I tablespoon red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons chicken stock
1 teaspoon canola oil
I teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil or thyme I teaspoon coarse mustard
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
½ cup nonfat yogurt cheese
6 slices French bread, halved
In a 9 inch glass pie ... Views: 851
After all the months of preparation and the excitement of the birth, you're back home and at last you're a family. Now you can get down to the serious business of learning how to care for your child as he grows and develops from a small, vulnerable baby to a social, communicative one year old. ... Views: 810
The way babies are put to bed has an effect on sudden infant death syndrome or what's commonly known as crib death. The number of babies dying has halved due to better awareness about this.
Stop smoking and never let anyone smoke in the same room as your baby. Don't let any one ... Views: 1151
If you both start out in the knowledge that these first few months can seem like hard work, you'll be able to reassure each other that you're coping extremely well. If you accept the validity of each other's feelings, and hold on to the fact that any difficulties are temporary, you'll discover ... Views: 971
Some young babies have prolonged bouts of crying, which typically occur in the late afternoon and evening, and can last any where between two and four hours. Babies often begin this pattern of persistent crying at about three weeks of age, and will usually have grown out of it by about three ... Views: 1123
Vitamin E deficiency is associated with impaired immune responsiveness and increased severity of infection. Vitamin E deficiency has resulted in impaired bactericidal activity of phagocytes, reduced lymphocyte response to mitogens, decreased production of the cytokine IL-2, altered T cell ... Views: 866
Prenatal classes are helpful and supportive for you both.
What classes do
They will help explain a lot of the choices available before, during, and after the birth and will tell you about labor, birth, and baby care. You'll also meet other expectant parents with due dates near yours.
Where to ... Views: 904
Balancing Your Diet. Try to follow these tips:
Eat complex carbohydrates, such as pasta, potatoes, or legumes (beans and lentils), for energy.
Eat fish, poultry, dairy products, whole grain cereals, seeds, legumes for protein, for the baby's growth.
Don't cut out fat altogether, but don't eat ... Views: 777
Diagnostic Hallmarks
Distribution: trunk and extremities, special predilection for the palms, soles, face, and genitalia
White plaques on mucous membranes
Patchy alopecia
Positive serologic tests for syphilis
Clinical Presentation
The eruption of secondary syphilis is ... Views: 2449
Diagnostic Hallmarks
DistJibution: varies with the type of fungal infection
KOH preparations and fungal cultures
Clinical Presentation
The clinical appearance of these diseases depends to a very large extent on the location of the disease. KOH preparations and/ or culture is recommended for ... Views: 1620
Tinea capitis, or "ringworm" of the scalp, presents itself as one or more sharply marginated plaques of partial alopecia. Inflammation and scale are present, but often these two changes are quite minimal. The recognition of broken hairs (stubble and black dots at the follicular orifices) is the ... Views: 830
An adequate supply of macro nutrients and micronutrients are required for survival, growth, and development, and for the maintenance of health and well-being throughout life. Regarding skeletal muscle growth, the accretion of protein (primarily contractile) represents one of the primary goals ... Views: 965
Also known as OKG, this compound is formed from two molecules of the amino acid ornithine and one a-KG. OKG has been shown in a variety of studies to have an anabolid anticatabolic effect. OKG has been used successfully via enteral or parenteral administration in conditions such as burn, ... Views: 819
As your due date approaches, the days may seem to drag by and you probably feel uncomfortably large. As the expectant father, you'll be waiting for the telephone to ring with the call you've been waiting for.
Getting Ready
Although pregnancy is said to last 40 weeks, this is only a ... Views: 927
Title: Information on Oshea Working
In 1999, the Office of Dietary Supplements, created by the DSHEA, successfully carried out a mandate in the DSHEA to launch a database for dietary supplement research. This exciting development, called the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary ... Views: 799
If your patient is receiving drug therapy, monitor the effects of the prescribed drugs. Assess the neurovascular status of his legs and report any deterioration in circulation.
Place lamb's wool between the patient's toes to prevent pressure necrosis. If he has ulcers, provide wound care as ... Views: 15845
The Food Guide Pyramid emphasizes foods from five major food groups. Each of these food groups provides some, but not all, of the nutrients you need every day. Foods in one group can't replace another. No one food group is more important than another; for good health you need them all.
Bread, ... Views: 928
Monitor your patient's blood glucose levels frequently. As her kidney function deteriorates, she may need less insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs. That's because one-third of insulin is metabolized and excreted by the kidneys, and as her kidney function deteriorates, insulin is available in the ... Views: 1582
To treat upset stomach due to too much acid secretion (including heart burn, gastroesophageal reflux, acid indigestion and sour stomach). To treat excess acid secretion associated with peptic ulcer, irritation of the stomach, irritation of the esophagus or hiatal hernia.
Other Uses : To ... Views: 1217
Immunofluorescent techniques are extremely useful in the diagnosis of several dermatologic diseases. University medical centers and most private dermatopathology laboratories have the facilities to carry out these tests. Transport solutions, such as Michel's solution, are easily available so ... Views: 814
Very young babies don't get dirty, so they don't need frequent bathing but bath time provides a perfect opportunity for cuddling and playing that infants come to relish. It also gives fathers a chance to spend time with their babies. Later, bath time will be part of your baby's bed time routine, ... Views: 2144