A lot of things have been said and written about the need to stay healthy especially amidst the current global health challenge the world is going through. People are doing their utmost to boost their immune system and stay healthy. But have you considered how your bedtime might be connected to ... Views: 735
Walking is one of the means through which humans move from one place to the other. It is also a simple way of exercising and transportation that has so many benefits. It is the oldest, basic means of movement. Before the invention of automobiles, walking was the primary means by which humans ... Views: 738
In literature, health, education, media, parenting, politics, communication, technology, government, and many other aspects of human endeavor; humans have always looked to the experts for guidelines and advice on the best way to handle practically every situation. But have the experts of this ... Views: 548
On May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis, United States, a white police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on George Floyd’s neck for about 8 minutes while trying to arrest him, killing him in the process. When the video of the incident went viral, protests began in the city, and later spread to other cities ... Views: 512
Let’s get some myths out of the way. It is a general belief that we get educated in schools and colleges. But, do we really get educated in schools and universities? I am in no way denying the usefulness and perhaps the necessity of schools. Education is something most of us have come to take ... Views: 760