Yvette Bethel's latest book, Interconnectivity, Flow, and Balance Model (IFB) introduces an operating system that functions in the background of organizations, families, and multiple other types of communities. Like computer operating systems, IFB is ever-present, not always perceived, and ... Views: 987
When cultural change is the order of the day, it is not possible to deconstruct one culture and then construct a new one. What is usually the case is the old and the new culture coexist while cultural change is happening. Depending on which culture remains dominant over time, the one has the ... Views: 1000
Destabilizing for stability may sound counter-intuitive but the status quo is being challenged around the world. Donald Trump won the US presidential election; Brexit shook up the European Union; and the Russians allegedly hacked multiple international elections.
Each country is at a ... Views: 1385
There is a whole spectrum of possibilities when it comes to decision making authority. In organizations that value structure and control, policies and procedures form a framework for day-to-day work. Policies, range from very granular, dictating all imaginable actions, others are flexible enough ... Views: 1336
When we think of a straight shooter we tend to think of persons who can be depended on to communicate the truth. While this is accurate, straight shooters come in many varieties. There are persons who use straight shooting to support members of their teams and others use it to destroy. Some ... Views: 1430
One of John Maxwell’s law of leadership is called the Law of the Lid. According to Maxwell, “Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.” In other words, the leader cannot surpass his or her own ability to lead. By extension, the skills of persons reporting to a leader ... Views: 1138
In work cultures where control is highly valued, sometimes the control regime starts when the business was initially established, but more often it happens when the organization enters into growth mode and the previously loose structure needs to be tightened in order for the business to leave ... Views: 1362
In an era wdhere the authenticity of news and facts are coming under constant scrutiny it is important to also take a look at political correctness. Political correctness is supposed to be a system of behaviour that requires persons to express themselves or act in a way that is inclusive and ... Views: 988
We all have some type of value assigned to us based on how others perceive us. Whether we buy into these perceptions or not depends on if we are intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. For those who are intrinsically motivated their personal value is internally defined. It is unwavering in ... Views: 1137
These leaders are newly appointed to a leadership role because they have the qualifications and the results to match. The company sees potential in these individuals because they are technically sound, highly driven, and talented. Their employers have big plans for these new leaders. However, ... Views: 1864
When I speak with leaders I tend to attune to their language in order to understand their orientation toward the team. Some leaders speak about themselves profusely, using the words “I” or “me” so often that it sounds like they the only person in the department. Sometimes these leaders refer ... Views: 1241
To sustain desired behaviors, it is important to model them. Modelling happens when a person consistently demonstrates behaviours that point to a particular value system. Whether the modelled behaviour is intentional or not, it gives permission to others to demonstrate actions that reflect a ... Views: 1198
Communication can be a two-person sport. You meet someone, get to know her, then take the steps you need to keep the relationship alive and warm. With other introductions, you are delinquent allowing the would-be relationship to die a natural, disconnected death. The same is true in teams, when ... Views: 1160
Feedback is a curious thing. The intention behind offering it is to bring about positive change, to modify behaviour. However, when criticism is offered, even when it is skillfully embedded in a non-judgmental tone, sounding supportive and authentic, persons on the receiving end can still feel ... Views: 1518
Power, in and of itself is neither positive nor negative, it is the intent behind it. Jackie is a manager who is ambitious, and focused on her movement up the corporate ladder. She aligns herself with executives and other coworkers who can help her attain her ambitions. She is prepared to ... Views: 1029
At certain times in our careers we need to make decisions about up-leveling our lives and careers. Some persons are loyal to their organizations, waiting for their supervisors to recognize their contributions and potential. They wait and wait, and sometimes they are rewarded with a promotion if ... Views: 1117
Emotions operate like a virus, traveling from person to person, creating a collage of feelings. When emotions are allowed to flow unabated, they can cause a virus that connects with the team that can be productive or unconstructive.
Your tone of voice amounts to how you say what you have to ... Views: 1300
No animal two cultures are the same, even if they have similar qualities these characteristics manifest in different ways. I have encountered collaborative work environments where persons can be ready and willing to work together, I have also come across innovative teams that are focused on ... Views: 976
I have witnessed a number of leaders who have meaningfully transformed themselves and their leadership. In each case, the first step was the most difficult. This is because when these leaders were ready for deep transformation, it meant it was time to come face-to-face with the reality of who ... Views: 1349
The Wells Fargo scandal is an interesting case study that presents the question, did the employees cause it, or was it the culture? On one hand, the CEO indicated the scandal happened because of employees. On the other hand, it appears that employees responsible for sales were under duress ... Views: 998
I always marvel when I sit in meetings when assigned actions were not taken and the responsible Manger would say, “I gave that project to one of my supervisors and they were unable to finish.” The underlying message in this blaming statement is that the manager delegated the responsibility so ... Views: 1320
When office politics prevail in a work environment, trust levels are usually low. This is because office politicians are perceived as willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want, and this can include deception, threats, attack and a myriad of other undesirable activities.
Office ... Views: 1187
A Manager recently exclaimed in a discussion, “Leadership theory is fallacious!” Based on her experience, it seems to be impossible to be a leader in her organization which she characterized as dishonest, abusive and highly controlling. From her perspective, her attempts at being an effective ... Views: 1268
You hear the words team, teamwork or team building at the office, some of us more than others. But do authentic teams really exist? Or are you a part of a disconnected group of people who happen to work for the same employer, all with different agendas? Sometimes employees are lured into ... Views: 1160
When creating a culture characterized by engaged employees, one of the more influential resources for transformation are the leaders of your organization. When leaders are immobilized by a controlling culture, dishonesty, disorganization, those who withhold information, or even bullying, ... Views: 1238
When office politics prevail in a work environment, trust levels are usually low. This is because office politicians are perceived as willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want, and this can include deception, threats, attack and a myriad of other undesirable activities.
Office ... Views: 1339
Transparence is important to the creation of the emotional stability of a team because it is essential to trust building and trust building is central to employee engagement. Managers are not proficient with disseminating information for numerous reasons. One commonly encountered reason is to ... Views: 1003