Type of Drug: Anti-ulcer drug; prostaglandin.
How The Drug Works
Misoprostol reduces the amount of acid secreted by the stomach. It also helps to protect the stomach lining.
To prevent formation of stomach ulcers in patients who are taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ... Views: 1375
What is this Condition?
In this syndrome, fluid builds up in the lungs and causes them to stiffen. This impairs breathing, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen in the capillaries that supply the lungs. When severe, the syndrome can cause an unmanageable and ultimately fatal lack of oxygen. ... Views: 1486
During prolonged endurance exercise, if one's carbohydrate stores become significantly depressed, protein becomes an active substrate, accounting for about 12-15% of oxidized fuel How much protein used differs from workout to workout and depends on
1) The length of exercise
2) The intensity of ... Views: 2009
Because the nature of your skin is changing, your makeup routine should change as well. The makeup you wore at twenty, thirty, or forty won't necessarily complement your skin in later years. This is a time to experiment to find the shades and colors that look best on you. Don't hesitate to ... Views: 2001
How Roles Are Changing
At their most basic, the terms mother and father describe a range of biological facts. A mother produces eggs and gives birth to children, A father's sperm fertilize the eggs and contribute half his child's genes. But these are obviously not the only differences. Human ... Views: 1459
The body consists of 30 to 40 billion adipose cells (fat cells) that provide storage space for extra energy. Adipose cells may be viewed as collapsible, thin walled containers with unlimited storage capacities. In prehistoric times large fat stores developed when food was available in ... Views: 11605
Biological Value (%) is calculated as retained nitrogen/ absorbed nitrogen X 100. To illustrate how this provides an evaluation of protein quality, consider a scenario in which all amino acids in a protein are used for protein synthesis. Here, retained and absorbed nitrogen would be equal and ... Views: 1875
Renal Disease and Hypertension
A patient with hypertension has an increased risk of developing renal disease. In stage I renal disease, the patient has a diminished renal reserve but no symptoms of renal disease. If untreated, the condition may progress to stage II renal disease, in which the ... Views: 929
In the early stages of diabetic nephropathy, a patient usually doesn't experience symptoms. Typically, symptoms occur when her glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is 20% to 30% of normal. The GFR reflects the amount of plasma that passes through the glomerulus per minute. When signs and symptoms ... Views: 1178
What is this Condition?
Collapsed lung is an accumulation of air or gas between the membranes that enclose the lungs. The amount of air or gas that's trapped determines the degree of lung collapse. In a tension pneumothorax, the air in the membranes is under higher pressure than air in the ... Views: 2470
What is this Condition?
This lung condition is characterized by widespread filling and inflammation of the lung spaces with asbestos fibers. It can develop as long as 15 to 20 years after regular exposure to asbestos has ended. A potent cocarcinogen, asbestos aggravates the risk of lung cancer ... Views: 1001
Involuntary or passive smoking is associated with premature disease and death. Estimates indicate that 38,000 to 43,000 nonsmokers who are regularly exposed to environmental smoke die annually from smoking related causes. 16 The majority of these (35,000 to 40,000) die from heart disease, and ... Views: 1373
What is this Condition?
Herniated disk is a back problem that starts when all or part of the soft, central portion of a spinal disk is forced through the disk's weakened or torn outer ring. When this happens, the protruding disk may rub against spinal nerve roots or the spinal cord itself, ... Views: 1201
Even if you consider your self healthy, you may want to think about a visit to your doctor before you try to become pregnant. Such visit can reassure you about any medications you are taking, and gives your doctor the opportunity to check for may preexisting medical conditions before you try to ... Views: 1071
Tendinitis is a painful inflammation of tendons and of tendon-muscle attachments to bone, usually in the shoulders, hips, Achilles tendons, or hamstrings. Bursitis is a painful inflammation of one or more of the fluid-filled sacs that cover and cushion the ends of bones. Bursitis usually occurs ... Views: 1124
Taxonomic Class
Common Trade Names
Mitchella repens, Partridge Berry, Squaw Vine Source
Squaw vine is the dried plant of Mitchella repens Linne, common to the woodlands of the central and eastern United States. The plant blooms in July and is usually harvested late in ... Views: 3996
Because your hypertensive patient has an increased risk of developing renal disease, monitor his laboratory results for the following.
Stage I: Diminished Renal Reserve
* reduced kidney function with no accumulation of metabolic wastes
* mild elevation in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and ... Views: 972
Obesity is not conducive to increased longevity because it is a strain on the heart and a precursor for many of the modifiable risk factors that promote cardiovascular disease. The national institutes of health (NIH) has summarized the data that were collected before 1985 on the ... Views: 863
One of the joys of life is participating in recreational or sporting activities. To reduce stress, improve cardiovascular conditioning, and promote our own personal spirituality, some people find that there is nothing more satisfying than being outdoors. Regardless of the season there are risks ... Views: 1154
If your patient will have to restrict his fluid intake after discharge, teach him to monitor his intake and output accurately. Explain that his fluid intake includes the following:
* everything he drinks, including the liquid in prepared foods
* soups
* everything that melts into liquid at ... Views: 14902
Whey protein is a derivative of milk production with an amino acid profile that is closely related to the amino acids required by the human body. Whey protein also has proportionately more sulfur-containing amino acids and contains a relative surplus of a variety of essential amino acids. This ... Views: 913
Pelvic Rocking
Increases flexibility for moving into the poses that follow:
Press each vertebra into the floor, one by one, as you rock your pelvis. Use your abdominal muscles, not your knees, to move your weight between points.
These "awareness through movement" exercises ... Views: 6153
Similar to carbohydrates, protein might have positive immunomodulating effects. One must remain cognizant of the fact that proteins differ in quality and that this might impact your choice of a post-exercise protein source. Protein quality is usually measured in one of three ways -
1) The ... Views: 954
Present-Minded Awareness Breath
The regular practice of yoga teaches us that there is only the present moment, that time is a concept that exists solely in the imagination. The tendency to drift into past memories and future plans takes you away from yourself, making you insensitive to what is ... Views: 880
The Importance Of Play
As well as being a parent, you are your baby's playmate, this is especially true in his first year, when he may not have had much opportunity to interact with other children. Every game you play with him is magical, and every lesson becomes worth learning, so time spent ... Views: 909
Diagnosing cardiovascular disease is becoming more sophisticated. Diagnosis begins with a medical examination and patient history. This procedure may be supplemented with a variety of tests that may confirm or refute the physician's suspicions of the presence of cardiovascular disease. Exercise ... Views: 878
What is this Condition?
Respiratory alkalosis is a condition marked by a decrease in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide of less than 35 millimeters of mercury, which is due to alveolar hyperventilation. Uncomplicated respiratory alkalosis leads to a decrease in hydrogen ion concentration, ... Views: 1071
What are these Conditions?
Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are characterized by chronically blocked breathing passages. Collectively, asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis or any combination are called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Usually, more than one of these underlying ... Views: 1281
Type of Drug: Antacid combinations.
To treat upset stomach due to too much acid secretion (including heart burn, gastroesophageal reflux, acid indigestion and sour stomach).
To treat excess acid secretion associated with peptic ulcer, irritation of the stomach, irritation of the ... Views: 1177
What is this Condition?
Pulmonary embolism is the blockage of a pulmonary artery by foreign matter or a dislodged thrombus (a clotlike substance). The most common respiratory complication in hospital patients, pulmonary embolism strikes an estimated 6 million adults each year in the United ... Views: 4400
Monitor your patient's response to drug therapy by assessing his blood pressure, heart rate,heart sounds, ECG results, breath sounds, urine output, and weight. Also, assess him for peripheral edema.
If the physician prescribes a digitalis glycoside, take your patient's apical pulse for a full ... Views: 8054
What is this condition?
Myasthenia gravis produces sporadic bur progressive weakness and abnormal fatigue of skeletal muscles, which is exacerbated by exercise and repeated movement but improved by anticholinesterase drugs. Usually, this disorder affects muscles controlled by the cranial nerves ... Views: 4350
Type of Drug
Gonadotropins; hormones that stimulate the ovaries and testes.
How the Drug Works
Menotropins are a combination of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). In women, menotropins stimulate the ovaries to produce mature eggs. Human chorionic gonadotropin ... Views: 2879
If anyone ever doubted that drugs taken by the mother, with minimal maternal effects, could be disastrous for the fetus, the frightening experiences with thalidomide and DES (diethylstilbestrol) dispelled this.
Thalidomide was introduced in Europe in the 1960s as a mild sedative to encourage ... Views: 3632
Aerobic endurance training improves aerobic capacity by 5% to 25% in previously untrained, healthy adults. The magnitude of improvement is primarily dependent upon the initial level of physical fitness. The lower the fitness level, the greater the gain from aerobic training.
The improvement in ... Views: 11794
Cardiac output is the amount of blood ejected by the heart in 1 minute. Cardiac output (Q) is the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV). Cardiac output increases with aerobic training during maximal effort-it does not increase at rest or during sub maximal exercise. The reason that ... Views: 1782
Patients with diabetes face the daily challenge of keeping their blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible through a complex treatment regimen that demands many lifestyle changes. To monitor their blood glucose levels closely, patients need to use a blood glucose meter at least four ... Views: 1204
Corns and Calluses
Diagnostic Hallmarks
Distribution: bony prominences of the feet
Absence of black dots and pinpoint bleeding when lesions are pared
Clinical Presentation
The volar epithelium of the palms, soles, and digits is embryologically designed to undergo a proliferative and ... Views: 2953
The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are comprised of valine, leucine, and isoleucine. The BCAAs have been shown to have various functions such as serving as a nitrogen source for glutamine synthesis in skeletal muscle. In addition, they are the primary amino acids that are oxidized (used as ... Views: 882
One of the main reasons americans have trouble maintaining the right balance in their dietary habits is the mistaken notion that if a modest amount of protein is good for you, large amounts must be even better. Because protein is a "body builder," people believe that it makes them strong and ... Views: 2971
Throughout most of human history, people believed that congenital anomalies were due to witchcraft or experiences of the pregnant woman impressing themselves upon the fetus. Early twentieth-century scientific thinking held that congenital anomalies were always genetic, despite the recognition a ... Views: 1113
The majority of strokes (cerebrovascular accidents) follow the same sequence of events that results in coronary heart disease. A stroke is essentially the result of diseased blood vessels that supply the brain. It shares the same risk factors as coronary heart disease, and it takes years to ... Views: 834
The capacity to make an effective will is a frequent subject of newspaper headlines both when a great deal of money is involved and when an unusual beneficiary is named. The family of an Alzheimer patient should consider obtaining a will when there is any type of estate, whether in the form of ... Views: 965
This sequence builds strength and flexibility throughout your legs and hips because you take your weight on one leg at a time in strong lunges. Holding your lunge while arching your back opens up your shoulders and stretches your entire spine. The side twists rotate your hips, shoulders, and ... Views: 2211
Perhaps the most popular of the anticatabolic supplements, glutamine is the amide of the amino acid glutamate. Glutamine is synthesized from glutamate by the action of glutamine synthetase. Glutamate is formed from a-ketoglutarate, an intermediate of the Krebs cycle, and ammonia.
Glutamine is ... Views: 1318
All too often, "ringworm" is the only diagnosis that occurs in one's mind when an annular lesion is found on physical examination. In fact, annularity is an extremely common configuration. It can be found in more than a dozen diseases spread out among several of the ten major diagnostic groups. ... Views: 1894
Various hemodynamic factors, such as SV and CO, affect a patient's blood pressure. Fluctuations of these hemodynamic factors can also indicate a related condition.
Stroke Volume
A patient's SV, the amount of blood pumped from the left ventricle during systole, is usually about 70 ml per ... Views: 6208
Paint: Since 1977, the Consumer Product Safety Commission has limited the lead in most paints. Paint for bridges and marine uses may contain more than the recommended level. In the U.S., 74 percent of privately owned housing units built before 1980 contain lead-based paint.
Auto emissions: Lead ... Views: 1164
Type of Drug
Central nervous system (brain) stimulant; analeptic.
How the Drug Works
Caffeine stimulates the brain. It also stimulates the heart, dilates (widens) blood vessels in the body, constricts (narrows) blood vessels in the brain, increases acid secretion in the stomach, and acts as ... Views: 8823
Type of Drug
Drug used to lower high blood pressure.
How the Methylodopa Product Works
Methyldopa lowers blood pressure by relaxing and dilating (widening) blood vessels. Blood flows more freely at a lower pressure.
Uses of The Methylodopa
To treat high blood pressure alone ... Views: 2387