Have you been successful over the last year or in previous years getting the results you desire from your New Year Resolutions? If so, I say “kudos to you” but you are the minority. The year 2014 is almost upon us and it’s that time of year when most people make another list of new year ... Views: 445
December is a very busy time for most of us. In fact, these days, every month seems to be a busy time! Don’t you agree? But, December in particular adds an additional layer of stress because of all the demands on us physically, emotionally and financially.
For many years, I just couldn’t ... Views: 395
Conquer the Chaos to Improve Your Health
Dealing with clutter is usually not high on the "To-Do" list for most of us because it doesn't seem all that appealing! However, it is well worth addressing this issue in life because it has a negative affect on your health. If it has been ignored for ... Views: 548
Fitting the Pieces of Life Together Is About Mindset
One crisp December morning when I was in my 20's I made my way into work only to find out that I, along with many of my co-workers were laid off. If that wasn't shocking enough, they told us our last day would be Christmas Eve! After I had ... Views: 433
One of the biggest loves of my life is providing a safe space for people who struggle with losing weight without dieting and who want a simpler way of living, to open up, to feel heard, to feel seen, to feel supported in their struggle, and to feel validated and loved. It makes me tingle. I feel ... Views: 474