Whether you are a runner or professional athlete, knee pain can take a toll on your physical health. It keeps you from participating in your favorite sports. Stiffness, pain, and swelling in your knee joints can affect your mobility and can be extremely painful. Fortunately, there are quite a ... Views: 533
Most medical conditions and your body's response to them are not affected by your gender. However, women are more likely to end up getting total knee replacement surgery than men. Surprisingly, this information is backed up by scientific research. Ask any knee specialist in Mulund and they will ... Views: 665
Knee replacement surgery has become common among people above 50-60 years having arthritic knee patients in Mumbai and India. However, little do people know that even under the best joint replacement surgeons hand, 10-20 % patients still don’t get the desired relief post knee replacement ... Views: 501
When it comes to obesity, people often discuss the high risk of diabetes and heart diseases in obese patients. However, obesity can do a lot more damage to your body. Many people suffering from obesity report extreme knee pain. Knee specialists in Mulund can provide a better help to fight with ... Views: 558
When it comes to obesity, people often discuss the high risk of diabetes and heart diseases in obese patients. However, obesity can do a lot more damage to your body. Many people suffering from obesity report extreme knee pain.
They are also at higher risk of osteoarthritis than those with an ... Views: 555
After the black and white fungus, Avascular Necrosis has become a big challenge for post-COVID patients. It is considered a complication that arises from the steroids given to the COVID patients, and the symptoms of the condition appear a few months following the diagnosis.
Patients who have ... Views: 513
In a total hip replacement surgery, the damaged hip joint is replaced with an artificial joint. The number of hip replacement surgeries performed in the US alone is expected to reach 635,000 in the coming years, show a report by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. While the surgery is ... Views: 558
Commonly Asked Questions About Total Knee Replacement
Pain in the knee and hip can occur due to an injury or a serious trauma you might have experienced a few years ago. The pain could also occur due to natural aging. Depending on the severity of the disease, your doctor might recommend a ... Views: 635
Vitamin D is quite important for our bone health and overall system. Not only does it keep our teeth and bones in good working condition, but Vitamin D has shown great results in people suffering from type 1 diabetes. Vitamin D is different from the other vitamins and nutrients as it happens to ... Views: 599
Have you been noticing the cracking and crunching sound from your knees? You must be wondering if it’s a cause of concern. Well, there could be many reasons why your knee is producing cracking sound. It could be as simple as the gas bubbles or a serious health issue, such as arthritis. The ... Views: 665
Your knee plays a crucial role in your mobility, whether you are participating in a sport or taking a morning walk. Chronic knee conditions can make it super challenging for the person to walk, sit, move, and perform other movements effectively. It can make your life stressful. Note that the ... Views: 738