Remember the childhood saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names with never hurt me?” This sentiment couldn’t be more wrong. People who deliberately and repetitively use words to hurt or attack others are verbal bullies.
Verbal bullying can take many forms: name calling, ... Views: 6031
A happy, optimistic family enriches the lives of everyone in the family. It is within the family structure, whatever form that takes, that children first learn to manage their emotions, how to develop meaningful relationships, and how to cope with hard times. The more strengths a family has, the ... Views: 7760
In view of the increasing negative events happening around the world here are five things you can do to help you stay positive.
1. Take a news sabbatical. Listening to the news can be downright depressing. All bad news all of the time can drag you down and keep you there. Give yourself ... Views: 996
Apart from the fact that I am the mother of four, Mother’s Day holds an added significance for me thanks to a life-saving bicycle helmet. It was Mother's Day in 1992 and my husband was in the kitchen preparing his traditional Sunday dinner. The phone rang and a strange voice told us that our ... Views: 1425
Take a few seconds to close your eyes and imagine that you are putting a slice of lemon into your mouth and chewing on it. Did your mouth water? This is just one example of how the mind can affect the body - simply thinking about something can trigger a physical reaction.
If your body reacts ... Views: 1117
It is the time of year when people are talking about New Year resolutions. It is also the time of year when many resolutions have already been broken. Chances are if you’ve made a resolution you have already struggled to keep yourself committed to it.
What happens next is crucial to your ... Views: 1291