(To download the MP3 version of this article, click here: http://thecoughlincompany.com/cc_vol10_5.html)
Many great achievements can be traced back to overcoming disadvantages.
Many great failures can be traced back to a lack of disadvantages.
Be careful about complaining about your ... Views: 1827
(Author’s Note: For the downloadable MP3 version of this article, click http://thecoughlincompany.com/cc_vol9_12.html)
I used to make fun of the word “philosophy.” Thought it was too impractical, too theoretical, and too useless.
Wow, was I wrong.
Philosophy means the most basic ... Views: 867
By Dan Coughlin
Sustaining success is THE great challenge of our generation.
Every generation has taken on some great cause and left its mark on history. In the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s our ancestors took on the challenge of the Great Depression and World War II and guided us through an ... Views: 1002
The real test of leadership is not in the moment, but in the long term. Of course, the decisions you make at any moment can positively or negatively affect the long term health of the business.
Have you ever seen a leader swoop in and be the hero of the moment only to guide the organization ... Views: 893
I’m 47 now and 25 years into my career. I’ve had the opportunity to watch many people start their careers and talk with many others who have ended their careers. Through this informal research it has become clear to me that there are two distinctly different career DNAs in operation.
The Tale ... Views: 918
News Flash #1: As the recession recedes, companies will start hiring more employees.
News Flash #2: The people you choose to hire will be the single most important factor in the future success of your career.
Of all the things you will do at work in the next six months, hiring the right ... Views: 1272
Every day I thank my lucky stars that I had no business background because if I had I may never have learned as much.
When I started my management consulting business in 1998 I had no business experience and no business network. My background was in academic settings. I worked at colleges and ... Views: 1306
Over the last 25 years of working with individuals and groups the topic I have studied the most is leadership. It is my favorite topic of all. Here are five lessons I’ve learned about leadership.
Lesson #1: Leadership is Not a Label
In studying leaders and in working side-by-side with ... Views: 2241
(Author’s Note: If you want the MP3 recording of this article, please send an e-mail to dan@thecoughlincompany.com with “Job Search Article” in the subject heading.)
Before you can deliver a great performance, you need to have an opportunity to perform. With at least 15 million Americans out ... Views: 958
(If you want a link to the MP3 recording of this article, send an e-mail to dan@thecoughlincompany.com with “Just Say No” in the subject heading.)
Great organizations are defined by what they say no to. The same is true for great individual careers.
A great career is one where the ... Views: 1727
Don’t believe them.
When companies tell you they aren’t hiring because of the recession, don’t believe them. What they mean to say is that during a recession they are very, very discerning about who they hire and who they keep on their team. However, every company is always hiring as long as ... Views: 1896