A few days ago, I woke up with a sore throat that progressed rapidly to laryngitis, a sinus infection, and bronchitis. The only problem was I didn't have time to be sick. I had two exciting coaching workshops to present, clients to coach, and a million other little things scheduled. I barreled ... Views: 948
I've been noticing a trend lately while working with women suffering from health issues. I coach women with pelvic pain issues of any variety, and I can't help but notice some commonalities. I am no longer surprised when I hear person after person describe herself as a perfectionist, an ... Views: 2895
When I was in the midst of my physical pain and emotional turmoil, I saw an television show where the guest was talking about feeling grateful for experiencing illness. I can't remember now what illness this person suffered from, or what the whole show was about, but I do remember how very ... Views: 1027
Whether you've just been diagnosed with vulvodynia or you've been dealing with it for a while (and even two days with vulvodynia can seem like a very LONG while), you are now a member of the club. It's that exclusive membership you never asked for, never dreamed you'd get, and though you never ... Views: 1798
I am sharing my vulvodynia story, which is long and complicated, because it ties into every aspect of my life, including becoming a life coach and learning how to work with emotions and the thoughts that create them. I want to make it clear that I am writing my story in the hope that it will ... Views: 1221
Now you know why investigating your emotions can help you heal, and you've done some work to find the main culprits. Negative emotions, besides hindering your healing, just aren't much fun. It's not exactly something you've dreamed of - feeling fear, panic, anger, or despair (to name a few of ... Views: 991
In Martha Beck's book, Finding Your North Star, she discusses the concept of the essential self. Your essential self is the calm, peaceful, wise you who knows exactly what you need in every moment of your life. When you feel flashes of intuition, you are hearing the voice of your essential ... Views: 1057
Your symptoms are flaring. You are in full panic mode, and you want out. Your chest is tight, your muscles tense, your breathing shallow. You would do anything to escape this feeling, and you're even realize the feeling is just as awful as the actual physical pain. You want relief.
Here's ... Views: 993
Most of us are not hoping to wake up every morning and feel intense panic or desperate fear. If we could ask for anything, we’d probably ask for peace. Peace for others, peace for the entire planet, and peace within ourselves. Yet, when we face health problems and physical pain, peace seems ... Views: 1500