Why will he not stop and ask for directions? Because he is a man.
The main reason men do not like asking for directions is because they have a strong belief that they can “do it on their own.” If they are lost, they will be able to find their own way out, on their own, without needing help ... Views: 2560
We all want to feel love; we want to give it and we want to get it. But, what happens if we don’t feel it?
In order to have a healthy, loving relationship we need to recognize that our partner may have a different description of love than we do. What does love mean to you? Your partner? How ... Views: 1789
Why is it so hard to figure out the opposite sex? Because our brains work differently.
Men’s brains are really good at focusing completely on just one thought and women’s brains are really good at thinking many thoughts at the same time. This difference can make it hard to figure out what ... Views: 2596
Men and women sometimes use the same words but with different meanings.
Women have a tendency to over-generalize statements, using words like ALWAYS and NEVER. Women sometimes say to men, “You ALWAYS do this,” or “You NEVER do that.” The use of these words is not meant to be taken literally, ... Views: 2808
Everyone’s goal in a relationship is to be in a happy. However, men and women may view their happiness differently. As women become comfortable in a new relationship, they tend to want to move up to the next level as soon as possible. If she is happy at the present level, she believes she will ... Views: 6725
Have you ever wondered why women spend so much time talking about relationships, while men seem to rarely give it a thought?
Often, it is the woman that is considered the “keeper or caretakers of the relationship. This happens naturally because women generally measure their own self-worth ... Views: 5047
Most men want to be the “Knight in Shining Armor.” When the Knight arrives to save the “Damsel in Distress,” he expects that he will have to work hard. To win the affection of the Damsel, the Knight knows he must be brave, work hard and slay the dragon. He is willing to put forth this effort ... Views: 4558
She regularly sees her handsome coworker at the coffee pot. In fact, she has started drinking more coffee just to increase her chances of an encounter. He occasionally sees her in meetings and tries not to stare. They both know there is a spark between them, but they have been trying to act ... Views: 1891
She loved it when he used to send her flowers and take her out dancing. Their dates made her feel special. Somehow though, their dates gradually changed from a night out with dinner and dancing to staying home with take-out food and movie rentals. Soon, they did not even go out for the videos, ... Views: 2225
You love your new job and you are working 60 hours a week. After work, you head to the gym for an hour of exercise, and then drag yourself home to fix dinner, spend time with the kids and sleep. You spend your weekends doing laundry, grocery shopping, arranging play dates for the kids and maybe ... Views: 1379