We all have some frustrations in life; the things that bring us our pain or our problems, our feelings of pressure or powerlessness. They can drag us down and submerge us. And they will, until we recognize them as the source of our inner strength, our creativity and our potential to make ... Views: 874
“Emotional Fitness Coaching; what’s that?” That’s a common reaction when I describe what we do at the Centre for Inner Balancing. Another reaction is, “but I don’t think there’s much wrong with me.”
Indeed, there’s nothing wrong with any of us, and it’s also true that we could all grow beyond ... Views: 793
There never was anything wrong with you – or with any of us. Unfortunately, too many of us received messages as children that there was something wrong, or at least not good enough about us. Enough of those messages, even if they come from well-meaning parents and teachers, and we get to believe ... Views: 1179
We love to have the answers. Today’s society seems focused on problem-solving and coming up with the “best” way to do things. Look in the bookstores. They are filled with self-help books by self-styled gurus who tell us how to live our lives, as though they have the answers for us. And millions ... Views: 783
It still amazes me. No matter how many times I hear it, when someone tells me that nobody ever listened to them before, or that being listened to was the most powerful experience that they had, I feel a surge of emotion. It’s a mixture of sadness and anger tinged with elation and determination. ... Views: 571
BE A GREAT DAD – building your legacy is the title of a new CD produced by Warren Redman in conjunction with Families Matter, a Calgary-based not-for-profit organization dedicated to the healthy development and well-being of families.
The CD is a series of interviews with dads, kids and moms ... Views: 570
Ever felt that life dealt you so much that it was too complicated to handle? There’s the new project at work that you just got handed to add to the myriad of others things that you have to handle. Your spouse wants you to help plan that vacation you’ve been putting off talking about. The kids ... Views: 1828
There are experts all around us. Professionals who can, and will, tell us how to handle our finances, our health, our children, our garden, our golf – even our sex lives and our funeral arrangements. Psychologists and job interviewers will hand us personality assessment tests and tell us where ... Views: 2029
I constantly hear people talk about how they would love to let go of their attachments, not so much to things, but to their expectations. “If only I didn’t worry so much about how things will turn out, I’d feel a lot less anxious,” is a common cry.
Letting go is easier said than done, ... Views: 838
Mostly, we have no idea of the effect we have on other people’s lives. How a kind or an unkind word to a stranger can improve or damage their day; how an angry glance can upset a child, or a nod of encouragement help that same child to strive for something great.
Mostly, we are concerned only ... Views: 5702
Pain, whether it’s physical or emotional, is an inevitable and vital part of life. It is clearer that physical pain is an important signal to us that part of our body is under attack, whether from an external source (“ouch, I just scraped my knee”) or an internal one (“my stomach really aches”). ... Views: 1432
There is no coincidence. When we see the same thing a few times, or meet the same people, or bump into someone we have just been talking about, we tend to call it a coincidence.
It happened to me today. I had just left a message for someone at an organization I am working with and left my ... Views: 764
How do we know anybody else? How does anybody else really know who you are? The truth is that we can only ever know what is in our own perception, so that I may see you through my own eyes differently from how someone else might see you.
There is another, very important factor in my ... Views: 817
Almost all of what I teach is, in one way or another, how we can listen at a deep level to others and ourselves. Part of listening – or Listening Power as I call the process – is to understand what the other person is trying to say.
Understanding ourselves is sometimes a tough call; to ... Views: 581
At first glance this statement may appear to be gratuitous. After all, some people appear to have little or no choice in the circumstances in which they find themselves. Sometimes, it’s true, we are subject to events outside our control. I know of one man who became a paraplegic after an ... Views: 723
At times of crisis, such as when a loved one passes away, we are more likely to reflect on the things we haven’t done, the places we haven’t visited, the words we didn’t say, and wish we had done them, gone there, said them.
I cannot be certain how or when I learned to follow my deepest desire ... Views: 764
So much of life seems to be a competition. We need to have more or be better than everyone else, or at least those in our immediate circle, and if we’re not there is that feeling of dissatisfaction and insufficiency.
So when we are able to see the wonder of who we are and the completeness and ... Views: 824
Doesn’t seem much does it? But delve deeper and we will discover that when we experience life to its fullest, we find a treasure trove of immense wealth. When we experience the depth of our emotions, the richness of our senses and the extent of our wisdom, we become aware of the meaning and ... Views: 650
How much more at ease might we be with ourselves once we discard the need to have more information, knowledge and understanding? Whatever we may know, it can never be more than an infinitesimal fraction of what there is to know. Let us relax into ourselves, knowing how little we really know and ... Views: 762
We have had a lot of conversation at the Centre recently about the ripple effect. Like dropping a pebble into a pond and watching the ripples radiate out for a while, the impact you have on a person’s life spreads further and wider than you can imagine. Someone, somewhere whom you will never ... Views: 907
I wish you all the fulfillment that you desire in this new year of 2006. Before we get into too much of this year, and perhaps even before any resolutions have already been washed away in the tide of duties and responsibilities and all the flotsam of life, I invite you to take a moment and think ... Views: 794
The forces of nature have caused immense destruction over the past twelve months. A tsunami devastated huge parts of S.E. Asia; hurricanes and subsequent floods inundated New Orleans, and most recently an earthquake wrecked people’s lives in Pakistan.
We may look for meaning in such events or ... Views: 764
Have you ever tried catching an autumn leaf as it falls from the tree? It’s something I like to do each year. Imagine – a 65 year old man, a serious author, psychotherapist and coach, running around like a five-year-old trying to catch one elusive, capricious leaf as it sails unpredictably ... Views: 4449
As you read this I will be miles away from home, enjoying a reunion with my daughter and family and friends in England, after which Nicole and I will be flying to Rome and spending twelve days cruising in the Mediterranean. This is not meant to make you envious. The trip is my retirement. After ... Views: 728
Now that summer – in the Northern hemisphere anyway – is truly here, it’s harder to stick to writing at my computer. With a new book in the works I content myself with gazing wistfully out of the window and, when the urge takes me, simply stop mid-sentence and wander out into the garden for ... Views: 1921
This month I am making a special offer, in preparation for the launch of three new projects that will be coming on track over the next few months.
The first project is the publication of my next book, title under wraps so far (until I decide what it is!). The theme of the book is recipes for ... Views: 720
One of the joys and privileges of being an Emotional Fitness Coach and teaching Emotional Fitness courses is that I get to hear the inner thoughts and experiences of others. Now don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I want to spy on other people’s lives; it’s that as I hear their stories two things ... Views: 766
As Spring bursts into being, new things emerge. I always found it hard to understand why January would be the start of a New Year, when April makes so much more sense – in the Northern Hemisphere anyway. Newness in the plant and animal world is all around us and that newness is so often mirrored ... Views: 839
Already a month into 2005 – and what has the year brought so far? A sociologist in Britain has observed that January 24th is “the worst day of the year” – presumably in the Northern hemisphere. The excitement of Christmas and anticipation of the New Year has worn off, credit card bills have ... Views: 768
If we did not fully understand the connectedness that we have to each other and to the earth, the effect of the tsunamis on millions of people in eleven countries bordering the Indian Ocean has demonstrated that connectedness. Who has not been touched in some way by this disaster?
At a very ... Views: 812
The invitations have started arriving, the lights are going up, the stores are playing Christmas music and people appear to be bracing themselves for family reunions. There is an air of unreality about all this: a case of people seeming to try too hard, of going through the motions without ... Views: 738
It is well known by now that work-related stress is a major contributor to loss of productivity. What isn’t so well understood is how leaders within the organization can make simple changes to decrease stress and bring quantifiably better bottom-line results. Even where stress doesn’t appear to ... Views: 533
John took early retirement after 23 years in the same corporation, by then a highly respected oil executive. At 55, he had looked forward to this day for years. He had a plan. He took his wife and teenage children on a world trip for a year. The second year, he played golf every day he could. ... Views: 906
When I first met Tom, more than ten years ago, he was a single man of 32, who sold vending machines for a living. He was successful at this, one of the best salesmen in the company, despite being unable to write because of his dyslexia. But he felt himself to be a failure, and that he had not ... Views: 784
It took nearly fifty years, but I can honestly say at last that I learned something really important from my time at WHS.
Accepting the invitation to attend the reunion of the 1951 intake was itself a major decision. It entailed travelling from Calgary in Western Canada to take part in an ... Views: 1563
If you’ve ever wondered how you could change the way people behave in a group from being either passive or aggressive into one where they actually listen positively to each other, here’s a recipe for you. Whether the group you are thinking about is a family or an executive board, or ... Views: 1041
Storytelling is a uniquely human trait. It’s how we learn about our world and ourselves, and how we pass on to others the lessons of what we have discovered. In Recipes for Inner Peace, Jenny’s coach Nicolas asks her to write two stories. The first is the story of an object that Nicolas brings ... Views: 1131
Our third Recipe for Inner Peace is a unique set of ten questions. The Lifescale will help you to understand the balance you have now in your life between your positive and negative emotional energies – those things that cause satisfaction and frustration. Since I developed and began using the ... Views: 982
Last time I introduced you to the first of my Recipes for Inner Peace from the book of that name. The first Recipe is Listening Power. Now let’s look at the second recipe called Learning from Experience. In the book Jenny is developing a new relationship. She badly wants it to work but is ... Views: 747
In the Jan/Feb 2006 article I introduced you to the first of my Recipes for Inner Peace from the book of that name. The first Recipe is Listening Power. Now let’s look at the second recipe called Learning from Experience. In the book Jenny is developing a new relationship. She badly wants it ... Views: 530
In 2005 I was involved with a wonderful group of people in the development of a peace conference in Calgary. We called it “The Art of Peace Leadership.” One thing that we all agreed upon was that peace starts right here – within each one of us. Until we have a sense of inner peace, how can we ... Views: 542
My daughter came from England to visit a little while back. It was the first time I'd seen her for nearly four years, and this had felt far, far too long. I had missed the closeness of her. Phone calls and e-mails are fine, but never the same as being there. Lin is 34 and still my little girl ... Views: 616
For many years we have been, quite rightly, acknowledging moms and the balancing act that they have to maintain to do all the things that good moms do. More recently attention has started to focus on the vital role of dads in the healthy and positive upbringing of their children. At last, one ... Views: 831
A few months ago I went to a school reunion in England. As events go, maybe this does not rank as amazing. But amazing it was and taught me more about how we develop as adults than reading a ton of books on the subject. Here was a group of fifty or more men and women, most of whom were fairly ... Views: 538
Our Emotional Fitness has a significant bearing on the rest of our health. If you have any doubts about that, simply look at how you are affected when you become anxious, or overly angry, or very joyous, or feel a lot of stress. Do you experience mental or physical reactions to those emotional ... Views: 1260
I‘ve heard a lot recently from dads who have felt displaced inside their own family. This is how a typical conversation has gone:
“For years I did what I thought was expected of me. I have been the chief bread winner, and my wife has mainly taken care of the children. I realize now that I ... Views: 633
The strangest stories are usually the true life ones. Take Marnie (not her real name), who recollected as a child ingrade 3 how she would roll a large piece of art paper around herself and stand in a corner. Her teacher would try to get her to come out; the other children would make fun of her. ... Views: 2698