different types of treatments ... Views: 881
The term clinical depression, also called major depression refers to a medical term for any type of depression that needs some sort of treatment in order to alleviate it. Doctors also tend to use it as an umbrella term to cover various forms of depression. Clinical depression is a rather serious ... Views: 748
Depression in one form or another affects many millions of people around the world and yet those who are depressed often feel a sense of isolation from others, among all the other sensations associated with the condition. Severe forms of depression require treatment from trained experts in the ... Views: 924
Depression affects millions of people around the world. It is considered by experts to be on of the greatest hidden conditions affecting not only the lifestyles of sufferers but also their families, friends and employers. In fact, this depression disorder can last from moments of simply “feeling ... Views: 899
Are you always feeling blue? Never want to be around others or have a good time? If you're always sad, you should face the depression and go see a psychiatrist, there are doctors who can and will help you out. Prolonged sadness, otherwise known as depression, is actually very common in the USA. ... Views: 868
Depression is not a disease that affects only the adults. It affects the children also. When a child yells, screams, use foul language, there is a high probability that the child is suffering from depression. Not every parent believes that depression can affect their children. The only way for ... Views: 1031
Studies have shown that, although there are more women who get treated for clinical depression, there are actually about the same number of men who suffer the condition, but they do not admit it or seek treatment for it. Society often mistakenly labels depression men as 'weaklings.' This causes ... Views: 1596
While most people deal with periods in life where they feel sad, this is very different from actual depression. Depression is a problem that occurs when you have intense sadness that ends up lasting for weeks, and this keeps you from normal function in your life. There are a variety of symptoms ... Views: 733
Endogenous depression is classified as a mood disorder and is believed to be genetic. It is also believed to affect people from birth. When you have this disorder, you become prone to depression during traumatic events or under a lot of stress. This type of disorder normally goes undetected or ... Views: 7954
Seasonal depression is a mood disorder in which people with normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms at the same time every year. I.e., signs and symptoms come back and go away at the same time each year. This disorder leads to depression, anxiety, ... Views: 808
Psychotic depression is one of the serious types of psychiatric disorders. It doesn't only have depressive symptoms but is also characterized by hallucinations and delusions. Psychotic depression affects 25 percent of people who are suffering from depression.
Briefly, this type of depression ... Views: 2119
There is no person who does not feel sad or low at some point in time in their lives. But these are fleeting moods and time changes. Still, if a person continues to feel low for long enough time that leads to a negative impact on the daily life then the matter needs to be looked into and ... Views: 922
Having a baby is a major life event for a woman and in some cases may trigger Post Natal Depression. This occurs in approximately 16% of women in Australia and usually occurs between 1- 12 months after giving birth to a baby. It can be difficult for women to cope with a major life change as well ... Views: 846
Depression is a big concern for millions of people. They don’t just suffer from the normal depression that you get when something out of the ordinary happens; it is much more than that. Many people stay depressed everyday of their life. Most of the time they don’t even know why they feel so bad ... Views: 786
Teenage depression or sadness among a small percentage of teenagers is very common in our rapidly changing society. Teens today seem to be experiencing a lot of pressures that were not common just 10 to 20 years ago. With an economy that is unstable, and in some cases family members losing their ... Views: 805
Manic depression symptoms, now better known as bipolar disorder symptoms, refers to signs a person has because of this illness. Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that affects one's mood.
Basically it results in mood swings but they are no ordinary ... Views: 1496
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), major depression is the leading cause of disease burden in North America and high-income countries. It is the fourth leading cause worldwide; by 2030, it is expected to be the second leading cause of disease burden worldwide. If you suspect your ... Views: 806
So common is depression that it is thought of as the common cold of mental illnesses. However, this is not to understate the severity of depression which is one of the leading indicators of suicide. By some estimates depression costs the country a staggering $43 billion dollars a year in costs ... Views: 1056
There are ways in fighting depression. So if you are currently suffering from depression, this article can help you to now those ways. If you suspect your loved ones or yourself to be suffering from this mental illness, you must take instant action before the situation turns worse as it will if ... Views: 1646
Every life has its ups and downs, and everyone has mood swings to a greater or lesser extent. Feeling sad, or mourning loss, is also a normal part of living. Although we do say I feel depressed for feelings of general disappointment and sadness, they are nowhere close to clinical depression. ... Views: 753