Perception is a quirky thing.
Because, sometimes, lurking in the not-too-hidden recesses of our minds, is a part of us that wants to keep us in pain, shame, hopelessness. And it often it does this by lying to us. Even in the face of evidence to the contrary.
And we believe . . .
We must ... Views: 1812
It can be scary and uncomfortable to say we’re sorry. To own up to the fact that perhaps we did something less than stellar and that it negatively impacted someone we care for.
We want to just brush it under the rug. To have it let go. To not have to meet and experience the discomfort of ... Views: 1827
Most of us have been taught that love is a commodity. Something someone either has for us or not. Something that can either be given or taken away, won or lost.
Thus, we become dependent on an ‘other’ to make us feel happy and secure. But any dependency can be fraught with distress and ... Views: 1254
Diets don’t work.
It would be great if they did.
If diets worked, almost everyone with a ‘weight problem’ would have handled it by now.
Because dieting is easy. Just change what you eat for a while, and presto!, the weight melts off and the body you’ve been dreaming of is yours!
But ... Views: 2038
What if the key to becoming ‘expecting’, was learning to practice Positive Expectancy?
What might happen if, even in the face of all of life’s uncertainty, we chose to become more resilient and hopeful in our thinking?
In my HypnoFertility and Conception Coaching work with women hoping to ... Views: 1479
A “time-out” is a guaranteed method for stopping the cycle of addictive, self-destructive behavior toward oneself, or destructive, violent behavior toward another. All is takes is contientious effort to work with yourself and a commitment to do the exercise faithfully.
Whenever you begin to ... Views: 1342
Life is challenging. We all know that. What we don’t often know is how to manage our reactions to everyday stressors. And, in general, it is those reactions that tend to make things feel bigger and harder, or smaller and more manageable. Here are a few suggestions that might be helpful in ... Views: 1159
Sometimes we get lost. In the swirl and whirl of our thoughts. In the energy of our emotions. So lost, we can find ourselves angry, hurt, terrified, bewildered, or worried and out of time, in a memory we React to as if it were real in this very moment, or a prediction of a future that ... Views: 1114
If your upbringing was anything like mine, you probably grew up in a family where strong feelings weren’t too well-tolerated. I was told to ‘rise above’ when I was unhappy, and to ‘simmer down’ when I was having too much fun. I came to learn that in the vast continuum of emotional experience ... Views: 1031