Have you witnessed a monumental shift in what is expected for you to succeed in your job/career and life compared to ten years ago? The line between job and personal life has become more blurred. With the recent economic chaos and tight job market all workers and business people are constantly ... Views: 1883
When learning to speed read, the saying that a little information can be a dangerous thing still applies. Consider the term eye-span. Even though I`ve been teaching people from all walks of life how to speed read for 30 years, I have only recently received many questions about it. For new ... Views: 2587
The term hack has been used in recent years to refer to a short cut, or more efficient way of doing things. From time to time I will continue to post reading hacks that can help you with both your speed and comprehension, as well as being tactics for more efficient reading. Today`s reading hack ... Views: 2549
Speed reading is one of the most important skills to master for anyone who is serious about learning or their education. Whether you are looking to keep well informed and up to date on current events or would like to be able to browse through website content through speed reading online, ... Views: 2406
Remember when you were young and went to your favorite swimming hole and couldn`t wait to dive into the water and your parents, or other adult would tell you to look before you dive in?
Or, have you ever ventured out on a long road trip; did you first look at a map?
Or, do you remember the ... Views: 2575
In many studies of the reading process and the nature of linguistics, it has been established that the reader knows well over 90 percent of the words. It is therefore unnecessary to have to pronounce each of the words to oneself as you have already learned them.
Before comprehension can be ... Views: 2434
(This is the second in a series of 5 posts on the keys to supersonic reading – reading at speeds above 600wpm)
If we were in a conversation with each other I might say to you, Can you imagine a pink elephant? Immediately in your mind you would probably picture this unrealistic image of a ... Views: 2507
In this 3rd part of the series “How to Read supersonically,” or reading above 600 words per minute (wpm), we’ll be exploring the use of the eyes, or the mechanics of reading. If you are to be able to read and understand at rates above 600 wpm, then learning to use your eyes more fluidly and ... Views: 2475
Today, with the internet revolution, the world is changing faster than before. Students and young professionals find themselves in a fix wondering how to keep up with the changing times. Following the traditional study system, by the time we graduate from school, much of what we learn becomes ... Views: 2342
A favorite pastime of mine is to ask people what it means to “speed read?” Invariably the more people I ask, the more different answers I get. Usually their answers have something to do with reading faster than they currently do. Rarely does someone include in the definition mentioning ... Views: 4145
With so many mediums to choose from to learn how to speed read such as books, audios, software, videos, etc., why should you consider needing a live personal coach? After all, you already know how to read, so why not save yourself the extra money? The answer uncovers the difference in learning ... Views: 2479
Are you someone who often either wants to fall asleep or actually does fall asleep while you are trying read something more than a couple of paragraphs? I get this question, especially frequently from students or professionals who have a lot of in-depth reading to do. Many factors can lead to ... Views: 2748
With so many mediums to choose from to learn how to speed read such as books, audios, software, videos, etc., why should you consider needing a live personal coach? After all, you already know how to read, so why not save yourself the extra money? The answer uncovers the difference in learning ... Views: 2562
You've decided to learn about speed reading and maybe pursue a program to change your outdated skills to a level that can help you better cope with today's massive overload of information. You're excited! You read some information about learning to move your eyes more efficiently. You may even ... Views: 2903
Speed reading success requires you to understand and embrace certain qualities of your mind if you are to succeed. Due to the radically different approach and necessary new behaviors, an unprepared learner can easily give up. Rather than to succumb to this premature emotional reaction, speed ... Views: 3865
Did you know that neuro-science (the study of how the brain works) has proven there are four essential principles that insure learning success? Without knowing these, you will probably be frustrated, confused, and possibly fail in your attempts to learn this complex set of behaviors called speed ... Views: 4422
In the "always-on" electronic information rich and interconnected culture we live in, challenges to our ability to focus and concentrate is an extremely essential trait that few people can claim is not a problem. Concentration becomes even more difficult when learning to speed read. This article ... Views: 5556
When most people start to learn to speed read, they have to focus on moving their eyes more efficiently. This takes the mind off track from responding to the print. All reading requires some level of comprehension, or understanding, otherwise it is not reading. Reading can be defined as the ... Views: 2927
Congratulations on taking a step towards learning to read faster by "speed reading." If you're like most people who are trying to improve their reading skills to the level of super fast speed reading, you are probably wondering how to do it while maintaining, if not improving, your ... Views: 2824
Reading this article on speed reading tactics demonstrates some level of desire on your part to master these essential skills to help you overcome your information overload. Congratulations! Although this is a good start, it represents the beginning of your path to mastering a complex set of ... Views: 2767
Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you read? When you understand how different parts of your brain become activated doing different types of mental tasks, then you can take control of your ability to read better and faster. On the other hand, by not understanding some simple ... Views: 2586
To Master Speed Reading - Know the 5 Proven Roadblocks to Speed Reading Success
The term "speed-reading" delivers 55 million results on Google. There is an overabundance of information related to this topic. Even if you are highly motivated to improve your reading and comprehension, the ... Views: 4011
Analyzing A Whole Brain Thinker in Action
What does selling shoes have to do with using your whole brain effectively? Nothing if you are merely trying to sell shoes.
But if you are someone like Tony Hsieh of Zappos, selling shoes is merely the starting point of something with much greater ... Views: 3209
Can intelligence be increased? That's a radical question that has been hotly debated for well over a century. As with most "radical" questions the debate is usually centered around the lines of demarcation or differing disciplines. Historically intelligence has been measured as a factor of ... Views: 3038
As you begin to research and select an approach to developing your speed reading skills, you will inevitably find continuous references to the fact that untrained readers need to expand the number of words that the eyes take in with each eye stop. These stops are called fixations. In theory, the ... Views: 3858
I recently discovered a couple of speed reading programs that are free plug-ins for electronic reading especially web-based reading. I excitedly downloaded and installed them onto my desktop machine. Unfortunately these free plug-ins were a major disappointment that built upon common a ... Views: 3473
You've decided to take up the practice of the essential success skill of speed reading. You start your practice, perhaps using a software program that helps to get your eyes moving 2-10 times faster through the print. You zip right through the reading selection and get to the end. Then, you ... Views: 7122
Multi-tasking, multiple projects, multiple goals, multi-media pretty much describes the state of the workplace and school environments today. With all this flurry for our attention and focus, it is amazing that anything actually gets completed. With all the distractions around us, unless you ... Views: 2930
Before you make the journey in learning to become a master speed reader, answering the question in the title can go a long way to motivating you to keep practicing and mastering the art and science of speed reading. A review of academic research in this area can confuse most people. In this ... Views: 4311
If you are just beginning to search for help in learning to speed read, you may easily become overwhelmed. With such a variety of approaches, mediums of learning, and contradictory information, it would be easy to give up learning this valuable life-long learning set of skills. Please don't ... Views: 2843
As a speed reading coach, when I get a new learner who has been frustrated by trying to learn speed reading in the past, I frequently hear something like, "I was zipping through materials at high speeds, but I just didn't understand the material." Here are 7 simple, but powerful tips that can ... Views: 3604
With nearly any material you come across about speed reading, you will find some discussion about the habit of subvocalization. This habit can be defined as the process of seeing the words in print, then saying the words in your mind, hearing the words in your mind, and then it finally leads to ... Views: 4089
As a speed reading coach, I am frequently asked the question, "How can I increase my comprehension as well as my speed?" It seems that everyone gets the "speed" of the eyes part, but the comprehension, or understanding of the material is the question, or challenge for most people. The speed of ... Views: 2956
ou've bought into the idea that speed reading can be an essential skill for success in today's knowledge economy and academic success, or you probably would not be reading this article. These are skills you don't have now, but want to learn and master. After doing some research, you discover ... Views: 2891
"Within minutes of starting to read, my mind wanders off. When I come back to the page, I realized I have gone through several pages and don't know what I just read!" This is a common problem for all readers, not just speed readers. Does your mind wander?
Alternatively I hear, "I have ... Views: 2693
You want to learn to speed read and you're doing a web search on the topic. Unless this is the first thing you have read, you have probably come across much negative talk about the possibility of ever really reading super fast and achieving good comprehension with speed. (Usually that comes from ... Views: 2583
Does speed reading really work? No, it does not work! You work it. Now before you stop reading thinking, "that last statement is obvious," I'll ask you to stop and think for a moment. Most people think that reading is a passive activity. Passive readers are slow readers who often have great ... Views: 4258
If you cannot comprehend at high reading speeds, it is not reading! There is a mistaken notion "out there" that if you speed read, you will not fully comprehend. That is a myth!
Many of my students come to me after having failed some other training. A recent new student said to me, "I bought ... Views: 2989
Speed reading requires training the brain, not just the eyes. Getting the eyes unstuck from looking, and sometimes staring, at individual words is essential, but that is merely one aspect of learning a set of complex behaviors and skills. Training the eyes is the mechanical part of learning the ... Views: 2299
Whether you have just started to look into speed reading, or whether you are a frustrated learner who has tried and not mastered the skills yet, there are 6 essential concepts you must understand if you hope to master the skills as a lifelong habit, or skill set.
Notice I mentioned ... Views: 4028
Recently someone asked me directly, "is it possible to read 2000 words per minute?" Yes, it is possible. Faster is also possible.
It is possible to read even faster than that. We're not sure how fast is possible for us humans. However, considering that the average ending rates for our ... Views: 3911
I must confess, I hate the term "speed reading." Since the popularization of the approach in the 1960s, there has been such a flood of approaches to the term "speed reading," and so many who have tried to cash in on the promise it offers by unskilled practitioners and program developers, that ... Views: 3365
Do you remember Aesop's fable of the Tortoise and the Hare? As you read this article about speed reading you probably think I'm going to talk about the fast hare. On the contrary, I am going to sing the praises of the lowly tortoise.
The lesson of the tortoise is the character trait ... Views: 2626
When people watch me read they will often say something like, "Oh, you're a speed reader. Does that really work?" I will usually respond, "No!" I know that sounds flippant, but truthfully, it does not work. You work it. Speed reading is a systematic approach you apply to learning and absorbing ... Views: 2957
Speed reading successfully requires you to train and use your eyes in new ways. All speed reading training covers some approach to getting the eyes to move more efficiently. Did you know that there are eye training methods that could actually be harmful? Here are some mistakes to avoid.
1. ... Views: 3171
When you are starting to learn speed reading one of the common mistakes the learner makes is trying to read faster by speeding up what they already do. This approach may bring some gain, but they will be short lived. Here's how to overcome this mistake.
The learner gives up simply because ... Views: 2336
Speed reading is a set of skills that is necessary for nearly everyone's survival in this age of information overload. Whether you are a student, returning adult student, employee, manager, executive, or business person reading more efficiently and effectively is set of techniques that are key ... Views: 3285
As someone begins the journey to learn speed reading immediately speed takes center stage. The learner knows something must change, and engages in exercises to move the eyes more efficiently. This initial approach is sound up to a point. However, the learner can often get overwhelmed and ... Views: 2449
Is speed reading a myth, or a method? Searching through the web for information on speed reading can lead to mass confusion, especially if you read the majority of posted views on non-commercial sites. The verdict from reviewing these personal experiences can cause an interested learner to have ... Views: 2797
If you have been searching for information about speed reading, you probably have been confused by both the abundance of information as well as the contradictions in the statements and "facts" you read. One of the most common statements someone who is looking for free information about the topic ... Views: 4094