Hope so this relates to YOU. If not thanks God. Fearand frustration are biggest obstacles towards success.Newbies caught by these two F's results into failureand ultimately quitting.
Tremendous Confusion When Started -- Several Questions...
* How to get started?
* Can I make money online?
* ... Views: 602
Hope so this relates to YOU. If not thanks God. Fearand frustration are biggest obstacles towards success.Newbies caught by these two F's results into failureand ultimately quitting.
Tremendous Confusion When Started -- Several Questions...
* How to get started?
* Can I make money online?
* ... Views: 871
Hope so this relates to YOU. If not thanks God. Fearand frustration are biggest obstacles towards success.Newbies caught by these two F's results into failureand ultimately quitting.
Tremendous Confusion When Started -- Several Questions...
* How to get started?
* Can I make money online?
* ... Views: 555
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 673
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 633
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 631
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 648
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 640
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 640
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 887
I stood, spade in hand, preparing to dig in the moist soil. My plan was to widen the edge of the garden to make space for still more perennials and annuals. I stood on the shovel, putting my weight behind the long blade, and pushed into the soil. Pulling back the sod, I noticed an object exposed ... Views: 696
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 601
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 748
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 564
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 604
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 553
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 934
"The Two-Income Trap -- Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers are Going Broke," by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, describes an escalating condition in American family finances:
“…the people who consistently rank in the worst financial trouble are united by one surprising ... Views: 577
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 588
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 638
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 612
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 487
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 698
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 569
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 955
A lot of people have lost their jobs due to offshore outsourcing. There is a deeper spiritual issue at play here. Many people who worked in these “Level 1” support positions took the job because it was there. Were they really happy about the work they were doing? Sure, it paid the bills, but did ... Views: 895
When we were young, our parents introduced us to the concepts of right &wrong and good & bad. In effect, we ended up inheriting a lot of theirjudgments about the world. When we complied with their view of what wasappropriate, they applauded us and we were rewarded - when we veered ... Views: 1704
You¹ve just decided to make THE move. You are considering joining a Network Marketing Company. Maybe you¹ve already found one. Great!
You¹ve spent some time evaluating the best ones, with the best products, the best compensation plan, the best trainingŠ and finally you have made your choice. ... Views: 5250
I have a standing interview every Monday morning on a radio station in the southeast that I enjoy very much. You can imagine though that it can become routine. So to make it a little more fun, the host nowadays doesn’t even tell me the topic before we go live on the air – that puts some ... Views: 975
The scars you acquire while exercising courage will never make you feel inferior. D.A. Battista
Courage is fear that has said its prayers. Dorothy Bernard
Courage. It is a word that conjures up images of great and dramatic actions. And yet I realize that we all have the opportunity to be ... Views: 1007
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***POSITIVE ENERGY - by Judith Orloff M.D., the Official Guide To Intuition
Submitted on Apr 11, 2004 from
By Judith Orloff, M.D.
Adapted from Positive Energy, Harmony Books, April, 2004
I learned to honor my energy needs the hard way. As a psychiatrist who specializes in intuition I knew how important it was to ... Views: 9167
Having a high level of emotional intelligence in your children is the best way to ensure that they live a happy, successful, and responsible life as an adult. Here are ten ways to help your kids attain a high degree of emotional intelligence:
Model emotional intelligence yourself
Yes, your ... Views: 1024
While some people share their favorite sayings with car bumper stickers there is a horse farmer in North East Florida who shares his own profound quotes by posting signs for thousands of drivers to see on the way to and from work. This past week he posted a sign that said, "Forgiveness is the ... Views: 3787
As I talked with my 85 year old Grandpa Eddy the other night he told me that he still likes mowing his lawn. "I mow the front first. Then I take a break and mow the back. I look at it as a challenge not a chore," he said. Then he added "When mowing my lawn becomes a chore and I have trouble ... Views: 901
William Pawluk, MD, MSc
Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine
March 2003
The issue of pain treatment is an extremely urgent health and socio-economic problem. Pain, in acute, recurrent and chronic forms, is prevalent across age, cultural background, and sex, and ... Views: 9368
It could be the answer to the prayers of a vast sea of sufferers of eczema and other itchy conditions. When Marilyn Strube caught chickenpox from her toddler daughter, she was told that nothing available would stop the incessant, maddening itch. The one thing that worked wasn't even supposed to ... Views: 1781
Discussion of an anti-itch therapy that mimics the anti-itch mechanismof UVB light.
Itch is a particularly distressing symptom for millions of patientssuffering from skin ailments. Severe, chronic itch can significantlyreduce the quality of life and scratching can cause skin damage ... Views: 5526
Deadly Sins of Getting the Second Appointment
An excerpt from: “Getting the Second Appointment” by: Anthony Parinello
Have you ever encountered great difficulty getting a second appointment, such as: not getting your calls returned, having meetings cancel at the last minute or worse yet, ... Views: 1103
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental and emotional condition that has its origins in a physical and/or mentally traumatic event that occurred anywhere from a few days to several years in the past. PTSD can develop by one overwhelming trauma as in 9/11 or by a series of smaller traumas or ... Views: 1107
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD) occur as a result of neurological dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This is the newest part of our tri-brain system in evolutionary terms. It is the part of our brain that performs ... Views: 1551
In my first article "Authentic Success" Part One, I stated that the way to be truly successful is to be connected to the inner vibrations which say, "I MUST do this for my peace and happiness," and not I "should" do this or that because someone said it is the way to success. If your inner voice ... Views: 1109
Have you ever wondered about your spirit guides? Who are they? Whatrole do they play in your life and spiritual development?
My spiritual awakening began when I was six years old and gravely illwith pneumonia. I fell into a deep slumber and quickly flew through atunnel toward an incredible ... Views: 1971