As parents, we’re becoming increasingly aware of the problems in today’s environment. We want to buy products that are more environmentally friendly and safer for our families. One important purchase many new parents make is that of a mattress for their new baby. Did you know that ... Views: 881
The summer months are upon us and so are days spent outside at barbeques, picnics and at the pool and beach. These mean lots of sun exposure and the risk of sunburns. While it is true that too much sun can cause skin damage and sunburns, moderate sunshine is beneficial to our health. Sunshine ... Views: 861
Keeping It Cool - Summertime Cooking Tips
The last thing we want to do in the hot summer is heat up the kitchen cooking dinner. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to feed your family and still beat the heat. Breakfast is fairly easy since fresh fruit, yogurt, granola, cereals and smoothies ... Views: 660
Recently I was with a group of Mothers who were discussing the breastfeeding advice they had received as brand new Moms. I realized quickly how fortunate I was to have been given the best advice I ever got on breastfeeding by my own Mother.
The two things she told me prevented countless ... Views: 762
Women in our culture are sometimes advised to avoid spicy or "gassy" foods when nursing. Or they are told that chocolate, citrus, carbonated beverages or dairy causes problems in all nursing babies.
As a breastfeeding educator, I often see women warning other Moms that they need to avoid ... Views: 1131
Over 70% of American women start breastfeeding their baby in the hospital but only 16% are still nursing a year later.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be breastfed for at least a year, and the World Health Organization recommends two years of nursing.
So what's the ... Views: 857
If your breastfed baby seems to have excess gas, it can be disconcerting because you're wondering if s/he is in pain. Surprisingly, some babies seem to have no problems and don't mind being "gassy". But if the baby seems to be in some discomfort, try these tips to help with excess gas.
1) Let ... Views: 872
Many nursing Moms wonder: Can I overfeed a breastfed baby? If you're worried about your pleasingly plump nursing baby, read on.
In answer to the question: No, you really cannot overfeed the breastfed baby. Firstly, you cannot force a baby to eat when he doesn't want to. If he is indicating the ... Views: 958
Breastfeeding is not only best for baby and Mom's health. It's also fun, empowering and enjoyable if you approach it the right way. The American Academy of Pediatrics encourages Moms to breastfeed their babies for at least one year or as long as mutually desired. Sadly, many Moms quit before ... Views: 759
I cannot overemphasize this tip: Find breastfeeding friendly health care providers if you want to breastfeed your baby for a year or longer.
I had to "fire" my first Pediatrician because she was so ignorant of the importance of breastfeeding. If your Pediatrician is only giving lip service to ... Views: 661
There are several reasons why you, as a breastfeeding Mom, will want to avoid or limit artificial nipples. Avoid Triple Nipple Syndrome if you want to nurse your baby for that important first year (or longer!).
Using artificial nipples, meaning supplemental bottles and pacifiers, reduces the ... Views: 1912
You have a goal to breastfeed your baby for one year and are off to a great start. Congratulations! But now you want to leave the house? Uh-oh!
Unless you're going to become a hermit for a year or want to pump bottles, you need to get comfortable with nursing in public.
And what's wrong with ... Views: 751
Mastitis is a breast infection that can affect some breastfeeding Moms. According to Dr. Ruth Lawrence, author of Breastfeeding: A Guide for the Medical Profession, mastitis is an "infectious process in the breast producing localized tenderness, redness, and heat, together with systemic ... Views: 740
Everyday we hear of more things in our environment that can harm us. From drugs in our water and hormones in our food to toxins in our cleaning products, it seems that everything causes cancer. When it comes to our babies, we moms sometimes wish we could keep them in a bubble for the first few ... Views: 776
When your baby comes down with a cough, you want to do whatever you can to make her more comfortable. Yet at the same time, you don’t want to grab over the counter medication, since there are usually side effects and chemicals that you’d rather not expose babies to if it can be avoided. What's ... Views: 8075
No, not that kind of potty talk. That's another topic altogether! I'm talking about Elimination Communication (EC), a new word given to an ancient practice: raising baby without diapers. E.C. is also referred to as Natural Infant Hygiene.
When I first heard about Elimination Communication, my ... Views: 1013
A subscriber to my marketing tips newsletter wrote me to ask what I think is a common question, especially in some work at home markets. Her question was basically asking whether she should give freebies away without requiring an opt in. She says:
"I have heard conflicting ideas on what's ... Views: 727
If you're like most people who start a blog, you initially have a bit of writer's block. Good news- it will likely go away, and you'll find yourself thinking of new things to blog about frequently. In fact blogging becomes quite addictive.
This was certainly true of me. When I began blogging, ... Views: 700
Most Moms think about starting a home based business at one time or another.
Maybe the youngest has started school, and Mom suddenly has a lot of free time. Or perhaps Mom was successful in her career before having her first child, and wished to put her skills to good use in a home based ... Views: 657
If you're a new Mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about breastfeeding in public.
Or perhaps you are disturbed by media reports of women who are harassed for breastfeeding in public and are considering pumping your milk to give your baby when you leave home.
Here are some tips ... Views: 753
Is your baby approaching his or her first birthday and you're considering weaning?
The American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends "breastfeeding continue for at least 12 months, and thereafter for as long as mutually desired."
If you and your baby are still enjoying the nursing ... Views: 929
You know that breastfeeding is best for mother and child, but what's in it for Dad? Isn't he going to miss out by not getting to share in the joy of feeding the baby? Let's see how Dads benefit when a Mom chooses to breastfeed their child.
Cost Savings
This is a big one for Dad! Whether he's ... Views: 776
Tandem Nursing – Breastfeeding Built For Two
You just found out that you’re pregnant? Congratulations! Maybe you’re overjoyed. Maybe this happened a bit sooner than you were expecting. Either way, you are wondering if you need to wean your happily nursing child.
The ... Views: 1036
Some nursing moms will experience a little understood but not uncommon breastfeeding challenge: thrush. Thrush, simply put, is a yeast infection of the breast. Thrush affects the nipples, and can even go as deep as the milk producing glands. What’s more, baby’s mouth can become infected, and ... Views: 894
Once you’ve made the decision to breastfeed you will need a couple of essentials that will aid you in the process. One of the must haves is a good nursing bra. Choosing a well fitting nursing bra can help you avoid mastitis and make nursing in public easier. Here are some tips to help you ... Views: 797
In addition to using private label rights content for your site, blog and newsletter, here are a couple more uses that will knock your socks off.
- PLR as Infoproduct
That's right! You've no doubt noticed that many successful people online have their own information products to sell. But ... Views: 816
Are you a Mom in business?
Then you already know my secret of success.
What is it?
Everything you need to know about succeeding in business you learned from giving birth. No, really! See what I mean.
Principle #1) It’s going to be more work than you think.
I know you read about people ... Views: 755