How does anyone survive a stroke? I relied on my husband, family, friends, and a community that cared. I became the person I am today because I had that community.
Now, things are very different. The Coronavirus makes some people stay out of the hospitals. The news I have read is up to 30% to ... Views: 569
The scent of pine trees pricks your nose as you sniff the mountain air. The adrenaline rushes as you figure out the best way to navigate a steep decline. The aromas, sights, sounds, and the joy of being human brings joy to your face as you look toward the sun. Mt. Rainier, Crater Lake, or ... Views: 765
Do you work out now that you are stuck at home? I go for a daily walk. Otherwise, I have pretty much given up on exercise. That is a mistake that I found out the hard way. Yesterday I decided to stretch a little. Ouch!
Being a stroke survivor, stretching out and exercising was something I did ... Views: 836
Yesterday we had an Area Contest for a couple of our Toastmasters® International clubs. It seems weird in this time of social distancing that my District is embracing virtual contests. It takes a lot of work for the three people who lead our District (our Trio) to learn the in's and out's of ... Views: 568
My husband was flabbergasted when I started to talk. You see, it had been almost two years since my stroke.
My Husband Says I Can’t Take Morphine
It was a beautiful, sunny day when I decided to go out for a jog. I had almost hit my stride that afternoon when suddenly I jogged through ... Views: 772
I was surprised when I talked to stroke survivors last Thursday. Being a Toastmaster, I had a 40 minute speech prepared, rehearsed, and ready to go. Something kept bugging me, though. The more I thought of giving my prepared speech, the less comfortable I became.
Toastmasters ... Views: 957
Cursing myself for not skipping the broken sidewalk (while rolling around in the grass trying to get up) ended up in a trip to the emergency room. My husband was not pleased with me when I called him and told him to pick me up. To be honest, I wasn’t pleased with myself. Except that I learned ... Views: 681
Fakers and Bakers caught my attention when a contestant who won said that her son told her to apply for the show. "Can't is just an excuse," he told her. Why did it feel so personal to me?
The struggle against “can’t” has become my life after my stroke. I endeavored to regain some semblance ... Views: 611
I parked in the one place for the disabled to park the other night and put up my placard. As I got out, a man yelled that I did not look disabled and I had better move my car. I ignored him and walked right into the restaurant. My husband, Jim, well . . . he did not. He’s still angry that ... Views: 779
I’ve always been a storyteller. Finding the right words to describe an experience—whether mine or someone else’s—has always been second nature. Storytelling is why I founded my company, Performance Architect, in 2012. It gave me an outlet for my creativity as I focused on leadership, human ... Views: 632