Last night a friend and I were talking about some challenges in his life and I remembered a line from a poem by Robert Bly:
The albatross that lands on the mast began flying a thousand years ago.
A long time ago, back when we were pure positive energy, we didn’t doubt for a minute that ... Views: 1049
Sometimes the "incompletes" in our lives can add up and we can start to feel overwhelmed. There are big incompletes -- our long-held dreams, our unpursued passions -- and then there are the little incompletes -- the stuff we see every day that niggles at us, the "to-dos," the lists of tasks we ... Views: 1005
The Reticular Activating System (RAS for short) is a tiny part of the brain with a big and important job. It controls consciousness and acts as a filter. At any given moment you have approximately 2 million bits of sensory information available to you. You're only capable of absorbing about 150 ... Views: 986
If you were to gather up the day's news you would invariably come to the conclusion that the world needs saving, right? Well, I expect it will need saving tomorrow, too. And in the meantime, I am going to reflect on what it means to "do something" in the face of great suffering.
Yes, the ... Views: 1062
Before you start reading this article, I'd like you to sit quietly for a few seconds. Take in a full breath, let it fill your lungs, and then release it slowly. Repeat this simple breathing exercise and include the words from my favorite meditation:
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing ... Views: 1038
"I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that don't work." ~Thomas Edison
There is a field of research that studies how scientists study things. And by scientists, I mean anyone who acquires knowledge by forming a hypothesis—essentially a belief about what they expect to see—and then tries ... Views: 1233
One of my coaching clients is struggling with clutter. And although I don't advertise it as a service, I actually love to declutter and organize.
So I offered to help her—and started the conversation by stating that I wouldn't try to compel her to give up anything she didn't want to let go. ... Views: 2642
Hope is not just some ephemeral emotion. Nor is it the abstract one-size-fits-all concept put to work in poetry and political campaigns. It’s actually a deeply felt neurochemical stance that our minds take toward our current circumstances—a stance that alters our outlooks and our actions, as ... Views: 2764
Peace doesn't require two people; it requires only one. It has to be you. The problem begins and ends there. - Byron Katie
I love Byron Katie. I really do. I had a read a ton of literature on happiness – from academic studies to the Dalai Lama - and nothing helped me let go of my stressful ... Views: 2485
I recently wrote about the power of your story in anticipation of meeting 12 women for The Power of Your Story event I was hosting. All of the women were truly amazing and I would love to write about each one of them. Today, with her permission, I will tell the story of one of them. ... Views: 1843
Sometimes when I ask my clients "If money weren't an issue, what would you do with your time?" they answer that they don't know or that they would sit on a beach all day. I think those responses are understandable, but I'm also pretty sure that they do know, and it's not sitting on a beach all ... Views: 4271
Many of my clients are women who understand the importance of self-acceptance and appreciation because they want their children to exhibit these traits, but they often get stuck on how to do it for themselves.
Of course, the ultimate goal is for us to model being and loving ourselves in an ... Views: 1936
“To think is to practice brain chemistry.” - Deepak Chopra
Have you ever heard someone say, “Well, I’m no brain scientist…”? Quite recently I had lunch with a friend while he was on a break from work. When he ordered a beer I raised my eyebrows in mock astonishment. He replied “It’s not like ... Views: 1961
1. Get Up.
How often do you find yourself completely uninterested in getting up once your alarm goes off? There’s a reason why this happens so often. It’s not so much that you’re so tired (although if you’ve gotten less than 7 hours of sleep that may be the case), but that you have been lying ... Views: 1139
Step #1: Define Happiness
First ask, “What makes me happy?” Think carefully about this because your definition of happiness may be very different from the cultural norm (I know mine is!) and it will influence every other significant decision in your life.
For example, my husband and I both ... Views: 1455
One of my clients is haunted by the memory of a former lover. She wonders how she allowed such a "bad" relationship to go on for so long. Of course she did the best she could with the awareness she had at the time.
But now she has 20/20 hindsight.
We’ve all been in her shoes. We wish we ... Views: 1528
Before you start reading this article, I’d like you to sit quietly for a few seconds. Take in a full breath, let it fill your lungs, and then release it slowly. Repeat this simple breathing exercise and include the words from my favorite meditation:
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing ... Views: 1400
Anne Lamott once wrote, "The great good news is that we're not all crazy at the same time." The thing is that my clients often tell me that they and their partners are always crazy at the same time. And this does, in fact, make sense because we all have "mirror neurons" in our brains.
Mirror ... Views: 1233
I consider my body my most trusted advisor. I think it assimilates information from the Universe that I can’t understand fully at first. You see, I know the Universe wants my best life, but sometimes I don’t heed its advice – sometimes I’m convinced I don’t even hear it.
It’s like Oprah ... Views: 2060
Many people go through life creating by default; they just aren’t clear about what they really want. They become hung up on how much is going wrong in their life or in the world. And once that happens, they start to tell a story—they construct a narrative around the grim details that have ... Views: 1266