There's a sense of stability and harmony in your relationship right now. Things are chilled and relaxed and flowing in a beautiful manner so you're feeling content with your life and yourself. This is a very fortunate time for you. Having learned from previous lessons and mistakes this ... Views: 570
Right now you may be feeling like you have bad luck when it comes to matters of the heart. Things may not be going as anticipated due to a feeling loss or unfairness that has taken place. Have faith and hope that better times are ahead. If you have been arguing with your love one, know that this ... Views: 646
You are coming toward the ending of a difficult situation. Plans may have been ruined or maybe this relationship didn’t turn out as planned. This can lead to feelings of disappointment, but take comfort in the fact that perhaps it was just not meant to be. You may feel a sense of despair and ... Views: 609
There's someone resurfacing from your past and for one moment this may bring you joy but when you really look into this situation, you see this blast from the past for what they really are and the position they play in your life. Most people and situations are left behind for a reason. They have ... Views: 623
How many times do you find yourself disappointed in the partner you choose? Do you feel used, insignificant, or confused in what it is you want from this person? Do you want a partnership that's abundant, loving, and fulfilling? There were plenty of moments in my life, when I asked myself these ... Views: 706
Most of us find it difficult to get ahead in life and follow our dreams due to our addictions, irrationality, and obsessions. Everyone wants to be loved, but we settle in unhealthy relationships thinking that this somehow will bring us satisfaction and companionship. Toxic relationships only ... Views: 639
As a young girl, I would interact with the spirits that would roam around in my parent’s apartment in the day and night. I found it extraordinary that these beings would walk or glide around freely without anyone noticing them but me. “Did you see that?”, I would ask and I would be told, “See ... Views: 613
"As you sow, you shall reap." The results of the seeds you have previously planted, and your past efforts, are being rewarded. Situations that seem dormant shows revival and resurrection. Things are moving forward again swiftly and you are able to make a fresh start. A feeling of rejuvenation ... Views: 714
Blessings of the Sun flow to you now. It is time to allow your life to flourish, without limits, to let your light burn bright and without veil. When life seems dry, depleted, and filled with repetitive tasks or simply stagnant and stifled, Spirit holds the ability to revive even the difficult ... Views: 572
Whenever I discuss my practice I always mention the Divine Ones which consist of the Creator, Ancestors, Angels, Deities, and the Orishas. They all hold a special power and responsibility in my life and in your life as well, but in order to receive their knowledge, you must communicate with ... Views: 703
This month indicates a sign of hope and brings a sense of optimism that better times are ahead us. You are a hard worker working steadily towards your goals and moving yourself up that corporate ladder. Success is always well deserved if you’re willing to go the extra mile. Remember, everything ... Views: 621
Acknowledging you are a divine being with divine powers, is the first step to discovering your divine beauty. You must take in all of your positive attributes and work towards perfecting them every day. Recognize your gifts and talents. This is not the time of self-doubt or self-pity. When ... Views: 767
Relationships can develop through friends, family, neighbors, co-workers and the people we interact with every day. Relationships are built over time, as well as trust, and the commitment placed into them. Relationships are not permanent. They can end at any time for no reason at all. They hold ... Views: 595
Today’s message from Spirit is to find time to breathe and relax your mind, body, and soul. I know sometimes this is hard to do with so many things on your plate, taking care of your responsibilities, but it is necessary that we take out personal time for ourselves. Meditation is a great way to ... Views: 624
We all have experienced some form of happiness that warmed our hearts and uplifted our spirits. We express it through our smiles and joyous sense of humor as we try to share our happiness with others. There's a vibrant light that shines through our aura attracting those around us and naturally, ... Views: 728
Open up your heart and mind to receive the blessings you have coming your way. You may be feeling sadness and isolation but you have to take the lead in your life and in your current relationships. You must take the lead in order to see change in your life. Don’t be afraid to share the love with ... Views: 722
You may feel the need to make a decision, yet unable to move one way or another due to feeling confused. Look at the situation logically and try a new approach to break the deadlock. You are not trapped and have full control on what you choose to do. Things are moving quickly and feeling chaotic ... Views: 686
Magic is a collection of energy that forms within your soul to help you create your deepest desires in the physical world. Magic has been practiced for years by the ancestors and passed throughout the generations. The ancestors originated in Africa of course, where everything began. The Bible ... Views: 724
You will be using this time to withdraw from the outside world and reflect on inner wisdom. All the answers that you need are within yourself. A secret will become known to you that will be for your benefit so follow your intuition and trust your instincts. For my love birds this month shows ... Views: 633
I was sitting down thinking about my love life and all of my past relationships wondering to myself, where did I go wrong? You meet a guy and everything is sweet, good conversation, and then you realize it’s not going anywhere. Now, we’ve heard the stories about meeting our soul mate and having ... Views: 572
I did some serious thinking about the obstacles I have in my life and it made me realize in search of finding a solution I have created boundaries. Boundaries are good things. They allow structure and discipline, however I realized that I was setting boundaries in the wrong areas of my life. ... Views: 621