We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives. These examples do not ... Views: 3784
Data indicates that the average American gains between 5 and 10 pounds over the holidays, so it's going to take some planning and effort to beat these odds. However, the holidays are indeed special, so if you don't want to enjoy them at the expense of your health, it's worth this extra effort. ... Views: 1520
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
When you publish an ezine, you most definitely want to
provide useful, and original content as well as promoting
your business. Some things you might want to include:
*Original Articles/Guest Articles - If you are not
writing your own articles, please try it. ... Views: 1935
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
When starting your ezine, the first thing you want to
do is name it. I would suggest keeping the name as
close to your website/business name as possible. If
you do not have a website or business yet, use a name
you could name your business as well.
For ... Views: 1618
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
I have been getting numerous emails lately from people
who want to start publishing an ezine, but really don't
know where to start. So, I am going to write this
series of articles from start to finish in the hopes of
helping some of my associates get started with ... Views: 1638
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
Your life is a mess!
Your business is going nowhere!
Your house looks like a tornado hit it!
Does this sound familiar? Are you overwhelmed? Do
you feel like your life and business are out of control
and going nowhere?
Well, if you do, you are not alone. ... Views: 1515
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
Owning an online business and publishing an ezine can
be very frustrating, AND rewarding! There can be 100's
or even 1000's of websites and/or ezines that are almost
exactly like yours. What can you do to make your online
business stand out from the rest?
The ... Views: 1461
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
Writing and publishing an ezine is a very important
part of your online business so you want to make it
the best possible ezine you can. I have made mistakes
and changed and re-changed my ezine many times to
make it the best it can be. I am still always looking ... Views: 1651
According to a recent study, 77% of Americans enjoy the time they spend away from their jobs more than the hours they spend working. Do you experience any of these conflicts while at work?
While working on a task do you feel mentally "pulled" in opposite directions?
For example, part of you ... Views: 1593
By all reports, adults are becoming ruder, and children aren't learning manners either. 82% of Americans polled think children's manners are worse today than when they were children, and they're concerned.
In order to respect himself or herself, a child needs to learn to respect their parents ... Views: 4559
A humans perception of what are right and acceptable ways to look, act and behave are really nothing but a pile of empty, meaningless and substance less rules of which have been passed down through generation after generation of perhaps, confused and somewhat misinformed people. Whether it ... Views: 1718
The greatest asset we have in human existence is our soul growth, but somehow we have that confused with becoming powerful. Power does not bring growth unless we understand the essence of sharing that power.
The struggle for power is a main characteristic in basically all of our relationships. ... Views: 1761
If you want to be a winner you have to be prepared to develop a certain personal trait which others will not.
Are you prepared to do more to receive more? Or are you like most people who want consistently to do less and less, yet are mistakenly expecting more in return.
The notion of doing ... Views: 1698
Why would you ever write a letter and not send it? Lauren B. Smith, of Tucson, tells you in her new book Unsent Letters: Writing as a Way to Resolve and Renew, Walking Stick Press. Writing letters to someone who has caused you pain, someone with whom you have a disagreement, or someone who has ... Views: 5474
As a member and participant in many professional associations, Ive experienced some great meetings and some awful ones. Whats the difference between the great and awful? Often times its the host of the meeting they can be gracious and pleasant, or overbearing, boring, or ... Views: 8203
When I was a newbie in 'the game of life,' I wanted to succeed beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted to make it big and take on the world, all at once. My expectations were so high that not even Jack could reach them on his beanstalk. However, over time, after much frustration and burn out, I ... Views: 5583
MY CAREER IS IN THE DOLDRUMS Do I need a Coach or a Therapist?
Is Monday the worst day of your week? Can you hardly remember when you enjoyed going to work? Do friends ask why you seem so down? Maybe this has been going on awhile, and youre realizing its time ... Views: 1661
When it came to increasing the size of everyday molehills into large mountains, I’d indeed secured the coveted titles of champion and grand prize- winner. This was not an easy victory with lackadaisical requirements. Practice demands were challenging but I took advantage of every opportunity. ... Views: 2044
Balance could be defined as having a strong personal foundation, an appropriate level of stimulation in each life area, and knowing your limits. Each person will have an individual definition of balance; based on their life unique situation. However being balanced does imply making conscious ... Views: 1936
There's a nip in the air. Thoughts are turning to the upcoming Holiday season. A chance to spend time with friends and family is on our mind. We're a "spread out" people so travel plans are usually necessary to enjoy visits.
May I make a strong personal recommendation? Try wheels. Forget ... Views: 1699
"No, I can't do that." Throughout your lifetime, how many times have you heard somebody said it to your face? Hundreds, thousands or millions of times, perhaps. Sometimes, we express such skepticism out loud too, particularly when we feel we do not have the skills or knowledge required to ... Views: 1837
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
To continue on with the promotion part of this series
of articles, I would like to discuss networking with
discussion lists and message boards as a way of
promoting your business/ezine.
Those of you who know me, know that I am a big
believer in online networking ... Views: 1950
Why Dieting is the Absolute WORST Thing You Can Do to Lose Weight.
We've all heard the rallying cry over the past decade: "Diets don't work!" The backlash against diets has been tremendous, and rightly so. It's a well known fact that approximately 95% of those who lose weight on a typical diet ... Views: 2219
Do you want to put to rest the people and situations from your past so they do not interfere with your current and future relationships?
I bet you said yes. Who doesn't have something in their past they want to put to rest? Then let's talk about what action steps you can take to create the ... Views: 1947
Success is the result of certain habits and attitudes. There is no mystery, no secret society you must join. It is a mathematic equation: Think certain thoughts + do certain things = success.
If you look, these success habits and attitudes are everywhere. Yours for the taking. However, to work ... Views: 1568
If your current resume is not generating the interview offers you want, it is time to start assessing it.
Check to see that the following descriptors apply:
· Begins with a succinct, clearly stated career objective tailored to the particular job for which you are applying.
· Highlights ... Views: 2127
Sometimes we are so occupied with our daily routine in life that we forget that "we" are the most important element of our existence. We need to be nourished in order to grow.
When we look at the people around us, we most likely find that most people's favorite pastime is to complain. And just ... Views: 1685
Branding is a term used as a marketing technique to identify a product, service or organization in a particular way. Companies use this strategy to create an image in the hearts and minds of customers relating to their product or service. As a result, the power of a brand is in its ability to ... Views: 2570
FENG shui (say "fung shway") is the art of creating a home environment that supports the life you wish to live. A key element of feng shui is creating a smooth flow of chi (positive energy) through your space. Chi likes to move through your home as though it were a gentle breeze or a meandering ... Views: 1646
When the sea of life gets stormy, how can you stay shipshape and ride the waves?
Youre the CAPTAIN of your ship. Being empowered means having a deep sense of confidence that you can take charge and handle whatever comes up.
And every good captain has a CREW. Who will you have with ... Views: 2133
We humans are problem-solving systems. We thrive when we can solve our own problems. We suffer when we don't solve them. A good part of problem-solving involves how you see yourself and your world. Yes, there are problems (like preventing death, paying down the national debt, etc.) that are ... Views: 1709
For most people, public speaking is a challenge, but even once youve mastered the techniques, and the part about just getting up there, you're work isnt done.
The most common mistake I find in clients I coach about presenting is failing to grasp this concept: When you're giving a ... Views: 1706
When the muscles in the stomach receives too much food and liquid passing through the esophagus, these muscles react to empty the intestinal tract to prevent a build up of food and liquid going back into the esophagus describes a process commonly referred to as INDIGESTION.
Usually eating fresh ... Views: 2422
Copyright 2002 Terri Seymour
Now that you have your ezine named, designed, formatted
and ready to go, who do you send it to??
To get subscribers, you need to promote your new ezine.
There are several ways to do this that are effective and
free. Included in these are:
*Ad Swaps
*Writing ... Views: 1687
There's one thing about intuition that I've noticed over the years. When a person is using their intuition, they look UP. Literally, their eyes are raised to about 2/3 up the wall in front of them, sometimes to the ceiling. Or over halfway up the horizon in front of them if they are outdoors. ... Views: 1803
We all know that the economy is bad and things are tough! Many people are out of work and many more are afraid they will loose the job they have. Given this poor economic environment, it is crucial that you keep a positive attitude. The last thing you want to do now is get a negative attitude or ... Views: 21795
The first step toward being able to attract and create your ideal relationship is to clear the way for it by eliminating baggage from your past. This baggage refers to any resentments, hurts, or fears you have toward anyone who either was a role model or who
participated directly in a ... Views: 2742
How many people does it take to change a light bulb? One, but the light bulb has to want to change.
How many people does it take to change a bad habit. One. You. *But you have to want to change.*
And you have to go a step farther. You have to realize that you *must* change.
*** ... Views: 1928
Where do you live?
'Scare City'(scarcity) or 'Abundance Metropolis'?
In order to get there though, you are going to have to cross 'De Nile', better known as the river 'denial'.
But what must you deny?
You must deny anything that would stop you from attaining success. Yes, the success that ... Views: 2511
I read an interesting article about NineOneOne. The second plane that hit the Twin Towers was unusual in two respects. First, it was nearly empty. And second, most of the people on the plane changed their plans at the last minute to be on the plane.
As a metaphysician, I couldn't help but ... Views: 3124
Learning a foreign language is one of the best things you can do to balance brain hemispheres. And why is this important? Because it makes you more intelligent and more creative!
There is another advantage to learning a foreign language and that is because it will re-create your initial ... Views: 2142
Introverts can be wonderful salespeople. Our style is very different from the extrovert but equal or more effective.
Begin by valuing your listening skills highly. Introverts really listen. This is the shadow side of communication so if you think about it, being a good listener makes you a ... Views: 2873
Almost everyone I've talked with has suffered considerable
financial losses, many people have been laid off (and those that remain have to do the work of 2 or 3 people), business-owners have seen their sales drop off, and most people are scrambling to hang on to what they have without losing ... Views: 1794
The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion. --Nadia Boulanger
A new lesson in the importance of passion as a powerful, inner source of energy was revealed in my life recently. I am grateful to have had the opportunity for the past several years to pursue a ... Views: 4107