All too often, when we can’t sleep, it’s because something that we’ve done - or haven’t done - in the hours leading up to bedtime is interfering with our ability to doze off. The more steps we can take to ensure that our bodies and minds are ready for sleep, the more likely we are to fall ... Views: 1622
Lying awake at night is no fun and, if it's happened to you, you may have spent some of those long hours of wakefulness wondering "Why?" You might well have been feeling tired, possibly very tired . . . so why couldn’t you fall asleep when you needed to?
There are many causes of insomnia, ... Views: 940
Acupuncture may not be the therapy that immediately springs to mind if you are looking for a cure for insomnia. But it can be very effective.
One of the reasons for this is that it is a holistic therapy . . . it treats the whole person, not just the symptoms which he or she is experiencing. ... Views: 1179
In the treatment of insomnia, homeopathy has two great advantages over the use of sleeping tablets. First, it has no side effects and, second, it is holistic - it treats the whole patient. This means that, whereas orthodox drugs simply act on the nervous system to induce sleepiness, a ... Views: 1283
Ask anyone to pretend to be a hypnotist and you can be fairly certain that they’ll look you in the eyes and say (possibly in a foreign accent!) “You are falling asleep”. Although a hypnotic trance is not actually a form of sleep, it is a very similar state. And because of its ability to induce ... Views: 959