Invest 4.167% of Your Day in Your Health!
The 4.167% Challenge
We all have 24 hours in a day and in the 24 hours we have 1440 minutes! How much of that time do you invest in work? Getting ready for work? Working? Let’s say that is 10 hours - that is close to 43% of your day!! How much ... Views: 649
Keeping ourselves balanced during challenging times..... can be difficult! Sometimes it may feel like you are on the roller coaster of life and you weren't even asked to get on the roller coaster. You just "happened" to grab the handle bar and are holding on for dear life! Many people feel ... Views: 940
What is magnanimity? Here are some quotes.
“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
“If you happened to be born on third base, you didn't rub it in the face of the guy who wasn't even born in the stadium. Self-interest was generally checked at ... Views: 1019
In part one I explored how emotions are energy in motion and how these emotions not only impact our DNA but our health and well-being. Now in part two I talk about how we can discover these emotions and about how we can change or release them to help us reach our highest level of ... Views: 1356
Nikola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
In this blog in part one I talk about emotions, the energy and vibrations of emotions. I will also be talking about how emotions impact us and potentially even future ... Views: 1312