The collapse of Soviet Union has ignited a number of ethnic conflicts in various parts of former Soviet Union. Georgia, a tiny hilly republic in Caucasia, with various ethnic and religious groups was no exception. South Ossetia and Abkhazia were two autonomous republics within Soviet Georgia. ... Views: 779
Financial independence, passion for a hobby, desire to create a different lifestyle – these are some of the reasons why people want to start new business. There are two different categories of wannabe entrepreneurs. The first category has more or less clear idea of what kind of business they are ... Views: 973
If yours is a business with several departments, at one point you start to realize that in order to stay competitive, increase productivity and bring efficiency to your business, you need to optimize and automate some of your business processes. To identify which parts of your business ... Views: 988
Many small and medium sized companies don’t take business process optimization with the help of online solutions seriously. This is understandable. When a company achieves price reduction from a supplier, the money saved is quite visible. When the company manages to sell products for a better ... Views: 1073
In recent years, Internet virtually has become major driving force of economic and technological growth in many industries. It is fundamentally changing the way companies operate, do their trade and interact with each other and it is giving birth to new processes and business models that were ... Views: 1284
By Nowshade Kabir.
If somebody tells you that your present corporate website can be converted to a B2B portal which will help you significantly improve your company’s productivity in both of the two primary factors: Revenue Growth and Cost Saving, and that the portal can be launched ... Views: 969
Ever wonder, how some importers and exporters get suppliers and buyers from other countries so easily? After trying their hand on eBay an increasing number of people are looking for either a foreign supplier for the items they are trading locally or global buyers for the unique product that they ... Views: 995
Do you know how many people in US are earning their livelihood with the help of eBay? According to a new survey conducted on July 2005 by ACNielsen, a leading research firm, an astounding 724 thousand Americans respond that they rely on eBay for their main or supplemental income. Apart from ... Views: 1466
The interesting thing about online buyers is they are extremely price sensitive. A survey done by Forrester Research shows that 73 percent of surveyed online buyers expect prices on the Internet to be cheaper than in stores. No wonder auction marketplaces are thriving. Among the most popular ... Views: 1228
Once you decide which products you are planning to sell on the Internet, and what type of web store you are going to use in order to display your products, next vital decision that you haveto take is to figure out how your customers are going to pay you.Whatever you plan to sell online, ... Views: 1175
Consumers are increasingly feeling more comfortable in buying products through the Internet. According to a report released recently by the Department of Commerce first-quarter retail salesrose 23.8 percent to US$ 19.8 billion in the United States from US$ 16 billion a year ago. E-commerce sales ... Views: 1042
Starting a business online is no longer as difficult as it used to be! Now, there are plenty of interesting business ideas that anybody can pick up from various Internet resources. Startup related cost, which used to deter many in taking action, has become negligible. Many people already started ... Views: 1455
One day, you suddenly realize that your computer started to worknoticeably slower than it used to. You decide to run de-fragmentation of your hard drive and add more virtual memory to the system. No luck! May be, it’s probably some viruses, you reckon turning on your virus scanning software. ... Views: 1231
A recent report done by Yankee Group, a Boston-based market research company, states that at the end of 2004 around 34 percent of small and medium sized businesses in North America are selling goods and services on the Internet and another 25 percent is planning to do so within next 12 months. ... Views: 986
The Internet is increasingly becoming a major time killer for many of us. Involuntarily, we started to spend more time online than we really can afford. Here is how it goes: you were sittingat work, you needed to find some crucial information to finish that project at hand, you went on the ... Views: 1055
Although, most of your traffic will still come from search engines and various online promotions, a little effort using traditional media might also bring a large number of visitors to your website.
Reasons, why you should take offline promotion of your website seriously include:
Internet is ... Views: 1346
There could not be a better time to mull over the changes needed in our lifestyles than at the beginning of a New Year. This is also a good time to set yearly goals and make resolutions. Each year, according to statistics, almost a third of us make some kinds of New Year Resolutions. ... Views: 1558
If you are planning to start a new business in 2005, you should seriously consider one of the many Internet based businesses available today. The online businesses have numerous inherent advantages in comparison to their brick and mortar counterparts.
Investment is relatively small
The basic ... Views: 1158
If you have an online business or you just use Internet as one of your marketing tools, you know that how important are the search engines in your quest to get more targeted visitors to your website. The changes in search engine field can have unexpected outcome for your online endeavors. That’s ... Views: 1166
Using the Internet to sell products and services to ever increasing number of net users is a good way to start your own business. If you are not taking advantage of this great opportunity you are just missing the boat! Consider this: e-commerce, contrary to popular believe, is thriving and ... Views: 1098
In this era of Internet, most people are frequent users of computers. Many of us use computers through out the day, accumulating morasses of information in various formats, which include email, digital photo, word document, spreadsheet, presentation file, ebook, article, other downloaded files, ... Views: 1069
Internet is an ever evolving business platform. Doing business on the Internet differs in a number of ways from every day brick and mortar business. Change here is more frequent, more dramatic and may have greater impact than in a conventional business. Success in this climate can only come from ... Views: 1073
Getting your business processes online is not an easy job! According to Gartner Group, a renowned research firm, a full 75 percent of all e-business projects fail due to poor planning and unrealistic expectations of new technology. The productivity gains and cost savings promised by e-business ... Views: 1267
Whether you are a newbie to Internet or a proud owner of
a website, affiliate programs are great opportunities for
you to make money online. It is an interesting concept
that allows affiliates to develop a source of income and
the program owners to sell their products more effectively.
As ... Views: 829
In this holiday season online shopping is hotter than ever!
According to US Commerce Department online sales continue to
grow with a robust 25-27 percent this year over 1992. Online
holiday shopping at a rate of 10 percent is also considerably
outpacing the 5.7 percent growth of overall ... Views: 882
Increase Company Productivity
After years of hard work, finally your business started to pick
up. You are selling more products then ever! You have lined up a
good number of suppliers and buyers. Things have never been better
than now. Except one thing! With rising sales your overhead and ... Views: 908
I registered with a B2B site but what’s next?
This is a question many first time users of B2Bmarketplaces ask themselves. A few expect that the registration itself will bring them a number of new customers. In some cases this might by true! Especially, if you are a seller of some much coveted ... Views: 1186
Getting your business processes online is not an easy job! According to Gartner Group, a renowned research firm, a full 75 percent of all e-business projects fail due to poor planning and unrealistic expectations of new technology. The productivity gains and cost savings promised by e-business ... Views: 1267
The Internet brought a great deal of benefits to our life. Access to a lot of free and useful information is, probably, one of the most important out of them. However, this abandon of free information has also become a problem to some extent. You started to spend a little too much time on the ... Views: 1171
If you use emails actively in your communication, you must have received various messages claiming to be from Ebay, Paypal and a number of banks. A recent email as if from U.S. Bank Corporation that I received contains the subject "U.S. Bank Fraud Verification Process" and in the body of the ... Views: 1308
Business to business e-commerce is on the rise! Worldwide B2B e-commerce revenues are estimated to reach around US$ 2 trillion in 2004. This is a significant leap from last year’s US$ 1.4 trillion. However, according to a recent survey, although, more than 70% of companies have already used ... Views: 1198
Business processes are the building blocks of an enterprise. If one of these processes fails to live up to its expectation, business starts to flounder. How to minimize the risks, get a better monitoring of the processes and, at the same time, reduce costs involved? The answer is – business ... Views: 1424
The Internet has opened up a whole new era of business opportunities. Falling trade barriers combining with easy access to trade information thanks to the Internet have created dramatic possibilities and sparked the growth of global online trade in virtually every area.
Many companies are ... Views: 1315
Since most of the businesses throughout the world have access to the Internet, many astute entrepreneurs and trading companies are using the Internet as one of the primary means for developing their import and export businesses.
Already a big slice of global trades are taking place through the ... Views: 1254
At present there are over 3.3 billion pages indexed by Google, and that definitely does not cover the entire Internet. With so many competitors around, you sure have to use every conceivable method available to promote your website.
Newsgroups can be very powerful tools in your web promotion ... Views: 1860
As you know, this time the virus under the name Sobig.F has
wreaked quite havoc! No doubt, many of us have suffered
from this recent virus outbreak.
According to an online poll conducted by CNN: 32% of respondents
were infected with this malicious virus. At the pick, each of
every 17 ... Views: 1483