The cost of healthcare in our country continues to rise and it is becoming more and more difficult to pay for your healthcare expenses. Premiums rise, benefits decrease and you find yourself spending a lot of money for medical expenses mostly with out of pocket money. What can you do?
Many of ... Views: 1014
Consumers are getting pretty hard hit these days when it comes to paying for health insurance. Do you go with HMOs, PPOs or traditional indemnity plans? How about those Health Savings Accounts? Usually the decisions are based on costs, but are you really obtaining the best possible coverage for ... Views: 954
Informed Consent, according to the American Medical Association, is defined as “more than simply getting a patient to sign a written consent form. It is a process of communication between a patient and physician that results in the patient's authorization or agreement to undergo a specific ... Views: 1937
The costs of staying healthy are getting so out of hand these days that many people are unable to keep up with it. Insurance premiums keep skyrocketing; employers are reducing benefits or eliminating coverage outright, and many medical services that could prove beneficial for health are not ... Views: 1001
You must be proactive on your wellness initiatives to keep you from going broke!
All of us are in the same boat and unfortunately it seems to be sinking. Doctor bills, dental bills, hospital bills, drug bills, chiropractor bills… and so many more. Everyone is getting squeezed. So how can we ... Views: 851